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Thread: Test

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Request from Europe re griding and shield piece drop rates

    Ok 1st post here as its generally felt any suggestions we have from Europe are ignored or not looked at., correct me if i'm wrong!.

    Ok I love ddo but i'm slowly getting fed up with the grinding that's been added to it and I can only see it getting worse in mod 6

    Lets take the orchard and the gianthold as an example. With the release of mod 6 it people will not be running these quests so often.. it will make collecting the 20 relics of each type to flag for the reaver a real grind, please lower the requirement from 20 down to 10.

    As for the orchard something needs to be done there, the fact that the sigil pieces dont allways drop is awful, it took me 9 runs on ghosts of perdition to get the sigil i needed from there, for casual players this must be even worse. Please unbind the sigils , it will mean more people can get raid ready quicker and then you never know people might actually run the abbot raid more frequently

    Lastly shield piece drop rates are appalling, i've now ran ghosts of perdition 20 times, had about -60k xp loss, used over 250 heal scrolls and I still have not looted a single shield piece from the optional chest. Other people have had the same issues, this is a tough quest, lets not mention the fact that it bugs all the time and you have to call a gm to come and fix it... this needs to be looked at.... people in Europe are not really bothering with the shields because of this quest
    Last edited by fearlossPhiction; 12-20-2007 at 05:41 AM. Reason: WASNT SURE I COULD POST HERE

  2. #2
    Community Member woofy's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    i love all the grinding, it means more time i need to spend in game to acquire things that shouldn't be reachable by the casual gamers
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  3. #3
    Community Member Yukiko's Avatar
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    Nov 2006


    DDO has very few examples of what is known in the MMO world as true grinding. For example, real grinding is typicly what we have in the slayer quests except in true grinding you pick a spot and camp it, and slayer is not really a main focus for exp gain. Running the same quest again and again is in the grey area of grind terms as you can always mix it up and take a break from one quest and persue another. WoW has a lot of grinding as did Ultama Online and Everquest. DDO on the other hand has few places where you can just camp a spot and gind grind grind without ever completing a quest.
    Last edited by Yukiko; 12-20-2007 at 08:22 AM. Reason: typeo

  4. #4
    Community Member parvo's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by fearlossPhiction View Post
    Ok 1st post here as its generally felt any suggestions we have from Europe are ignored or not looked at., correct me if i'm wrong!.

    Ok I love ddo but i'm slowly getting fed up with the grinding that's been added to it and I can only see it getting worse in mod 6

    Lets take the orchard and the gianthold as an example. With the release of mod 6 it people will not be running these quests so often.. it will make collecting the 20 relics of each type to flag for the reaver a real grind, please lower the requirement from 20 down to 10.

    As for the orchard something needs to be done there, the fact that the sigil pieces dont allways drop is awful, it took me 9 runs on ghosts of perdition to get the sigil i needed from there, for casual players this must be even worse. Please unbind the sigils , it will mean more people can get raid ready quicker and then you never know people might actually run the abbot raid more frequently

    Lastly shield piece drop rates are appalling, i've now ran ghosts of perdition 20 times, had about -60k xp loss, used over 250 heal scrolls and I still have not looted a single shield piece from the optional chest. Other people have had the same issues, this is a tough quest, lets not mention the fact that it bugs all the time and you have to call a gm to come and fix it... this needs to be looked at.... people in Europe are not really bothering with the shields because of this quest
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