Originally Posted by
Howdy, first off I've played WoW, and while death penalties can be less "severe" than ddo's there way of doing death penalties isnt an Ideal to model after. The Debuffs makes sense, because recovering from death should have some effects of fatigue and such, or xp cost because something like death is going to cause a fallback in what you've learned, equipment damage while it does cause penalty for death doesnt make any real sense, and is not the answer, I am sorry to so that and thwart your efforts here. Your going to create poorer and poorer characters, and item prices will go up, making things less affordable for peeps starting out. This is especially a bad idea for clerics as it increases the gold they have to dish out, and its alrdy expensive enough to play a cleric.
I am adament that this Idea of doing what WoW does because its a "more sucessful" is not the path to go down, I have a better idea imo, and of course I'll share it here, and prolly post in my own thread, after this, unless I get a Mod response in the next 2 days.
The best way to do a "Death Penalty System" is keep the one you have currently, but add an element for peeps that would have gold cost instead of xp cost which essentially is what your trying to do with equipment damage. All you have to do is add Potions to the Tavern's in which they would work like food or drink but refilling lost xp, or drink it and it regains xp right away without waiting for impatient peeps, in which you you make both parties happy, some peeps would rather pay gold, and some peeps rather pay the xp cost, not going from 1 extreme to another. You should also implement that these potions can be taken in a rest area as well after resting or resing or just there, whichever seems fit.
I appologize for any bad wording or english, it never was my best subject, and thwarting your attempt to make peeps happy, but just because other systems might be in "more played" games doesnt mean its the better way to go. Please dont change the xp penalty to equipment penalty make a middle ground here so we are all happy.
Another thing I'd like to adress in this is the Double hit on xp, If you die u get xp debt and if you have to res out and come back in you get negative xp gain on the dung itself, now thats what has to go, If you leave a dung willingly without death and left for another reason this is a reasonable idea, but if you die, and your the cleric in the party so your the one that has to res out to save the others. This seriously can be a damper on gameplay, lets see I'm dishing out gold for wands and elixers, and now equipment damage and im not gaining anything for xp, where is it worth it for me to continue being a cleric? See where I'm going with this, I hope so.