It kind of puts off the big 400 lb gorilla in the corner for the time being. In that eventually uber items will be so plentiful as to make the game almost trivial.
If everyone walked around with a vorpal, a banisher, a disruptor, what kind of thing does that do?
Well from a developer side you have to make the game a challenge so then what happens is you get more over the top and unfun quests like the Abbott so the powergamers can have their crack while us casuals are left in the cold unable to do the higher end stuff not having the time to grind to get the better stuff.
Its what happened in the card game MTG. Eventually it got to a critical mass point where the game was simply not playable anymore as there was a noticeable gap between the haves and the have nots. So much so that they had to revamp the rules to counter it.
So now instead of having a mechanic that reduce uber loot you have one that keeps it at the same rate it is now.
Which is ok for the current time frame but in the future its going to cause a major economic crash in the system.
The scenario is that every one playing will have a million plat or more, everyone will have a vorpal or disruptor. And to not have one is to be considered gimped.
People flood to the AH's looking for these weapons which are amazingly abundant and cheap. People buy them up with their new found wealth. The pooring of money into the system and to players is massive and inflation ultimately sets in as posters have to raise prices trying to get as much as they can but it has the reverse effect as suddenly everyone has all of the most uber weapons available, 20 million plat, and the demand drops sharply as everyone has attained what they want.
Suddenly quests become easy, new raids are beaten in a matter of hours not days after release, devs become frustrated and go out and design these overly massively difficult quests with bosses that kill you on zone in.
Maybe it wont happen. Maybe it will never happen.
IN the end I like the change, it makes everyone happy. Bravo to the devs for listening.
But it doesn't change the problem eventhough it is small at the moment.
I think this will have to be addressed again down the line at some point. The issue is do we deal with it now or later.
Looks like later.
Not mad, or complaining but it is something to consider.