Quote Originally Posted by jjflanigan View Post
Except you seem to be the only person pushing for the "unbinding" of items.

Unbinding an item doesn't really make sense. I can understand why you want it, but it gives you benefits without the cost (i.e. the cost is being unable to transfer the item to other characters).

You don't have to bind anything, you just run the risk of getting perm damage (exactly like you did before). You can completely ignore the addition of binding items and your game play will not change at all.

You can say the change to the death penalty impacts it, but since that item damage cannot cause any perm damage, it doesn't. Binding the items has 0 impact on what happens to an item when you die.

I'm just trying to understand why it is such a big deal to add an optional aspect to the game, that will have 0 impact on how you play.
As I fit teh casual gamer role as I play maybe 8-12 hours a week and thats only on friday and saturday nights. Being able to unbind something from my main character to pass it along to my lower tons would be a plus as I DO NOT game enough to get the good loot. I have had to buy everything of uber I currently have. So being able to bind it to protect is nice and then having the ability to unbind to I can give it up to my lower toons because I either AH'd or was for my first time lucky enough to get an uber for my primary toon, be able to pass down that old one to my low toons. I have been playing since last November. I have 1 capped toon and 3 alts I work on and they currently sit at 4,5 and 5 for levels. So for me, the casual gamer, the ability to save the uber equipment and then be able to pass it off to my other toons because I was finially lucky enough to get my hands on something a bit more uber would be a great thing. At the rate I get perm damage vs the rate of which I'm able to either purchase(my pp were not earned) an item or get from loot(hasn't happened yet) my uber items wont have much of any durablity left to pass it off to my lower toons. And I'm not sure about you or others, but I have a primary toon I play with almost all the time, and others I work on when nothing much is going on within my guild. I hate pugs, I die more freqently and the new system will just add to my headaches.