So the concept is using the Bladesworn line with good damage (not the best) and highest possible armor.
Upfront gonna also throw in there that I do not raid all that often on my characters, so raid loot is not in this build, nither are +6 stat items, not that I can't get one, but I want the most attainable. Having trouble with the enhancement lines, not enough action points!
Action Boost: Armor
Paladin Armor Boost I
Cost: 1 action point
Paladin Armor Boost I
Cost: 1 action point
Available to level 1 Paladin
+2 bonus to AC for 20 seconds, 30 Second Cooldown, 5x/day
Paladin Armor Boost II
Cost: 2 action points
Paladin Armor Boost II
Cost: 2 action points
Requires: Paladin Armor Boost I
Available to level 4 Paladin
+3 bonus to AC for 20 seconds, 30 Second Cooldown, 5x/day
Paladin Armor Boost III
Cost: 3 action points
Paladin Armor Boost III
Cost: 3 action points
Requires: Paladin Armor Boost II
Available to level 7 Paladin
+4 bonus to AC for 20 seconds, 30 Second Cooldown, 5x/day
Bladesworn Transformation
Bladesworn Transformation
Cost: 4 action points
Bladesworn Transformation
Cost: 4 action points
Requires: Follower of the Lord of Blades
Available to level 6 Warforged
You are a devoted follower of the Lord of Blades, and your faith has been rewarded. Activate this ability to become a juggernaut of destruction for 60 seconds.
Follower of the Lord of Blades
Follower of the Lord of Blades
Cost: 2 action points
Follower of the Lord of Blades
Cost: 2 action points
Available to level 1 Warforged
Warforged only. You are a Blade, a true believer in the cult of the Lord of Blades. Warforged were made to rule Eberron, the other races are weak. Grants a +1 bonus to hit with greatswords, the favored weapon of the cultists of the Lord of Blades.
Paladin: Aura of Good Armor
Paladin Bulwark of Good I
Cost: 2 action points
Paladin Bulwark of Good I
Cost: 2 action points
Available to level 3 Paladin
Aura gives +1 to AC
Paladin Bulwark of Good II
Cost: 4 action points
Paladin Bulwark of Good II
Cost: 4 action points
Requires: Paladin Bulwark of Good I
Available to level 7 Paladin
Aura gives +2 to AC
Paladin: Aura of Good Saves
Paladin Resistance of Good I
Cost: 2 action points
Paladin Resistance of Good I
Cost: 2 action points
Available to level 3 Paladin
Aura gives +1 to Saves
Paladin Resistance of Good II
Cost: 4 action points
Paladin Resistance of Good II
Cost: 4 action points
Requires: Paladin Resistance of Good I
Available to level 7 Paladin
Aura gives +2 to Saves
Paladin: Extra Lay on Hands
Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I
Cost: 2 action points
Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I
Cost: 2 action points
Available to level 3 Paladin
Lay on Hands one extra time per rest
Paladin Extra Lay on Hands II
Cost: 4 action points
Paladin Extra Lay on Hands II
Cost: 4 action points
Requires: Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I
Available to level 8 Paladin
Lay on Hands two extra times per rest
Stat: Charisma
Paladin Charisma I
Cost: 2 action points
Paladin Charisma I
Cost: 2 action points
Available to level 2 Paladin
+1 to Charisma
Paladin Charisma II
Cost: 4 action points
Paladin Charisma II
Cost: 4 action points
Requires: Paladin Charisma I
Available to level 6 Paladin
+2 to Charisma
Paladin Charisma III
Cost: 6 action points
Paladin Charisma III
Cost: 6 action points
Requires: Paladin Charisma II
Available to level 10 Paladin
+3 to Charisma
Warforged Power Attack
Warforged Power Attack I
Cost: 1 action point
Warforged Power Attack I
Cost: 1 action point
Available to level 4 Warforged
Power Attack does additional 1 bonus damage and -1 to hit
Warforged Power Attack II
Cost: 2 action points
Warforged Power Attack II
Cost: 2 action points
Requires: Warforged Power Attack I
Available to level 9 Warforged
Power Attack does additional 2 bonus damage and -2 to hit
Warforged: Balance
Warforged Combat Training I
Cost: 1 action point
Warforged Combat Training I
Cost: 1 action point
Available to level 1 Warforged
+1 to Balance
Warforged Combat Training II
Cost: 2 action points
Warforged Combat Training II
Cost: 2 action points
Requires: Warforged Combat Training I
Available to level 4 Warforged
+2 to Balance
Warforged Combat Training III
All that boiled down, is a +4 ac clickie, +2/+2 to ac/resistances, +3 to balance, powerattack 2, 2 extra loh, and +3 cha. oh and bladesworn line.
also the feats that I have thought up are
admantine armour
power attack
weapon focus: greatsword or dodge
imp crit: slashing
The Charisma based will save feat
Going pure pally so I can get the burst holy great sword at 14...
I'm just not sure that this guy is gonna cut the mustard, suggestions? Ideas? Major flaws?
most appreciative,