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  1. #1
    Founder paintedman's Avatar
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    Default Bladesworn Paladin, request some advice

    So the concept is using the Bladesworn line with good damage (not the best) and highest possible armor.


    Upfront gonna also throw in there that I do not raid all that often on my characters, so raid loot is not in this build, nither are +6 stat items, not that I can't get one, but I want the most attainable. Having trouble with the enhancement lines, not enough action points!

    Action Boost: Armor
    Paladin Armor Boost I
    Cost: 1 action point
    Paladin Armor Boost I
    Cost: 1 action point
    Available to level 1 Paladin
    +2 bonus to AC for 20 seconds, 30 Second Cooldown, 5x/day
    Paladin Armor Boost II
    Cost: 2 action points
    Paladin Armor Boost II
    Cost: 2 action points
    Requires: Paladin Armor Boost I
    Available to level 4 Paladin
    +3 bonus to AC for 20 seconds, 30 Second Cooldown, 5x/day
    Paladin Armor Boost III
    Cost: 3 action points
    Paladin Armor Boost III
    Cost: 3 action points
    Requires: Paladin Armor Boost II
    Available to level 7 Paladin
    +4 bonus to AC for 20 seconds, 30 Second Cooldown, 5x/day
    Bladesworn Transformation
    Bladesworn Transformation
    Cost: 4 action points
    Bladesworn Transformation
    Cost: 4 action points
    Requires: Follower of the Lord of Blades
    Available to level 6 Warforged
    You are a devoted follower of the Lord of Blades, and your faith has been rewarded. Activate this ability to become a juggernaut of destruction for 60 seconds.
    Follower of the Lord of Blades
    Follower of the Lord of Blades
    Cost: 2 action points
    Follower of the Lord of Blades
    Cost: 2 action points
    Available to level 1 Warforged
    Warforged only. You are a Blade, a true believer in the cult of the Lord of Blades. Warforged were made to rule Eberron, the other races are weak. Grants a +1 bonus to hit with greatswords, the favored weapon of the cultists of the Lord of Blades.
    Paladin: Aura of Good Armor
    Paladin Bulwark of Good I
    Cost: 2 action points
    Paladin Bulwark of Good I
    Cost: 2 action points
    Available to level 3 Paladin
    Aura gives +1 to AC
    Paladin Bulwark of Good II
    Cost: 4 action points
    Paladin Bulwark of Good II
    Cost: 4 action points
    Requires: Paladin Bulwark of Good I
    Available to level 7 Paladin
    Aura gives +2 to AC
    Paladin: Aura of Good Saves
    Paladin Resistance of Good I
    Cost: 2 action points
    Paladin Resistance of Good I
    Cost: 2 action points
    Available to level 3 Paladin
    Aura gives +1 to Saves
    Paladin Resistance of Good II
    Cost: 4 action points
    Paladin Resistance of Good II
    Cost: 4 action points
    Requires: Paladin Resistance of Good I
    Available to level 7 Paladin
    Aura gives +2 to Saves
    Paladin: Extra Lay on Hands
    Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I
    Cost: 2 action points
    Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I
    Cost: 2 action points
    Available to level 3 Paladin
    Lay on Hands one extra time per rest
    Paladin Extra Lay on Hands II
    Cost: 4 action points
    Paladin Extra Lay on Hands II
    Cost: 4 action points
    Requires: Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I
    Available to level 8 Paladin
    Lay on Hands two extra times per rest
    Stat: Charisma
    Paladin Charisma I
    Cost: 2 action points
    Paladin Charisma I
    Cost: 2 action points
    Available to level 2 Paladin
    +1 to Charisma
    Paladin Charisma II
    Cost: 4 action points
    Paladin Charisma II
    Cost: 4 action points
    Requires: Paladin Charisma I
    Available to level 6 Paladin
    +2 to Charisma
    Paladin Charisma III
    Cost: 6 action points
    Paladin Charisma III
    Cost: 6 action points
    Requires: Paladin Charisma II
    Available to level 10 Paladin
    +3 to Charisma
    Warforged Power Attack
    Warforged Power Attack I
    Cost: 1 action point
    Warforged Power Attack I
    Cost: 1 action point
    Available to level 4 Warforged
    Power Attack does additional 1 bonus damage and -1 to hit
    Warforged Power Attack II
    Cost: 2 action points
    Warforged Power Attack II
    Cost: 2 action points
    Requires: Warforged Power Attack I
    Available to level 9 Warforged
    Power Attack does additional 2 bonus damage and -2 to hit
    Warforged: Balance
    Warforged Combat Training I
    Cost: 1 action point
    Warforged Combat Training I
    Cost: 1 action point
    Available to level 1 Warforged
    +1 to Balance
    Warforged Combat Training II
    Cost: 2 action points
    Warforged Combat Training II
    Cost: 2 action points
    Requires: Warforged Combat Training I
    Available to level 4 Warforged
    +2 to Balance
    Warforged Combat Training III

    All that boiled down, is a +4 ac clickie, +2/+2 to ac/resistances, +3 to balance, powerattack 2, 2 extra loh, and +3 cha. oh and bladesworn line.

    also the feats that I have thought up are
    admantine armour
    power attack
    weapon focus: greatsword or dodge
    imp crit: slashing
    The Charisma based will save feat

    Going pure pally so I can get the burst holy great sword at 14...

    I'm just not sure that this guy is gonna cut the mustard, suggestions? Ideas? Major flaws?

    most appreciative,


  2. #2
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Arrow Mustard Blade

    Unfortunately he won't cut the mustard. And it boils down to AC and Pure Paladinship which limits your basic-Combat feats to below minimum. (Specially with the huge price tag u spent on STR and neglecting CON & DEX) CHA is truly unnecessary to go over a 12 or tops 13 (Add +1 Tome =14 + 6 Item = 20 + 2 Enhanced = 22 = +6 to saves and very nice LOH's.

    The fun factor is definitely there though. Bladesworn every 10 minutes is awesome entertainment, but if you are a serious performer you'll get frustrated real quick.

    I know what I mean and believe me My WF Bladesworn is loads of fun, but not a major build design breakthrough by far.
    **Mechangel is my 10 Paladin 2 Fighter 2 Rogue and he does well as 2nd row Tank, just can't keep up with de # of Hits he takes with an AC of 45-46 (Unbuffed).

    Happy Hunting and Merry X-MAS
    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
    Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya

  3. #3
    Community Member Taerdra's Avatar
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    I don't know if I go the whole way as Dexxaan, but it is a more difficult build than meets the eye. My Bladesworn is up to 9 and I've essentially stopped him. I didn't feel that the damage was all that impressive, though very much in the 1st line. It is not a bad build, but you're not going to get the AC you think you are and take a lot more damage than you would think.

    That said if you want to continue:
    1) You need a better CON than 10. WF excel at good CON, you should use that to your advantage. As I said, you will take damage.
    2) Agree that 12 or 13 CHA is fine.
    3) You need either the 2H weapon line or Cleave/Great Cleave to really get top of the line damage. I prefer 2H line, but to each their own.
    4) You should decide whether you want to have Evasion or not (from 2 Rogue levels). If you do, you need some more DEX to get decent Reflex saves (not that any Pally save is that bad). Pally saves on their own are enough where you can survive without E quite well. That said, given you're not an AC build, you need other ways to mitigate damage. Evasion does that and more.
    5) No need for Combat Training or AC boost enhancements. EoT is quite useful esp if you go with a low WIS.
    6) Feats: PA, Toughness, and Imp Crit are givens. It is up to you whether you go 2HF or Cleave route. Cleave route only uses 2 feats, so you're going to need a lvl of Fighter if you want room for Adamantine body, 2 levels if you go the 2HF route. Take Toughness enhancements at least to lvl III.

    I'm not trying to dissuade from your build. It just wasn't for me. Hope this helps.

  4. #4
    Stormreach Advisor
    oronisi's Avatar
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    I'm building a Bladesworn pally right now, but I'm taking a different approach. Seeing as bladesworn = greatsword, which = no shield, I am not going to attempt to achieve any AC worth talking about. Instead, I'm trying to make DPS (hello, greatsword and rage-clickie subsitute for bosses) and HP his focus. Basically he's a barbarian.....with better saves and self sacrificing a bit of offense.

    Don't know how that will work out, but I think it has a better chance than yours. Trying to get 2h dps and AC in the same character is a bit contradictory.
    Argonnessen | Legendary Knights of Mabar | Couresan | Courage | Plat | Torgo

  5. #5
    Founder paintedman's Avatar
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    Default thanks!

    Honestly I knew deep down that it was a "fun" build, but yeah, I do like my avatars to succeed, so I will take into account the feed back, and thanks again, I'll post the revision. However I am adamant that there are no auto feats and enhancements I have to take to be successful, but there are combinations that will lead me to my doom. High ac and dps just don't really work out so good.


  6. #6
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    I built a WF with the blade sworn enhancement and deleted him.

    It did not impress me enough and quickly became a novelty.

    But if advice is what you want....Id say you are heading in the right direction.

    Build a normal pali and tack on bladesworn as an after-thought.....not as a build focus feature.

    Build your pali around that feat and it will let you down repeatedly bu build a good pali and add the feat and for 1 min you will be a hero in a sticky spot.

    some advice to save on enhancements =

    cut back on the power attack enhancement....makes it harder to hit anything and as a pali....things are already kinda hard to hit.

    and the action boost to AC you may wanna cut that down by 1 level or all together skip it.....its only 20 seconds for 1-2 pts of AC
    you'll get better results carrying around 100 barkskin pots

    you could give yourself some room to breath by getting rid of them. but if you take it and change your mind...its real e z 2 fix
    Last edited by captain1z; 12-19-2007 at 09:10 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Taerdra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paintedman View Post
    High ac and dps just don't really work out so good.
    Couple more thoughts:
    1) If you can get bursts of AC above 50, then it may be worthwhile. My best tally was @ 50 with appropriate equipment. If not, AC helps with trash mobs -- otherwise it is a limited form of defense.
    2) DPS builds have other methods of defense that will be more valuable to you. Sometimes people think that DPS means no defense. The good builds learn/synergize alternatives to AC for defense. Things I think of for this type of build: DR, HP, fortifications, ability to heal yourself ~ general HP increase, evasion, etc. WF DR is something worth looking into -- though limited. UMD also provides a lot fo that via Stoneskin/Displacement scrolls, ability to use arcane wands, etc.
    3) I think you are right about enhancements. The combination is not typical to pallys per se. But WF have some nice ones and limited multi-classing can get you some nice bang for your buck.

    Just thought this might help you as you revise.

  8. #8
    Founder paintedman's Avatar
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    Default second draft...

    Okay, I retooled the stat breakdown, the huge st is cool looking, but yes a waste...but I wanted the 18 base st soooo badly!

    St: 16
    Dx: 12
    Cn: 14
    Int: 12

    I'm gonna use a +6 st and cha item, mostly cause I have cha, and I can get a +6 st on the auction house. I also have an int tome.
    With race, level, +4 stat Item(s), and class bonuses, I end up with these numbers. Also the caviat is that I have a slot for all the stat items, first not to make it would be dex and int.

    St: 24
    Dx: 16
    Cn: 20
    Int: 17

    The Feats
    Adam Bod
    thf: makes -2 instead of -5 for glancing blows
    Imp Crit: Slash
    Skill Focus: UMD

    With this make up and some items, which I have 80% of them, I can attain 50ac and 29 to hit with a greatsword, the ac is shield spell dependent, so lots of clickies, and the hit is GH(planar gird) dependent. I also get a 22.5 umd. I figure that there are gonna be nice greatswords, just not all wf race restricted.

    Armour Aura
    Save Aura
    Lay on Hands
    WF Con

    I don't know if I'll have any extra, as auras are expensive.

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