Ive built a few bards two of which i really liked but deleted a long time ago due to toon space. now i have a spot for one and im gonna roll another. i dont usually look on these build forums because i really do like to create my own masterpieces or failures, but what i was looking for is just a little help with ideas. ive got a few cool ideas and was wondering what the rest of u bard lovers could come up with. if u want to help pls post your favorite bard concept. i dont want a build but just what ur favorite bard does in quest.
Is he a stat damaging repeater build/ healer/ buffer speced , or is he a str based battle bard/ buffer
what ever ur favorite bard concept pls help me try to come up with something.
I know bards can do alot but what is urs speced for? what does ur favorite bard do? (pls dont post a step by step how to make post)