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  1. #1
    Community Member Xaxx's Avatar
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    Default Mod 6 raid items.... only weapons?

    Ok i know that it was mentioned in the ten ton hammer interview about the new raid items crafting and what not, but they said weapons not items..... so does this mean we will only see customizable weapons for this raid, or will we see other items also? (say a small selection outside of just weapons, boots, neck, and helm maybe or some such)?

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    If you consider that most people have more weapons in each character's backpack at any one time than most people have teeth in their mouth, I think you will come to the conclusion that weapons are very BIG in DDO

    Therefore even if it was only for weapons right now (Perhaps to test the waters), it is still a big thing to get.
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  3. #3


    I don't feel like going back to check the interview again, so I'm just going to ask.

    Did they explicitly say that the new "pseudo-crafting system" was in place of a standard array of raid loot?
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  4. #4
    Developer Eladrin's Avatar
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    It's not just weapons.

  5. #5
    Community Member Xaxx's Avatar
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    thx for the quick and very heartening reply el

  6. #6
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Default I sincerely hope

    The new 'crafting' system is not in any way mandatory for anything.

    I hate when a timesink becomes a necessity.

  7. #7


    It sounded like raid items - or maybe some reward from the raid, could be further customized via further questing in the raid.

    You'll get template items that open up like the Shield Piece or Sigil containers... with slots you can add things to customize? Something like that I'd guess. And a radio box to set the item appearance to PINK.
    Casual DDOaholic

  8. #8
    Community Member woofy's Avatar
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    MT just said that the crafting system is NOT in the way of the raid items, meaning.
    in the mod 6 raid there will be raid items AND the crafting items, i think
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    - Lex Luthor

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by woofy View Post
    MT just said that the crafting system is NOT in the way of the raid items, meaning.
    in the mod 6 raid there will be raid items AND the crafting items, i think
    Ooh... uh wait.

    I said I was curious if that might be the case. I don't have any inside information on the topic.
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  10. #10


    Slackers... Here's everything I could pull from the two info dumps...

    Looks like raid items are the customizable ones to me... whether they're from the end chest... found all over the raid... or a reward... isn't stated.
    Items in the raid... main means to update... also in the raid. Go RAID.

    Quote Originally Posted by TenTonHammer Interview
    Steve: We’ve also gone into a lot of effort to allow players to customize the loot that they’re going to be getting from this raid using eldritch sites as a prototype for our upcoming crafting system. It’s very flexible; there are hundreds of thousands of permutations of raid loot. This allows everyone to acquire exactly what they’re looking for out of this raid.

    Ten Ton Hammer: Are crafting and housing coming into the game any time soon?

    Kate: We’re definitely going to have the beginning elements of a crafting system in place for Module 6….

    Ten Ton Hammer: In the customizable weapons?

    Kate: Exactly. We call it a prototype, because we want to insure that we’re creating a crafting system in a way that feels true to D&D and also true to DDO, which are two understandably different venues. We want to get this prototype out there, get people familiar with the basic benefits of the system, then grow the crafting process with a bigger release after we’ve taken a lot of player feedback into account.

    Ten Ton Hammer: Can you talk about the weapon customization in more detail? It sounds interesting, but I’m trying to figure out how it’s going to be D&D while also holding true to MMOG crafting tradition.

    Steve: In the raid encounters, players will initially acquire a customizable weapon, then they’ll have the opportunity to upgrade it at various points throughout the raid using items that they’ve acquired and carry with them in the encounter.

    In the Eberron campaign setting, they introduced the idea of eldritch devices that can do anything the DM really requires. They are an artifact level item, and we’ve taken them another step and put them into this new raid crafting system.

    Rather than forcing players to spend their own XP on items, we’ll be working through these devices in order to allow players to augment things they already own and create entirely new items.

    Ten Ton Hammer: So you’re making an “Eldritch Forge” or something like that?

    Steve: Yup! Basically as you go through the raid you’ll be collecting materials that you can forge together into items that can then be placed into your weapon and/or equipment. As you continue through the raid, you’ll gain access to more and more materials that can, if placed together correctly, create items that have only been dreamed of.

    Some of the items players can create are really, really cool.
    Quote Originally Posted by Warcry IRC chat
    WarCry: arkohighstar: there has been much discussion lately on the death penalty, any update on whether you plan on making major changes to it in the future?
    Eladrin: First off, bound items will no longer be subject to permanent damage. The permanent damage rate on unbound objects will be halved, and repair costs are reduced across the board.
    Eladrin: A simple manner to bind any objects you desire will be available using the Eldritch Devices in some common areas.

    WarCry: DDOcast: Hiya - thanks for having this. I'm wondering if any consideration is being done to allow players to customize their clothing? Or at the least give players a chance to change the colors of their armor, hats, robes, etc?
    Glin: We plan to introduce game systems in that allow players to modify some of their items.
    Eladrin: It will be tied in closely with the crafting system.

    WarCry: Kire: I was wondering if you could tell us what effects we will be able to add to items in the new raid and what monsters and mini-bosses we will be facing in the raid. Thanks Again!
    Piloto: As for upgrading items, the Eldritch Devices found in the raid area will allow you to customize powerful items.
    Piloto: If you'd really like a +5 acid longsword that can summon an earth elemental, you just may be able to make one, if you work hard enough.
    Eladrin: And don't mess it up.

    WarCry: Recovery: Can any of the Devs give us any more info on the new raid that has been hinted about on the forums for the upcoming Mod
    Torc_: The players will face many challenges but will also have many chances to gain rewards. There are A LOT of rewards.....

    WarCry: arkohighstar: will you be limited to one custom bound raid item from the eldritch station or can you get more than one type of item
    Piloto: You will be able to make as many customized items as you like, but you'll need to earn each one that you get.
    Eladrin: We wouldn't want to prevent you from making a few different items for different situations.
    Last edited by Gratch; 12-19-2007 at 02:09 AM.
    Casual DDOaholic

  11. #11
    Community Member Magehound's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info from the interviews. The dev are really holding the cards close. I can't wait to see what happens.

    Humm, anybody from risa have you seen the item crafting yet?
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  12. #12
    Founder akla_thornfist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magehound View Post
    Thanks for the info from the interviews. The dev are really holding the cards close. I can't wait to see what happens.

    Humm, anybody from risa have you seen the item crafting yet?
    none of the quest are open on risia only the explorer area as far as i could tell, could be wrong
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