Hi! I want to roll a ninja BAMF spellsinger who sticks all of his spells, and has a great to-hit score with rapier. I'm having a hard time figuring out the build. I want a high to-hit score, and a super high spell DC. I want pure bard to access the cool stuff out there later on. It has to be drow because its on a 2nd acct Im not running to 1750 and I dont want to build a 28 pointer.
I dont understand how bards on the forums are claiming like 34 to hit. Even with precision that looks difficult I'm guessing these guys are multiclass str builds with level-up stat points in STR and 8 different kinds of rage effects going on? Anyway I've never built a bard but I want to do it right the first time so let me run this by you all for critique.
Stats set up for +1 tomes
STR 11 (just want to avoid being burdened)
DEX 15
INT 11 (would dump it but hate to waste an extra skill point per-level)
CHA 20
I could drop CHA to 19 and get 17 dex, but I think I'd rather have the +1 to hit with a spell instead of a sword.
For feats I'm thinking extend, finesse, mental toughness, a spell focus, and I'm on the fence with heighten, not sure how neccessary it is maybe I will just stick to the higher level spells? Considering Precision I hate missing and want to be a very good 2nd hitter, songs and spell points don't last long at the pace we play.
I'm looking for any feedback or suggestions from the bard pros...thanks!