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  1. #21
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlassCannon View Post
    I was in full tilt destroy mode(but then I calmed down and deleted the psychologically damaging content).

    Opinions stated by players regarding content that is lifestyle preference oriented does not mean or is not a valid implication of a failure to perform duties on anyone's part, specifically the moderators.

    This is an adult game. The pictures in question are adult material, and most children would fail to understand them completely. They are not serious, and should never be taken seriously, and yet a proposed rule change because of them is in question due to someone become opinionated regarding them.

    Being offended at something is 100% opinion. Try intentionally getting offended at random household objects. It's rather easy. Once you discover how childish you appear while doing said experiment, you realize it's a habit you want to stop, and a mentally healthy person would then take steps to break said habit of being offended(opinionated).
    This is -NOT- an adult game. If it was we would have wine instead of grape juice in the taverns. Posting potentially offensive material should be an easy judge. Basically, if you have to wonder... don't post it.

    At the same time Dane should be using the proper tools for reporting it. I saw said photo and thought, "Hmmm... some one is likely to get an infraction point for that one." but didn't report it myself. If anything I might have sent them a PM first and then clicked the little link, not made a thread about it which will turn into a flame war.

    Dane, are you trying to prove you get infraction points?
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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crowwe View Post
    Lighten up, Francis.

    Where does it say anything at all about women? You can just as easily be talking about getting a male/male "curse" removed.

  3. #23
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mercules View Post
    This is -NOT- an adult game. If it was we would have wine instead of grape juice in the taverns. Posting potentially offensive material should be an easy judge. Basically, if you have to wonder... don't post it.
    That's the issue though, everyone sees things differently. I saw that post and thought it was sort of funny. I didn't find it offensive at all or inappropriate. Obviously the OP of that post didn't see a problem at all either or I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't have posted it because I've seen his other threads and they don't suggest that he would.

    We're already to PC for our own good. If YOU (the general YOU, not you as in Merc) find something offensive, please report it. That's your right and you should. But if nothing is done about it, don't come on the boards and make a big deal about it. I personally think that anyone that reports a thread and then makes a thread about reporting that thread should be given infraction points. I also think that making a thread to point out the "problem" with another post/person/etc. should be closed and the OP given infraction points. But that's just me.
    Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
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  4. #24
    Community Member PCNONSENSE's Avatar
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    Wink Offended

    I am offended your text is in white! Thats racist!

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by totmacher View Post
    I'm not posting the picture in question directly using the IMG tag but I will post the URL here (for those that missed it and would like to see it)...
    If the image was going to get you infraction points, then a link to the image will do the same thing.

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  6. #26
    Community Member GHOSTRYDER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    If the image was going to get you infraction points, then a link to the image will do the same thing.

    If you care.
    wouldnt really be right to give him infraction points now, if they all saw it earlier and didnt

  7. #27
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    The picture would have been better if the guy had a black cape and one of those little Hamburglar masks on
    Last edited by Oreg; 12-18-2007 at 11:16 AM.

  8. #28
    Community Member Kerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dane McArdy View Post
    Right, there isn't anything wrong or even slightly sexual about a guy video tapping up a girls dress, out in public!
    Clearly she and her friend knows he's there. I just figured that's something she enjoys and he enjoys. I'm really not even offended by it, but mostly mystified by it.
    Kerron Avon, Human Tempest-Ranger 16 *32 Pt/2200 Favor* Brottor Uthlord, Dwarven Cleric 14/Fighter 1 *1755 Favor* Trellain Silverwood, Elven Archmage 15 *2100 Favor* Gorman Uthgar, Dwarven Tactics Fighter 11 *32 Pt* Wogan, Halfing Cleric 7 *32 Pt/DragonMarked* Sign Gary's Monument Petition:

  9. #29
    Community Member Deragoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlassCannon View Post
    I was in full tilt destroy mode(but then I calmed down and deleted the psychologically damaging content)....snip
    I'm right there with you, Glass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyndder View Post
    Glass, I did not see the picture in question so I cannot comment on that. However, while this game is populated by mostly adults this game does have teenagers in game and on these forums--those teens may very well understand or not understand the material. The possibility to be found offensive exists if it you material.

    I have two teenagers who have played this game and browse/use these forums. I am sure they would have seen and/or heard worse than what you posted; but those standards do not necessarily cross all walks of life.
    I believe the ESRB rating of this game states that "Game experience may change during online play." So, basically it means if you have kids that play this game, and you are highly concerned with what your delicate little snowflake is exposed to, you need to monitoring them 100% of the time they are playing. Otherwise they'll turn out like us psychopaths raised watching Buggs Bunny and Wiley Coyote (uncensored ZOMG!!)

    You are correct about not crossing all walks of life, though. I'm sure in some countries/societies he would have had his hand chopped off, or the women in the picture would have been imprisoned for exposing herself in public without a male authority figure. Who knows?
    Quote Originally Posted by Dane McArdy View Post
    Totmatcher, I'm sure you meant this as humor. But the picture in this thread, (Post 29) just shouldn't have been left on the forums.

    It's really inappropriate. Yes, I thought it was offensive. It's just not right to show someone video tapping up a dress.
    Seriously? You must have a busy day writing the FCC about all the offensive content on TV these days... I'm surprised you can bare getting online at all
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  10. #30
    Community Member Dane_McArdy's Avatar
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    Lets be clear. Offensive or not to any single person, it's NOT an appropriate image for the forums. It is a sexual image. However it was not posted in some obscure thread, it was posted in the WDA, which the dev's and mods monitor closely after it's been posted, and answer questions.

    The Mod staff has said how they want the forums to be a safe place for everyone to come. Then they need to work at that. An image like that does not make it safe for everyone. And I made it clear I don't suspect totmatchers motives, other then being humorous. I don't want him to get infractions. And simply reporting it would have done just that.

    And that is the issue. Making the forums a nicer place should be pro-active not reactive. They should have seen that, and removed it. Mostly because they kept coming back to the thread. If they did see it and didn't do anything about it, because it didn't register as potentially wrong image, that's a problem as well. It says that what is acceptable and isn't is judged evenly or fairly.

    The forums are currently monitored on reaction based, whatever is brought to their attention and how it particularly strikes the particular person looking at the thread/post at the time. We have to follow the rules, and the people who judge the rules all have different ideas of what they mean.

    There is no way a forum can be a happy secure place to come and talk about the game with that kind of monitoring.

  11. #31
    Community Member Yukiko's Avatar
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    It must be evil, like dancing and your so called "rock and roll"

  12. #32
    Community Member Kerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dane McArdy View Post
    Lets be clear. Offensive or not to any single person, it's NOT an appropriate image for the forums. It is a sexual image. However it was not posted in some obscure thread, it was posted in the WDA, which the dev's and mods monitor closely after it's been posted, and answer questions.
    I'll just say this. You won't win any friends, nor will the person who posted the image, if we lose the ability to post images in threads after your complaint.
    Kerron Avon, Human Tempest-Ranger 16 *32 Pt/2200 Favor* Brottor Uthlord, Dwarven Cleric 14/Fighter 1 *1755 Favor* Trellain Silverwood, Elven Archmage 15 *2100 Favor* Gorman Uthgar, Dwarven Tactics Fighter 11 *32 Pt* Wogan, Halfing Cleric 7 *32 Pt/DragonMarked* Sign Gary's Monument Petition:

  13. #33
    Community Member Josh's Avatar
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    Three cheers for the forum police!
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  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dane McArdy View Post
    Lets be clear. Offensive or not to any single person, it's NOT an appropriate image for the forums. It is a sexual image. However it was not posted in some obscure thread, it was posted in the WDA, which the dev's and mods monitor closely after it's been posted, and answer questions.

    The Mod staff has said how they want the forums to be a safe place for everyone to come. Then they need to work at that. An image like that does not make it safe for everyone. And I made it clear I don't suspect totmatchers motives, other then being humorous. I don't want him to get infractions. And simply reporting it would have done just that.

    And that is the issue. Making the forums a nicer place should be pro-active not reactive. They should have seen that, and removed it. Mostly because they kept coming back to the thread. If they did see it and didn't do anything about it, because it didn't register as potentially wrong image, that's a problem as well. It says that what is acceptable and isn't is judged evenly or fairly.

    The forums are currently monitored on reaction based, whatever is brought to their attention and how it particularly strikes the particular person looking at the thread/post at the time. We have to follow the rules, and the people who judge the rules all have different ideas of what they mean.

    There is no way a forum can be a happy secure place to come and talk about the game with that kind of monitoring.


    I think you are being unreasonable and expecting too much of Turbine's staff. Monitoring a forum 24/7 is hard work and a secondary task to what they truly are paid to do: support and develop DDO.

    I think maybe you need to give a little more consideration to the challenges faced by Turbine and be a little less unreasonable in your expectations.

    Just think how frustrating it must be for the developers to be working so hard on improving the game and then catch all this grief from impatient posters with expectations of perfection.


    P.S. Didn't see the image, but if I saw something I thought was inappropriate I'd either ignore it, PM the poster, or report it, depending on how inappropriate I thought it was.

  15. #35
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josh View Post
    Three cheers for the forum police!
    AMEN Brother!

    How do you contact the Forum Police IA department? I want some of them investigated.
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  16. #36
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    I play a female character and wasn't offended by it, so I can speak for all women when I say it's not offensive or degrading in the least bit.

  17. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Yaga Nub View Post
    How do you contact the Forum Police IA department? I want some of them investigated.
    We'd be happy to accept your complaints. Please submit them in triplicate at the local Forum Police office and they'll be forwarded to the appropriate people.
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  18. #38
    Community Member Dane_McArdy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dariun View Post

    I think you are being unreasonable and expecting too much of Turbine's staff. Monitoring a forum 24/7 is hard work and a secondary task to what they truly are paid to do: support and develop DDO.

    I think maybe you need to give a little more consideration to the challenges faced by Turbine and be a little less unreasonable in your expectations.

    Just think how frustrating it must be for the developers to be working so hard on improving the game and then catch all this grief from impatient posters with expectations of perfection.


    P.S. Didn't see the image, but if I saw something I thought was inappropriate I'd either ignore it, PM the poster, or report it, depending on how inappropriate I thought it was.

    The image went beyond inappropriate. As for monitoring 24/7, I didn't ask for that. The image was in the WDA thread, which is always read throught several days, is getting attention from the mods and devs. They saw it, and just looked right over it.

    As for being a forum police. I'm not policing the forums, I'm asking Turbine to do that. I shouldn't have to police the forums and report obvious breaks in the CoC. To be the police they say they are. Get it? I guess not, because it's much easier to flame then to read an actually understand.

    I want Turbine to do the policing. Totmatcher did the responsible thing and went and deleted it.

    My whole point isn't so much the innappropriate image, it's the fact that it sat there right under Tubrines nose, in a thread they were reading and monitoring from the moment it went up. And while the intent behind the image wasn't malicious, which is why totmatcher shouldn't get infraction points, it was an inappropriate image.

    So my complaint is about the quality of Turbines moderating the forums, especially when it's right in front of them.

    We are expected to follow the rules, and the rules get inforced when Turbine wants to inforce them. So there is no conistency to the moderation of the forums, it's done as they feel towards the poster, and basically the idea of a safe happy forums where people can post isn't a reality. As exampled by many of the flames and trolling and baiting going on in this thread.

  19. #39
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dane McArdy View Post
    We are expected to follow the rules, and the rules get inforced when Turbine wants to inforce them. So there is no conistency to the moderation of the forums, it's done as they feel towards the poster, and basically the idea of a safe happy forums where people can post isn't a reality. As exampled by many of the flames and trolling and baiting going on in this thread.
    They don't have to be consistent, it says so in the rules. Look it up. Never mind I'll post the relevant part:

    The following are basic rules of conduct that users of The Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach Community Forums are required to adhere to. Failure to comply with these rules of conduct may result in the termination (“banning”) of your forums and/or game account. Because every situation is different, all moderation of the Community Forums is at the discretion of the DDO Community Team. These rules are subject to change.
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
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  20. #40
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    We'd be happy to accept your complaints. Please submit them in triplicate at the local Forum Police office and they'll be forwarded to the appropriate people.
    In triplicate? Where's Kargon when you need him?
    Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
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