Revamped, Make an offer and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can, don't mind haggling a bit. I'm willing to offer multiple items for things on my want list and vice versa. I.e. I would ask for more than one item for some items on my list. Thanks for visiting
My Main interests are large scales and Royal Guard Masks, and I'm a Gemini and I like long walks on the beach .
Title says it all...
+1 Vorpal Battleaxe (ml 10) (.tinian)
+2 Vorpal Bastard Sword of Pure Good (Ten)
+1 Vorpal Kukri of Shatter (+4) (Pat)
+1 Vorpal Sickle of Maiming (ten)
+1 Cursespewing Bastard sword of Disruption (rr: wf, umd: 24) (Tinian)
+1 Frost Shortsword of Disruption (Toon)
+1 Flaming Dagger of Disruption (Ten)
+2 Banishing Dagger of Shattermantle (.nor)
+3 Impact Light Mace of Smiting (ml: 14, rr: dwarf) (Ten)
+2 Keen Greataxe of Smiting (.dosius)
Mace of Smiting (.dosius)
+2 Keen Handaxe of Smiting (Toon)
Bane Weapons
+1 Wounding Dwarven Axe of Greater Giant Bane (Bel) ***(great for the refuge)
+3 Thundering Bastard sword of Greater Construct Bane (Tak)
+1 Seeker (+8) Kukri of Greater Elemental Bane (Tak)
+3 Keen Light Pick of Greater Elemental Bane (.thius)
+2 Shocking Burst Quarterstaff of Greater Elemental Bane(Pat)
+4 Flaming Burst Bastard Sword of Greater Undead Bane (Up)
+1 Dagger of Greater Dragon Bane (minimum level 6) (Up)
+2 True Chaos Rapier of Greater Dragon Bane (.thius)
+3 Impact Light Mace of Greater Dragon Bane (Toon)
+1 Transmuting Quarterstaff of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane (.thius)
+3 Transmuting Kama of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane (Pat)
+5 Thundering Byeshk Dwarven Axe of Greater Aberration Bane (rr: Human) (.thius)
+3 Cursespewing Rapier of Greater Vermin Bane (rr: elf/drow, ml 14) (Toon)
Holy/Pure Good
Prysuul's Bane (Tinian)
+3 Transmuting Heavy mace of Pure Good (Tinian)
+4 Maladroit Quarterstaff of Pure Good (.dosius)
Ranged Weaps
+5 Holy Composite Longbow of Pure Good (UP2 in use)
+2 Ghost Touch Composite Shortbow of Disruption (Toon)
Dwarven Thrower (.nor)
+3 Wounding Light Repeating Crossbow of Destruction rr: Human umd: 26 (Up)
Misc Weaps
+4 Flaming Club of Everbright (Tak)
+1 Finesse Silver Rapier of Enfeebling (Ten)
+5 Flaming Burst Greataxe of Vertigo (+2) (.dosius)
+1 Strength Sapping Rapier of Slowburst (Bel)
+5 Frost Rapier of Righteousness (.nor)
Sting (Up)
Charoush's Inferno (.dosius)
+2 Weakening Greataxe of Enfeebling (.thius)
+5 True Chaos Rapier of Puncturing (.thius)
+5 Lesser Fireguard Mith Chainshirt of Remove Disease (Tak)
+5 Elven Chainmail (Tak)
Desecrated Leathers (.tinian)
Bulwark of the Storm's Fist (Tinian)
+4 Superior Devotion IV Heavy Steel shield (.dosius)
Ward of Undeath (Bel)
And Everything Else I Was Too Tired To Classify (Gumbo)
Gloves of Gnoll Hide (Up)
Gloves of Forgotten Craft (Up)
Backstabbers Gloves (.dosius)
Charismatic Cloak +4 (minimum level 7, rr: dwarf)
Hat (skullcap) of Wizardry VII (Tak)
Black Dragon Helm (dex +5)
Underwater Action Circlet of Intimidation (+13) (Ten)
Helm of Freewill (Pat)
Chainmail Coif (ml:9, Sacred, Superior Dev III) (Ten)
Circlet of Intimidation (+10)
Glimpse of the Soul (Diplomacy +10, Bluff +10, Enchantment Focus) (Ten)
Underwater Action Ring of Haggle (+13) (Up)
Proof Against Poison ring of Spell resistance 19 (.dosius)
Greater Devotion V Ring of Haggle +5 (Pat)
Armor Bracers +6 of Detect Secret Doors (Ansh)
shield pieces: 1,2,5,6,7,8
+2 Con tome (up2)
Finally... What I'm Looking for(in no particular order):
Royal Guard Mask (x2)
Tome Pages (1,5,7)
Large Scales
Beholder Optic Nerves
Eye of the Beholder
Fanged Gloves
Firestorm Greaves
Phase Hammer
Green Briar Twigs