I have started a Drow Paladin and am planning on using rapiers. My question is whether or not this is viable? I ask only because I have seen several Drow Paladins around and none of them are using Rapiers.
I have started a Drow Paladin and am planning on using rapiers. My question is whether or not this is viable? I ask only because I have seen several Drow Paladins around and none of them are using Rapiers.
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
Go for the eyes Boo!
Drow (or elf) paly with a rapier is a great idea... I think the reason we dont see a ton of them around is that rapiers aren't really recognized as the mainstream DPS weapon they are (without taking into account enhancements like drow melee attack and the like rapiers are tied for 2nd best DPS with picks and scimitars as soon as your hitting for roughly +10-13 on your damage rolls (but behind khopesh)).
Also pierce specced is often looked at as finesse weapons and although rapiers are finessable they are just pointy scimitars for str based characters. And your drow can get an extra +2/+2 on them. AND you don't have to spend a feat on it like you do khopesh!
You may see more of decline in effectiveness against undead (a lot of undead have DR to piercing weapons), but since undead can't be crited you can use a different weapon type against them as IC: Pierce is going to be your only feat specific to a weapon type and your +3/+3 divine favor will work on a mace.
Proud Officer of Tinted Faces on Argonnessen!
Connner - 14 Fighter/1 BarbKonnnor - 15 Cleric
Connnor - 15 Sorc
Conor - 12 paly/4 fighter
Can you cast holy sword on a rapier? If not you should ask the devs for it!
Rapier is all kinds of good, especialy for a drow. Should work fine.