I know there are a number of threads out there and I'm just really to lazy to look for them to see if there is already an answer for this.
I started a cleric (4th level 21 wis 14 cha) and I was playing around with turn undead.
In the combat log, something like this shows up (I'll get online when I get home and post some actually text for accuracy):
You roll to see your affect on undead. You roll a 20 and are able to affect up to 8 Hit Dice creatures.
You roll to see the number of undead you can affect. You roll a 10 and affect up to 12 hit dice worth of creatures.
You cast fear on undead.
(again that's just a simulation, not actual text and I'll get the exact wording up tonight)
I understand that all of that comes from the Turn rules for DnD.
Now from the online SRD:
Turning Check
The first thing you do is roll a turning check to see how powerful an undead creature you can turn. This is a Charisma check (1d20 + your Charisma modifier). Table: Turning Undead gives you the Hit Dice of the most powerful undead you can affect, relative to your level. On a given turning attempt, you can turn no undead creature whose Hit Dice exceed the result on this table.
Turning Damage
If your roll on Table: Turning Undead is high enough to let you turn at least some of the undead within 60 feet, roll 2d6 + your cleric level + your Charisma modifier for turning damage. That’s how many total Hit Dice of undead you can turn.
If your Charisma score is average or low, it’s possible to roll fewer Hit Dice of undead turned than indicated on Table: Turning Undead.
Okay I understand all of that as well.
Here's my question:
Does DDO follow the same table as given in the rules book or the online SRD?
As shown on the online SRD:
Table: Turning Undead Turning Check
Result Most Powerful Undead Affected
(Maximum Hit Dice)
0 or lower Cleric’s level -4
1—3 Cleric’s level -3
4—6 Cleric’s level -2
7—9 Cleric’s level -1
10—12 Cleric’s level
13—15 Cleric’s level +1
16—18 Cleric’s level +2
19—21 Cleric’s level +3
22 or higher Cleric’s level +4
At one time I rolled a 20 for the Turning Checking and then rolled a 17 for number of hit dice to affect. I was facing 2 CR 5 ghouls (or maybe ghasts) and there was nothing in the log and the ghouls kept attacking. Shouldn't they have been feared?
After I saw this, I started watching the logs closer and it actually happened many times. I know that everyone says that turning is broken but is this what they are taking about or is it something different?