Do we have anyone on the Khyber sever that is in the military?
Do we have anyone on the Khyber sever that is in the military?
Member of The Majestics and Proud Veteran of the United States Army
There are several I am sure (have ran across a few including one or two who got send to the sand-box adn another in Japan.). I myself am former military.
Leader Apocalyptic Knights Khyber
Alts Dustia, Fierry, Divus, Serpins, Cognatio, Atrau, Leigharoy, Pinkish, Triturate (Ret.) Harragan, Cynderr, Ginnsu, Cyndder, Calagian, Gorthagus, Bluntaxe, Zarloc, Docbot
Prior Service Marine here, did my 4 yrs and decided to leave due to my knees. They're better now that I'm not hikin and runnin all the time. Anyhow, Ohh-Rah! See ya in game!
Yeah. Theres a lot of us.
...All of mine play WoW though... out of 30 of my students right now, 29 of them play WoW...
Reidra fragment of Khyber;
Aleos - Original Rogueadin (TM) Ales - DPSadin
Alsalak - Sorc o' Death Alsmonk - Guess. Alvan - Miniture Batman
I am in the Air Force and play when I can mainly on Kyber. I do wish I had more time to poor into the game because there is so much of the content I havn't got to do yet. Much of that comes from my love of trying new builds, if I could concentrate on one character long enough I am sure I would have reached the level cap.
Does ex-military count? If so, former Army grunt here. 8 year. Woah!![]()
Proud Leader of the Shadowhand.
A is A. -John Galt
Ex military or current military. Once you are part of the fam, u are always a part.I am currently still in 9yrs and counting.
Member of The Majestics and Proud Veteran of the United States Army
several of the Hand of the Black Tower are (I am not).
KengsxrII 14 wiz--Alyyce 14 Batman--Trapperjohn 14 cleric--Docholliday 13 Ranger-- Nemmisis WF evaison expiriment--Bruceleeroy Jenkins lvl 0 Monk--Lemark lv 14 gimpy rogue
Proud Member of The Hand of The Black Tower
in my old guild half the people who havent been on in a year serve in the army
drspikey 16 elven cleric (kyhber)/Melheno 4 Monk (kyhber)/dagarnus 8 drow wizard (kyhber)/seasick ranger5/rouge2/fighter1/ Daemonson ranger 6 (kyhber)proud member of the dragon renaissance broterhood / knights of the goldon blade
We had a nice thread like this a while back, but it prolly died during the Great Infamous Forum Data Loss Event.
USAF 82-86.
(I don't spend a whole lotta time on Khyber, but I played a Kyberian on TV once...)![]()
I was in the 2nd Batt, 327th INF 101st Abn( Air Assualt)
3 batt 22nd INF , 25th lt INf Div.
194th Armored Bde, (Now Disbanded)
Currently Private Civilian
US Navy Veteran here, lot's of veteran and active members all over Khyber.
i guess i'm the only non US mil guy here
current reserve, prior SAF airforce sam gunner
If you want to know why...
I hit 15 years of military service in the USAF in two weeks! Proud to serve and proud to run with those who did and still do!