This trade is now closed
This trade is now closed
Last edited by Erekose; 12-28-2007 at 10:32 PM. Reason: clarifying addy
pm sent
I don't need to walk on water when I know that I can run on wine.
Hey Izzy, I offer the 40 piles of coal these joke-sters sent to my mail box, and a promise of non-encumberment.
- Babaganooj -- Beelzebaba-- Beelzebaba -- Shishkababa -- Babacadabra -- Babalicious -- Babaganoush - Babaryan - - Babacue -
I meant to send them... but i traded them for these 3 magic beans
- Babaganooj -- Beelzebaba-- Beelzebaba -- Shishkababa -- Babacadabra -- Babalicious -- Babaganoush - Babaryan - - Babacue -
I got an idea. How about you just give me a set...seeing as how we're now quasi-guildmates and all.
My kick-ass group of ladies:
Prentiss -- Tyf -- Cayrie -- Treena -- Karri -- PeaEmEss Meltdown -- Chayste
Archmagi -- Argonessen
Hey, didn't we make that your new nickname...
Wait a minute, are you suggesting ...Now you know THAT ain't gonna happen!
Last edited by Cayrie; 12-21-2007 at 09:13 PM.
My kick-ass group of ladies:
Prentiss -- Tyf -- Cayrie -- Treena -- Karri -- PeaEmEss Meltdown -- Chayste
Archmagi -- Argonessen
Many factors will ensure that what you think I am suggesting will NOT happen. I will not list them here however, the alternative is possibly and would be hilarious to c if you did. I'll keep a set of tome pages in the bank in case you demonstrate the sort of bravery required to consume a aforementioned animal body part :P
keeping things at the top