I Noticed that theres no PVP thread for tanks. So I figured I would start my own. I am currently hosting challenges against tanks around my level in 1 vrs. 1 Death Match Arena fights. I play for plat,items, or fun! I will try to post screen shots and/or videos of the matches! I will keep my results up to date also. I will accept challenges via my LFM or PM from forums to arrange times.
Current Odds/Payouts in plat: (Straight classes,other mixes listed)
Fighter: I pay 3x your bet.
Pally: I pay the same ammount.
Ranger: I pay the same ammount.
Barbarian:I pay 2x your bet.
Rouge: I pay 3x your bet.
Batman: I pay the same ammount.
Battle Clerics/Casters/Bard: I pay the same ammount.
Item bets are available we both can arrange a item for item bet. Example: Vorpal Kukri for Vorpal Handaxe, +6 charisma helm for +6 Wisdom helm. Both you and I have to agree on the bet though.
Current Level Range:11-14
Current Classes: Barbarian,Rogue,Ranger,Fighter,and ofcourse Pallies!
NEW: Fighting Melee Bards and Clerics.
The arena isn't like the pit. No food or anything. But here are some other common rules that are going to placed in my matches. Any rules broken will end in a disqualified match and no plat/items/etc will be given or offered for cheating.
1) All players must use melee combat. I am not going to chase you around for 10 mins. Chopping you down slowly. Thats a waste of my haste pots and other resources, its also annoying. Basically NO ranged combat.
2) No debuffs in the form of: Enervation Scrolls, Dispel Magic clicky or spell.
3) All stat damaging weapons are okay as well as epics: Vorpal,Smiting, or Paralyzing!
5) All build self healing is okay. Dragonmarks, LOH, Cure Spells. Also Cure Pots are okay. Just don't get carried away with running.
That is all for now! I will update with any rule changes etc.