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  1. #101
    Community Member Scarecrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ustice View Post
    Favored Souls would be great at both offense or healing. Can you imagine a healer with the SP and casting times of a Sorcerer?
    Yeah, it'll be really cool to see. Healing build favored souls, FS without healing spells at all. I can't wait to see the varaition.

    About Artificers. I think the main problem with them currently is that we just don't know how the new crafting system is going to work. It sounds like it's not going to be too similar to what we know in PnP, so I'm curious how that's going to affect our chances of getting Artificers at all. Once that comes out, I think we'll know just how viable or not viable the artificer will be. Can't wait for the new mod so we can find out though.

  2. #102
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    So could artificers cast spells like repair spells? Like...mass repair...for all warforged parties?

  3. #103
    Community Member Scarecrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    So could artificers cast spells like repair spells? Like...mass repair...for all warforged parties?
    Artificers are... somewhat difficult. They have abilities called infusions. Somewhat like buffs that work like spells. You can buff items, armour, weapons, etc. They also make stuff very well. Many of thier class abilities are about crafting or making things (potions, scrolls, wands, etc.) They are also somewhat skill oriented. Warforged Artificers are fun, because are wf is technically a walking item. He can buff himself, repair himself, etc.

    I haven't mentioned them too much in this thread because I think they'd be tough to implement. But Ustice has a decent lisitng above that could work.

  4. #104
    Community Member Rambin's Avatar
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    Monks have a tentative release date of April 2008. Druids are still unknown at this time when they will be released. My information comes from the comments of one of the game producers in a video that can be viewed on

  5. #105
    Community Member EspyLacopa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarecrow View Post
    Favored Soul: Casts divine spells, but like a sorcerer. Spells are already in the game, should be easy enough to put in.
    I would totally play a Favored Soul. Fun divine spells, without the stigma of being pigeonholed into the Healer role. However, the interesting facet of this class is that the bonus sp and ability to cast the spells is based on Charisma, whereas the save DC against the spells is based on Wisdom. Many of the new spellcasting base classes do this in fact. Remains to be seen if they'd implement the Wings they get at lv17 in PnP.

    However, I would personally prefer to play a Spirit Shaman. It's like some crazy conglomeration of Druid and Sorcerer. Spell list of Druid, spellcasting of Sorcerer, and capable of switching spells at any shrine. Downside? Even fewer spells slots, and uses both Wisdom and Charisma for spellcasting. At most 3 slots per level, and only 2 lv9 slots.

    1. Spirit Guide(Grants Alertness feat, +2 spot/listen), Wild Empathy(same as Ranger ability)
    2. Chastise Spirits, clickie ability used to damage spirits (incorporeal undead, fey, and such), usable number of times based on charisma modifier (3+Cha)
    3. Blessing of the spirits: unlimited self only clickie Protection from Evil, unlimited duration, bonuses to Spirits instead of Evil.
    4. Follow the Guide: extra save chance against Enchantments, similar tech as Slippery Mind for rogues.
    5. Ghost Warrior: All weapons/armor treated as Ghost Touch.
    6. Warding of the Spirits: 1/day clickie Magic Circle against Evil, protects from Spirits instead of Evil
    7. Spirit Form 1/day, clickie ability to grant oneself incorporeal traits. (Immunity to nonmagical attack forms, 50% miss chance to magical attack forms, lose armor/natural armor, gain deflection bonus equal to charisma mod)
    8. Guide Magic: ????? Not sure about this. . .no spells in DDO with Concentration as a Duration.
    9. Recall Spirit: 1/day Rez, only usable on targets who recently died (within say, 30 seconds perhaps). Not sure how to code this. *no penalty when rezzed this way* Creature is restored to -1 hp and stabile.
    10. Spirit Form 2/day
    11. Weaken Spirits: clickie ability used to debuff spirits, uses same clickie pool as Chastise Spirits. This removes miss chance from incorporeal spirits, removes spell resistance, as well as any damage reduction derived from Magic, Silver, Cold Iron, Good, Evil, Law, or Chaos.
    12. Spirit Journey: Shadow Walk clickie, 1/day
    13. Favored of the spirits: Self Auto-Heal (150 HP) if hit by attack that kills or incapacitates. Function Once per use of clickie. Each clickie consumes expensive and/or rare material component. (in PnP, it costs 1000 xp points)
    14. Spirit form 3/day, Spirit who walks: Type changes to Fey, gains DR 5/Cold Iron

    Spirits are as follows: (the ones in game at least)
    Incorporeal Undead
    "Traps don't do damage. They ask you to do damage to yourself." -Andy Menard
    Release your inner dwarf. Then get him some ale!

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