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  1. #1
    Community Member reziel_deadshot's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Default sorry didn't really know where to post this.

    i didn't where to post a new build and seeing how its a very diverse build i just posted it in 3 different spots, ranger/barbarian/general discussion

    so i was playing my barbarian one day and i loved how i had the extra crit range even though he is only level 11 and only has the first enhancement, but soon enough at 13 i get the other enhancement and get a 2nd crit range improvement when i am raged and at 11th level i figure that 36 strength is nice, and ill get it even higher when i wear +6 str item. and then i remember my ranger back before i deleted him, and enjoyed playing him very much so and i looked at my barbarian and thought that the bow str + multi shot + precision and the extra crit range from my barb would would make some great damage and then i pulled my DQ killer, (+1holy burst longbow of greater evil outsider bane) and with he cold iron arrows would bypass her DR and then if i apply all of the other concepts i came up with to this bow on the DQ geesh thats 17-20 crit range on a longbow that bypasses her DR with holy burst, and greater evil outsider bane. so i put them all together and i came up with this. the primitive sniper.

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 2.45
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    primitive sniper
    Level 14 Neutral Good Human Male
    (1 Fighter \ 11 Barbarian \ 2 Ranger) 
    Hit Points: 251
    Spell Points: 0 
    BAB: 14\14\19\24
    Fortitude: 15
    Reflex: 10
    Will: 3
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Stats          Modified Stats
    Abilities        (Level 1)             (Level 14)
    Strength             16                    20
    Dexterity            17                    19
    Constitution         14                    16
    Intelligence          8                     8
    Wisdom               11                    11
    Charisma              8                     8
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 14)
    Balance               5                    11
    Bluff                -1                    -1
    Concentration         2                     3
    Diplomacy            -1                    -1
    Disable Device       n/a                   n/a
    Haggle               -1                    -1
    Heal                  0                     0
    Hide                  3                     4
    Intimidate           -1                    14
    Jump                  5                    16
    Listen                0                     8
    Move Silently         3                     4
    Open Lock             n/a                   n/a
    Perform              n/a                   n/a
    Repair               -1                    -1
    Search               -1                    -1
    Spot                  0                    11
    Swim                  3                     5
    Tumble                4                     6
    Use Magic Device     n/a                   n/a
    Notable Equipment
    Level 1 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Human Bonus) Point Blank Shot
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Precise Shot
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I
    Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Trip) I
    Enhancement: Human Versatility I
    Enhancement: Fighter Jump I
    Level 2 (Ranger)
    Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Giant
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage I
    Enhancement: Ranger Spot I
    Level 3 (Barbarian)
    Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
    Enhancement: Barbarian Sprint Boost I
    Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Listen I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Toughness I
    Level 4 (Barbarian)
    Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Extra Rage I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Power Attack I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Willpower I
    Level 5 (Barbarian)
    Enhancement: Barbarian Improved Damage Reduction I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Improved Trap Sense I
    Level 6 (Ranger)
    Feat: (Selected) Manyshot
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I
    Enhancement: Ranger Dexterity I
    Level 7 (Barbarian)
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II
    Level 8 (Barbarian)
    Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage II
    Enhancement: Human Versatility II
    Level 9 (Barbarian)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Enhancement: Barbarian Extra Rage II
    Enhancement: Barbarian Power Rage II
    Level 10 (Barbarian)
    Enhancement: Barbarian Constitution I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Toughness II
    Level 11 (Barbarian)
    Enhancement: Barbarian Extend Rage III
    Level 12 (Barbarian)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons
    Enhancement: Barbarian Constitution II
    Level 13 (Barbarian)
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Dexterity II
    Level 14 (Barbarian)
    Enhancement: Barbarian Critical Rage I
    Enhancement: Barbarian Toughness III
    and if you add in items/tomes your stats will be as listed, and also with lvl 16 being the cap, doing lvl 16 or so quests should drop +2 tomes as normal loot and some +7 items also

    str-28 unraged (36raged) with +2 tome & +6 strength item.
    dex-26 with +1 tome & +6 dexterity item, 28 with +3 tome.
    con-22 unraged (28raged) with +2 tome and +6 constitution item.
    wisdom-18 with +1 tome, and +6 wisdom item, 20 with +3 tome.

    those are the stats that would change at least, and this is a 32pt build for the record. with the next level cap being in January i will take the next two levels as barbarian and take improved precise shot and get that 17-20 crit range (only 18-20 with current cap) and also id be able to get my con up i believe by another one if u get a +7 item and barbarian constitution 2, i believe or you may adjust things a little bit as so.

    with having power attack high strength, high barbarian levels you are still able to melee very effectively with a greataxe or sword of shadows but i imagine most people would be using the greataxes and turn over to bow when every wanted or needed and use multi shot and do some major damage when raged. and with 2 levels of ranger and high dex you can duel wield also and get a nasty crit range, (can swap slashing crit for piercing crit if u want to use rapiers/short swords instead and change power attack for weapon finesse) so thats quite diverse in my opinion not to mention with ranger levels you can wand heal yourself and give yourself an extra boost with the human recovery enhancements 20% on healing..i think don't mind me this is my first and only human.

    in my opinion the ideal item set, and i do say ideal because as we all know not everyone will get these items and it will take effort to do so are as followed

    helm - minos helm (heavy fort, toughness)
    necklace - con 6 or wis 5(6 if u got +2 tome)
    armor - what ever the heck you think is effective, you will be able to go sword and board, dps with two handers, or ranged in what ever armor you choose, seeing how you have a fighter level
    weapon - like i said for the armor, what ever the heck you think will work best seeing how you can anything.
    rings - con6 or wis 5(6 if u got +2 tome) or resistance 4 item or 5 if they are more common in level cap increase
    boots - boots of innocent (+5resistance and stride 15%)
    trinket - head of good fortune (+2 lucky from reaver raid)
    gloves - dex 6 gloves
    belt - titan belt (greater false life, strength 6) belt of brute strength.
    goggles - the demon Queen goggles of course.
    bracers - ethereal bracer's out of ghost of perdition of course! duh! lol they are great.
    cloaks - demon Queen cloak for that extra 20% chance of miss <--always nice, and nothing else to really go there, or else can use the +4 resistance item if u can't get the boots of the innocent. also +5 resistance items might be more common once the level cap increases so you all keep that in mind

    *note sense the ring and cloaks are swap-able and extra slots and you will have a spare ring slot you may get a +6 str belt and get a greater false life ring, or vice-versa.

    *second note i really did not have a great idea as of what to do with the skill points so i put them into some useful skills but can also probably put some into umd to bypass some race restrictions if u can find a way to get it up higher (cartouche or 7 fingered gloves?, +6 cha cloak, tome possibly?) i just figured balance and jump were pretty important, spot and listen were semi-important so you can spot your enemies. and intimidate for idk use your imagination, the key in PoP maybe?

    in conclusion this build is very versatile and is very effective in all ways of doing damage physically obviously can not spell cast and you can do just about anything you want to kill things and in the end your hp will be over 340 i think it was (at 14 cap) and your saves will all be good (+5 will save when raged) and be able to wand heal yourself, with all that in mind my creation

    "The Primitive Sniper" is born

    tell me what you all think.
    Xenaquin-12f/2rog/2barb Xenoquin-14p/2rog Xenioquin-16barb Xenaqin-rgr/rog Zenaquin-15c/1w Hasheam-16w MrZergy-13p/2f/1s MrsZergy-12f/1c/3rgr Reziela-15r/1m RIP-Reziel 15rgr/1rog

  2. #2
    Community Member Jack_No.7's Avatar
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    May 2006


    here are my 2 suggestions :get rid of the lvl of fighter, yes u loose an extra feat, but as mod 6 comes out u will be at 14 barb/2 ranger this will give u ur extra damage and allow u to get extra crit 2! and not suffer much
    secondly, dont ever plan ur gear around raid gear .... im not saying its a good idea to aim for them, im saying its very unlikely ull get the exact raid gear u need with this system, unless ur real lucky, someone is really generous or ur on ur 20th and no one can say anything about what u get :P but even then u might not get what u do need
    i for one did not get my titan belt on my 20th run...

    or hell if u do 2 ranger 2 rogue 12 barb... u even get evasion thats just an afterthough but nice build

  3. #3
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Horrible build.

    For a build designed to do well against the DQ - its pretty bad.. You won't be soloing her with this build, or even doing very well vs her in a group.. Due to lacking evasion to stay alive, lacking casting for required buffs, lack of umd for good healing, and while 26 can hit her a bit, it would be like 50&#37; or worse so you won't be doing much dps.

    Then you lack many of the things that make barbarians great - two handed feats or two weapon feats. You will NOT be able to get critical rage II, its requires barbarian lvl14 not 13... And you'll also lose out some barbarian DR, and a couple other enhancements.

    Basicly if you want a barbarian that does good melee dmg and ranged dmg.. Just take 1 level of ranger for the bow str and the rest go pure barbarian. Stats are ok, but you might wanna drop the wis to get your con up - you need a decent score to keep raged a good amount of the time.

    Triple class characters are very difficult to plan, and more so to create and play well. Unless you know exactly what your doing (if you did you wouldnt be here asking for advice) never do it. Splash 1 level - ok fine but be sure what your doing, anymore: gimped character.

  4. #4
    Community Member reziel_deadshot's Avatar
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    Jan 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Horrible build.

    For a build designed to do well against the DQ - its pretty bad.. You won't be soloing her with this build, or even doing very well vs her in a group.. Due to lacking evasion to stay alive, lacking casting for required buffs, lack of umd for good healing, and while 26 can hit her a bit, it would be like 50&#37; or worse so you won't be doing much dps.

    Then you lack many of the things that make barbarians great - two handed feats or two weapon feats. You will NOT be able to get critical rage II, its requires barbarian lvl14 not 13... And you'll also lose out some barbarian DR, and a couple other enhancements.

    Basicly if you want a barbarian that does good melee dmg and ranged dmg.. Just take 1 level of ranger for the bow str and the rest go pure barbarian. Stats are ok, but you might wanna drop the wis to get your con up - you need a decent score to keep raged a good amount of the time.

    Triple class characters are very difficult to plan, and more so to create and play well. Unless you know exactly what your doing (if you did you wouldnt be here asking for advice) never do it. Splash 1 level - ok fine but be sure what your doing, anymore: gimped character.
    first of all, its a ranger, it has wand capability fool, and i have almost all multi class characters and i have every single piece of raid gear in the game as of now on 1 toon, and 80% of the raid gear on another toon form soloing or 2manning every raid, i know how to build a toon, i was just asking what you thought if it, i never asked for advice, and yes i just noticed barb critical rage is 14 rather then 13 but even then so, how do u figure gimp melee? i have a high BaB just as high as any fighter, i happen to have a full set of TRADEABLE +2 tomes for him, so up everyone of those stats by 2, and i only said u can TRY for umd, i never said get umd, and if i did take 1 lvl of ranger i wouldnt have rapid shot, nor multi shot and i need that extra level of fighter for the number of feats i need for that specific build, and besides my tank with only a 26 dex can hit her on a 4 or better with a bow without having any range feats its a 10fighter 2 barb 2 rogue halfling, with 30 str 26 dex, 26 con, 20 wis, 19 int, 18 cha, (the toon with every raid item) u figure the arrows make the bow a +3, then the +4 tohit with the greater bane, then the dex modifier, then greater heroism, i believe hitting her would be absolutely no problem at all,

    also, even though it does not have evasion, it can tank just as good as any other barb, and barbarian DR is completly worthless in my opinion unless u are wf, i do not have any of the DR enhancements/feats on my pure barbarian.

    and as for buffs, i can use resistance wands, the greater ones (resistance to energy 11th) greater heroism, i have 7 stave of the seers, and that gets past her true seeing, umm as far as im concerned you bascailly only need true seeing , specially seeing how i do her raid 3 times a week with 5 toons, all elite with usually only 1 cleric, and only 2 of my toons have evasion.

    not to mention, what feats are you talking about, the greater 2 handed weapon fighting? those are ****, i dont have any of those on my barbarian either and i solo or 2man every quest with him cuz i do not like pugs, and my partner is usually a caster, rarely a cleric.

    dont see how u call him gimp, maybe cuz i dont get all of the enhancements barbs get currently but the only one i really miss out on is the power critical 2, but thats only a +, and ill get it eventually.

    *edit* and you do not need evasion to solo her, but why would i want to now? no garuntee loot unless its my 20th, but even then so, i solo her before without using the safe spot on my wizard with merely 187hp without temp hit point spells (false life, aid...etc).
    Last edited by reziel deadshot; 12-15-2007 at 08:13 PM.
    Xenaquin-12f/2rog/2barb Xenoquin-14p/2rog Xenioquin-16barb Xenaqin-rgr/rog Zenaquin-15c/1w Hasheam-16w MrZergy-13p/2f/1s MrsZergy-12f/1c/3rgr Reziela-15r/1m RIP-Reziel 15rgr/1rog

  5. #5
    Community Member reziel_deadshot's Avatar
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    Default well

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack_No.7 View Post
    here are my 2 suggestions :get rid of the lvl of fighter, yes u loose an extra feat, but as mod 6 comes out u will be at 14 barb/2 ranger this will give u ur extra damage and allow u to get extra crit 2! and not suffer much
    secondly, dont ever plan ur gear around raid gear .... im not saying its a good idea to aim for them, im saying its very unlikely ull get the exact raid gear u need with this system, unless ur real lucky, someone is really generous or ur on ur 20th and no one can say anything about what u get :P but even then u might not get what u do need
    i for one did not get my titan belt on my 20th run...

    or hell if u do 2 ranger 2 rogue 12 barb... u even get evasion thats just an afterthough but nice build
    all my guildies have all the raid gear i listed, and all of my other toons i listed already have them, it would be no problem getting these.
    Xenaquin-12f/2rog/2barb Xenoquin-14p/2rog Xenioquin-16barb Xenaqin-rgr/rog Zenaquin-15c/1w Hasheam-16w MrZergy-13p/2f/1s MrsZergy-12f/1c/3rgr Reziela-15r/1m RIP-Reziel 15rgr/1rog

  6. #6
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    If you only here to throw around insults and not take advice, then do not ask for it.

    (and i see you re-posted a new build based on some of my advice) Your welcome.

  7. #7
    Community Member reziel_deadshot's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Default yes

    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    If you only here to throw around insults and not take advice, then do not ask for it.

    (and i see you re-posted a new build based on some of my advice) Your welcome.
    shade, yes i did rebuild it based on your advice, and i did take take advice, but best not to start off a conversation saying something is "horrible" and "worthless" when your calculations were a bit off, other then the crit range. my apologizes
    Xenaquin-12f/2rog/2barb Xenoquin-14p/2rog Xenioquin-16barb Xenaqin-rgr/rog Zenaquin-15c/1w Hasheam-16w MrZergy-13p/2f/1s MrsZergy-12f/1c/3rgr Reziela-15r/1m RIP-Reziel 15rgr/1rog

  8. #8
    Community Member MondoGrunday's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Horrible build.
    don't fret , that's shade's response to anyone's build that differs from a two handed pure barb dps build, I know boooorrriing.

    i built a 2 ranger 12 barb already, months ago. goal was a dual wielder with the ability to cast buff scrolls and use wands independantly. don't worry about the suggestion of 2 rogue levels, you need light armour for that and your barb doesn't like wearing light armour

    do NOT drop your wis anymore than already is for con. you'll have plenty of rage between shrines. your rage won't do anything for you when you are commanded or dancing because your will save is the suckage. most barbs are easy to kill, just attack their will , even when raged it can be pretty low if its used as a dump stat.

    decent build, if you are going human get your umd up. you have human versatility and lots of feats to take umd focus. take umd each level (.5 hurts but oh well). add cartouche, head of good fortune and +6 cloak down the road and your well into 20's if not 30's. you'll be like me, the rezing barb. i'd also build up your intimidate over spot.
    Guilds: Wrath of God & Keepers of the BorderlandPalladia Mors- Fighter 16 Vaevictis Asmadi-Bard 16 Darigaaz TheIgniter- Paladin10/Rogue4/Fighter1 Bladewing The Risen -Sorcerer 16 Necrosavant -Barb 12/Fighter2/Bard 2Mondo Grunday - Rogue 14/Ranger2 Spiritmonger-Barb14/Ranger2-Propaganda-Cleric3/Ranger2Serraangel -14 Wizard/RogueMortify - 14 Paladin/2Monk

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