How bout it? 3 pally for +2 aura AC/saves, 2 lay on hands, disease/fear immunity. 5 wiz for self 1min haste/displacement/shield/anything else, and 6 fighter for feats and such.
straight melee guy, just a tought, no specifics yet.. ideas?
How bout it? 3 pally for +2 aura AC/saves, 2 lay on hands, disease/fear immunity. 5 wiz for self 1min haste/displacement/shield/anything else, and 6 fighter for feats and such.
straight melee guy, just a tought, no specifics yet.. ideas?
it would be an interesting build. WHat would be your starting stats? Might spread yourself thin distributing points among such diverse classes. I am currently working on a halfing 7 fighter 7 wizzy, and 2 rogue when the level cap goes to 16. I choose halfling because starting base stats I can max dex to 20 (finesse), max con to 16, and int 13, and wisdom 9. With +1 tomes I bumped that up to int 14 and wis 10 starting. Also with a halfing I get +1 ac +1, attack rolls, and really nice saves. With level 7 wizzy I get stoneskin and fireshieldFireshield doesn't last long but its cool
I would recommend a finesse fighter if you splash 5 levels of wizzy because your going to want a high dex to max out wearing wobes or light armor at higher levels. (Arcane failure). And your going to want to get your +hit as high as possible due to the wizzy levels.
Morkai - lvl 16 human Sorcerer Enchantment*Fire*Illusion
Razziel - lvl 14 TWF Str Slashing Elf Fighter/2 Rogue
Its Blacklist *****
i'm actually leaning towards dwarf for HP and spell defense. would most likely be str based and would leave int at 10, unless goin for CE, then put it at 12.. not sure on the rest though
With a 10 Int, you're not casting anything without a +Int item. Sure, all you'd need is a +3 to be able to cast all of them, but you'd have a pitiful amount of SP.
IMO, it's not worth it for an extra 30sec Haste, or some Blur, when you can just ask the full caster in the group for a much longer cast.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
I agree with Tanka your int may be to low and your mana pool would be pitiful. The trick to a successful wizard/fighter hybrid is to distribute stats so they compliment each other and not counterbalance which is why I choose finesse. I can get a high dex/ac +hit and minimize my arcane failure. If you invest in strength you will either be limited to wearing heavy armor, or average dex, or a low int. In my opinion, theres not enough stat points to distribute among str, dex, and int for a wizard/fighter hybrid. Use rons character planner to play around with stat distribution until you get something decent. Thats my advice.
Morkai - lvl 16 human Sorcerer Enchantment*Fire*Illusion
Razziel - lvl 14 TWF Str Slashing Elf Fighter/2 Rogue
Its Blacklist *****
Well, lots of that is opinion.
I've played with a few great Battlecasters, mostly WF, but I've seen builds for non-WF that worked just as well (but weren't able to self-heal as reliably, or at all).
In the top-end Elite content, unless you're hitting an unbuffed 55 AC, you may as well go two-hander/two-weapon and wear armor that is more effect-oriented (Greater Resists, Fearsome, etc) than not.
On Normal in the capped game, 40ish AC usually works fine.
The main problem with the build proposed by the OP is, well, a full caster will be able to buff better and most have enough SP that a few hundred on buffs like Haste and Blur won't matter in the long run.
If he wants a Battlecaster that is good in both melee and has a plethora of self-buffs, there are a few WF builds that succeed very well in that regard.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
I'm going a slightly different direction, but close enough in the basic build concept.
The Franken-Built "Elven Spellblade"
Yes I used a plus two strength tome already, pulled it raiding so nener. All other tomes eaten were pulled by me, for me. (Yes, I'm one of those horrid power gamers with way to much time on his hands for looting)Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 2.75 DDO Character Planner Home Page Spell Blade Level 14 Lawful Good Elf Male (6 Fighter \ 1 Paladin \ 7 Wizard) Hit Points: 209 Spell Points: 367 BAB: 10\10\15\20 Fortitude: 12 Reflex: 7 Will: 7 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 14) Strength 18 25 Dexterity 12 14 Constitution 13 14 Intelligence 14 15 Wisdom 8 8 Charisma 8 8 Tomes Used +1 Tome of Constitution used at level 1 +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7 +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7 +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7 Starting Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 14) Balance 3 10 Bluff -1 -1 Concentration 6 18 Diplomacy -1 -1 Disable Device n/a n/a Haggle -1 -1 Heal -1 -1 Hide 1 2 Intimidate -1 -1 Jump 4 9 Listen -1 1 Move Silently 1 2 Open Lock n/a n/a Perform n/a n/a Repair 2 2 Search 2 4 Spot 1 13.5 Swim 6 18.5 Tumble n/a 3 Use Magic Device n/a n/a Notable Equipment Longsword: +5 Longsword of Level 1 (Paladin) Feat: (Selected) Toughness Enhancement: Elf Melee Damage I Enhancement: Follower of the Sovereign Host Level 2 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons Level 3 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Combat Expertise Feat: (Selected) Toughness Level 4 (Wizard) Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Extend Spell Level 5 (Wizard) Level 6 (Fighter) Feat: (Selected) Improved Trip Level 7 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons Level 8 (Fighter) Level 9 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons Feat: (Selected) Toughness Level 10 (Wizard) Level 11 (Wizard) Level 12 (Wizard) Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Empower Spell Level 13 (Wizard) Level 14 (Wizard) Enhancement: Elven Arcane Fluidity I Enhancement: Elven Dexterity I Enhancement: Elf Melee Attack I Enhancement: Elf Melee Attack II Enhancement: Elf Melee Damage II Enhancement: Elven Keen Eyes I Enhancement: Elven Keen Eyes II Enhancement: Elven Keen Eyes III Enhancement: Elven Keen Eyes IV Enhancement: Fighter Item Defense I Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Trip) I Enhancement: Fighter Strategy (Trip) II Enhancement: Wizard Improved Empowering I Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Elements I Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Elements II Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements I Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation I Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation II Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation III Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar I Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar II Enhancement: Fighter Strength I Enhancement: Fighter Strength II Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II
Personally I love the build so far. Being an elf I'm able to drop ASF to 15% in MFP. I'll lower it to 10% once I hit level 13 and can wear the Fanged Gloves. However, I could just as easily shift everything around to fill out the dex requirement on MBP reducing the ASF to 0%. Unfortunatly that'd drop my AC, and I'm not ready to go there yet. Additionally the +3 to hit for Elf and Pally Longsword enhancements takes allot of the sting out of lost BaB. I regularly use Combat Expertise/Defensive Fighting to push my AC up (depending on how hard it is to hit things), and don't regret burning the feat on CE at all. **EDIT** Current standing AC is a 42. Missing some +'s that'll come with leveling. Will update once I cap him **/EDIT**
Still haven't figured out what to take for my level 12 feat...Pondering Precision to make up for CE's negative to hit without loosing the AC bonus...Also pondering Least (and Lesser) Dragon marks of Shadow (Including lvl 15's feat). With extend they should provide perma-displaced mitigating AC lost if I want to cast CC or AoE spells.
I figure the enhancement lines will shift as I get a better feel for the character, but included thoughts on how I might spend them for now.
Heck of a fun build so far. Will probably grab 2 more Pally levels when they bump the cap to 18. Want fighter lvl 8 first though as it provides access to Greater Weapon Focus and I really like being able to hit things.
Last edited by Gadget2775; 12-16-2007 at 12:47 PM.
D.W.A.T: (Now with Non-Dwarf support)
Founder of the (D.W.A.T) Elf Rebellion and Supporter of the H (alfling). I(ntel). T(eam).
I've yet to meet the caster who'll keep me perma-hasted. As I seriously doubt they're going to add 30 min haste to the House P list this works great for me. Additionally if they ever get around to adding practiced spell caster to the list of feats it'd kick the buffs to 18 min for the OP and 22 for me. (slightly under 2 min of haste for the OP and just over for me)
**EDIT** Displacement is an awesom spell, not widely used because it chews up SP. This build is quite capable of Displacing itself...Definitly a bonus when yer runnin Elite content where even having a 50 AC is low **/EDIT**
As for SP, my build runs a base of 300, easily kicked up to 500 or so with items and enhancements. Right around the same pool a full Pally or Ranger is might have. Nothing like a pure class caster, but more than enough for me.![]()
Last edited by Gadget2775; 12-15-2007 at 08:51 PM.
D.W.A.T: (Now with Non-Dwarf support)
Founder of the (D.W.A.T) Elf Rebellion and Supporter of the H (alfling). I(ntel). T(eam).
you could go sorc and boost your cha
give you more spell points
spell point items dobble for sorc ( 10 points for wiz but sorc get 20 from same item)
higher cha give's you more AC (with pal agenst evile)
you dont have to put points in to int (more points for other stats)
The Old Timers Guild
"Laid back, not so serious, no drama.
All about the fun!"
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For pure Sorcs, yes. Multiclass Sorcs get less depending on how many levels of Sorc they have.
Wrong. Higher Cha only gives you more Smites, Turns, better LoH and better saves. No AC boost from higher Cha, or you'd see tons more Pally Intimitanks.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)