is it a joke? 200+ loot runs over 500 chests only 1 gold coin drop? i mean cmon what was that down time yesterday? fixed nothing about gold coins.
is it a joke? 200+ loot runs over 500 chests only 1 gold coin drop? i mean cmon what was that down time yesterday? fixed nothing about gold coins.
Last edited by wizzy_catt; 12-14-2007 at 09:39 PM.
i see **** tons of silver and copper but 2 days ago in 7 gwylans run 5 gold coins dropped and i have seen none today. they upped everything and downed gold
I did irestone inlet tongiht with a few guildies and like 3-4 of them dropped (Gold)
I've seen a few drop.. got a few myself....
Tell you what Wizzy.. Go find yourself a 100 sided die... roll it 500 times.. count how many times you get between a 1 and a 5... Then do the dsame thing about 50 more times.. Let me know what the average number of times you get a roll of 1-5 out of a possible 100 numbers........
Bet it EVEVTUALLY works out to about a 5% chance of getting said results.... But it may take a milli0on rolls Some will do better some will do worse.... Some a lot better some a lot worse.....
I'm just sayin'
That's not how it works.
It doesn't ever "work itself out". You have the exact same chance each time as you did before, regardless of the results. The illusion of it being a 5% chance (meaning: out of 100 rolls I should get at least 5 hits) is a farce. Especially knowing DDO's dice the way they usually roll, its likely that some people will NEVER see a gold coin, even after 500 chest pulls.
So don't go misrepresenting the perceived chances. Also, don't go jumping on someone's case making a promise that they may never see.
I ransacked durks on one character, sewer rescue on another, irestone on yet another character, and various other side quests, for a total of
189 copper, 29 silver, 3 gold coins and.. 6 muckbanes! (note the number of quests and different quests run)
yes people, your chance of a muckbane is much much greater than a chance at a gold coin.
I just find this funny.
The Truth~ +5 Transmuting Utterance of Puncturing .
BarrelBane Crateslayers~Shamrocks.
of Spew(Argo, Thelanis, Cannith);Chunkss[Argo]
Only got 1 Gold Coin since Festivus started and I've been hitting chests like crazy - 250 Copper and 1 Gold seems a little unproportionate.. I know I've been good this year!