well im up to 1400 copper 350 silver and 18 gold coins. There is your drop rate!
Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
This character is dedicated to a once great game destroyed by a greedy corperation.. Goodbye Star Wars Galaxays!
Just for fun took my lumps of coal and went into a low level quest and only used them. With the copper and silver coins that I received from the chests, I was able to restock my coal. Seems I am destined to have a supply of coal on hand.
they are just not dropping, normal , hard elite lvl 4 or 14 quest it doesn't matter....I've seen one so far ...maybe around 200 or so copper about 70 or so silver
In Game- Hsc, Malcis, ESD, Narsfilth, Nashnarlar, Axeslar, Darksilence, Nullnvoid, Norvex, Takanobu, Warzerk, Harshnarlar, Antibio, Zintarnarlar, Zorest, Axenroses and Intherear Originally Posted by kaidendager "I find a larger flaw with gathering data from dissatisfied customers and forcing proposed changes on a satisfied player base"
Only got 1 Gold Coin since Festivus started and I've been hitting chests like crazy - 250 Copper and 1 Gold seems a little unproportionate.. I know I've been good this year!
Hey now, get off that big old I'm so awesome ladder of your's Mr. know it all... Your's isn't the end all of everything, even if YOU think it is
Yes, evenetually it may indeed work itself out.. But as I said perhaps not..... But don't ever thing YOU can police anybody... This isn't your house this is our house run by the folks at Turbine..... So take your badge and shove it where.... Well you know where
I just want to post my "good feelings" about the gold coins. I've pulled 3 gold coins since festivus began. Trading them in have netted me 3 Fire Shield (fire version) jelly cakes. I used one last night in the Ice room of POP and found it to be extremely useful. (Especially since I was running it on elite with mostly lvl 11's and 12's). The fire shield effect looked very cool and made it that much easier to take down the flenser and mephits. IMO festivus is an added bonus, one that I am very much enjoying. Gold coins are rare and I like it that way. Thanks for putting me in the holiday mood. Happy holidays to all at Turbine!!!
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen