I have yet to encounter a situation where my bard's jump isn't good enough as it stands... err... jumps.
Shield spell isn't going to do much for you at 14, no matter how long it lasts.
I have yet to encounter a situation where my bard's jump isn't good enough as it stands... err... jumps.
Shield spell isn't going to do much for you at 14, no matter how long it lasts.
Tourbillon * Hyper * Headbanger * Speedstick * Arkane
Besides....if you only take 1 sorc level, your caster evel for shield would be the same as a clickie - level 1 (my bard/sorc has it; lasts almost long enough to be worth it with extend, but still very short duration, and it gests ASF).
I've tried several different combos of Bard with something else, and gone both ways with the Sorc./Bard combo. I've found that the Sorc. really didn't suit my playstyle at all, and I missed the great buffs I would have gotten going more Bard. The Bard with just 1 level of Sorc. though really is fun to play (esp. Drow).
As for your light armor question, I think you'll find that the right robes in combination with the right items give you more flexibility AC-wise than light armor and don't give you any chance for spell failure. I really like Command robes, for the boost to Charisma related skill checks. But besides those I have robes for several occasions, including deathblock and elemental resists. Armor that does the same thing is very expensive.
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep debating on what's for dinner.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep defending it's choice.
Makes me wonder because I have a WF Bard/Fighter and a WF Wiz/Fighter.
Seems like my battlemage is so much better with the shield spell, not as squishy as my bard.
They have about the same stats and both blurred. I wonder why.
Trying barkskin pots but still squishy..![]()
What level are they? That shield spell works great for the harbor but quickly becomes useless at mid-high levels (except for the magic missle stoppage).
AC is king up to level 10 or so with any melee build. If you can get even 30 AC or so it makes all of those quests much easier in the early going.
All I can say is if you go with the typical two handed fighting route you will get hit at high levels. At that point displacement/stoneskin/resists/fearsome etc... will be both characters only defense. If you use stoneskin scrolls and can cover the resists they will end up with about the same "squishiness". Except the Bard will have by level 16, 32 more hit points from levels.
As far as MC Bards go there are some good combinations. It really depends on what you are going for and weighing the pros and cons for your particular build.
Bard/Rogue - This works well you can do all the trap stuff and in my case I went very good DPS and party buffs with warchanter and TWF. This is a ton of fun to play. Little known fact but a Bard 12/4 warchanter in the next cap will have with GTWF and sneak attacks the highest possible damage in the game for a Bard, no Bard build can touch it if built well and strength based.
Bard/Fighter - Taking a level or so of fighter can often be beneficial for the feats/proficiency/enhancements.
Bard/Sorc - I am not a huge fan of this, to me it only really makes sense on Bards who plan to mainly buff/heal and want as much spell points as possible. If you are going to rely on CC spells I would not do this, it delays spell progression and you lose a level of spell penetration for your Bard spells.
Bard/Barbarian - Generally Barbarians are not a good class to splash with as it takes a lot of levels of Barbarian to really start to pay off. There are a few builds that go this way though. The run speed and DR boost are nice. Most of the ones that really push the Barbarian levels are not really very Bard like anymore and only end up with 8-9 levels of Bard.
Bard/Ranger - If you want to range and melee taking 2 levels of Ranger can help. Generally it is easier to take 2 levels of fighter and pick your feats unless you want bow strength.
Bard/Wizard - Meh not very good....
Bard/Cleric - The only real reason to do this is for the DV's if you really want to build a support character it makes sense.
Bard/Paladin - Cannot do....alignment
My wf bard/fighter is lvl 7 now and wf wiz/fighter lvl 10.
Both don't have high AC but based on gameplay, my battlemage is doing so much better at those levels.
Doesn't die as much... lol...
Could be the mage could itself repair better... my bard depends on cure... hmm...
Hmm, just thinking; my Bard/Rogue is really fun to play. Gets traps pretty easily, has a great reflex save and evasion (lvl 2 rogue), saves vs most spells due to SR 16 (drow) and the Elven Enchantment resistance lines, and dishes out respectable damage (using Finesse feat).
I've been wondering if it's worthwhile to add 2 levels of Ranger for the bow str. add some ranged capability and open up my weapon choices a bit, or if I'd lose so much by being limited to lvl 10 Bard (lvl 12 after cap raise) that its not worthwhile? That would make him (under current lvl 14 cap) a 10/2/2 Bard/Ranger/Rogue.
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep debating on what's for dinner.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep defending it's choice.
I've got a 13/1 Bard/Cleric; did it for the DV's. While they worked out well earlier in the game, I wouldn't make the same decision again. I get a good number of DVs (13; no extra points spent on them), but they're all at the lowest DV level which isn't all that useful. The upside is when people don't realize they have someone who can provide DVs and get a nice surprise when I start recharging SP for them.