Uhm... Repair between deaths??
I don't see what is so challenging about this idea....
Casters are recalling for mana all the time, heck people even EXPECT them to recall if they get low...
Now everyone will have a good reason to take an xp hit and recall out - REPAIR. That is, IF they die a lot.
And even ME, first-time-getting-near-cap, in Madstone, Elite, only died three times. How often do you die five times in one quest without recalling??
on top of this, the chance for permanent damage is decreased... (Good thing) I have had one item to get so damaged that I repaired it up and sold it - think it was a silver ring of something... Dex maybe... low toughness to begin with and it was at like 6 points left on it.
Last edited by GrayOldDruid; 12-14-2007 at 02:00 PM.
It is not about the destination, it is about the journey.
All my Characters Loathe the stupid term " Toon "
I don't suppose it would occur to you that some of us tried WoW and are here instead of there at least in part because of the death mechanic? Actually, to tell you the truth I deleted my test account while running back to grab my body...
Moving in the direction of WoW is not bright. If we wanted WoW...well WoW is better at being WoW than you are.
I don't think that it was a negative play experience (the experience penalty) since I just generally avoided some of the trickier quests without the right group. What I like about the new system is that it will give death some teeth, and be seen as something to be avoided a lot more. There is a reason why the perma-death play-style is as popular as it is. Since death has high consequences, you have to go slower, and think more. Death SHOULD be avoided. I don't think that the system as it is needs to change, I think that the BALANCING does. Mobs are still too deadly (on hard/elite). Right now, that doesn't matter. I realize that they are supposed to be harder, but difficulty increase that exists versus the level increase is out of whack. We still have problems with mobs having too high of SR/Saves/Hit Dice. The biggest example is Turn Undead. While it has seen a boost lately, it is still mostly good for DV. For that matter, Undeath to Death is useless by the time that you get the spell.
All that being said...
Since we are reexamining death in DDO, has there been any thought put to removing Rest Shrines? I think that they are more disruptive to game play than XP loss, since when I am out of mana, I can't find a safe spot, squat down, and take a nap. If I have no rest shrine, I have to exit the quest, take a large XP hit, slog my way to a tavern, and back. All the while the whole party is probably waiting for me. So not only is my character development being slowed by having to exit, but it is also slowing the progression of the quest.
I would seem a much better solution to let us choose where and when we rest. Maybe add in the skill Survival from the PnP game. You can use Survival to set up camp. After the camp is secure, you can rest there. When someone rests there, there could be a possibility of mob spawning based on the Survival skill check, and the location chosen (a well used path would have a much higher chance than a secluded alcove (make the current shrine locations into these). As the number of camps in a quest increases, so does the chance of a random encounter. If you are disturbed, you do not get to rest. Then just set a par for rests for each quest (based on the number of rest shrines currently), set the types of mobs that spawn, optionally set zones for increased/decreased difficulty, and that should be it (not that coding that is quick...).
A possible example:
Camping difficulty = 10 + (Level of the quest x (location: 1.0 for good location, 1.5 for default location, 2.0 for poor location)) + 4 x (number of camping attempts - camping par)
So for the first time in a level 10 quest (average 2 rests) in a good location, the difficulty would be 16 (almost a sure thing with a good ranger in he group). The second time in an average spot is 25. The third time in an average spot is 29. If this doesn't look right, all you have to do is adjust the par.
The nice thing about a system like this is that instead of running back to a shrine/tavern dragging the pace of the game, resting becomes exciting. (Heck you could even though in some RARE mini-bosses that spawn on a failed camp attempt.)
Also it is an excuse to bring in Survival, which can then be used with a tracking feat, which brings a whole new game-play mechanic.
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Ok yesterday I said I would read before posting, but Ive decided otherwise.
So quick question.
The damage your gear will take from death, is it permadamage or repairable damage?
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
I've read pages 1-15 or so, and scanned the rest.
I'm not firmly convinced of what effects this will have - I am willing to wait and try it out.
That said, the best suggestion I have seen to allay fears may be the one that suggested no item wear on normal, or even normal and hard.
Item wear only on elite.
I think this is a good compromise. And, if I understand the underlying motivations correctly, I think this type of compromise would still achieve the underlying goal. And ... again assuming I correctly see why this is being done ... Turbine could further get to where they want us to to be later, by providing sufficiently tempting favor rewards.
Just a thought.
I'd like to briefly point out that a "mitigation after the fact" system might actually help prevent the "OMG h8 teh clericz!!" attitude people seem afraid of. If the cleric was able to help reduce the effects of death after it'd happened, there'd be a bit (if not a lot) less blaming clerics for everything.
It'd be a lot easier to make up counter-reasons for why Item Defense should work if someone could tell me what the reason is that your items are actually taking damage in the first place.
I mean aside from "It's good game design to give people ways to (at least partially) mitigate penalties."
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One of my guildmates brought up the point about Dragon armor. Since it's bound, it will no longer take permanent damage, but it will take regular damage. Since running Gianthold quests are quickly going out of style beyond the occasional Reaver raid, collecting relics is a bit of a chore to keep the armor in good condition. Since the system is based off of percentages, that means that before one dies 10 times while wearing the dragon armor, you'll have to collect enough relics to repair it. Unless one makes a point of always running Gianthold quests, they'll quickly find themselves without any extra relics for repairs.
Perhaps in the case of special items that require special upkeep, they should take a lower percentage of damage per death.
(Sorry if this has been said before, but this thread is 23 pages long now.)
RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
Member of the DDO Player Council
Coldin-Artificer; Lynton-Bard; Alydyn-Swashbuckler;
Takai-Monk; Rosein-Paladin; Ellyiana-Cleric; Aurixs-Sorcerer