Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
why do you think they merged the servers this past summer?

why do you think all of those players on those deceased servers left?

only the diehards are left, along with whatever random newbs are joining (& with no advertising, probably pretty insignificant numbers IMO)

keep it up, Turbine & there will be another server merge
I invited 5 RL friends over the past 6 months to join.
All joined, 1 stayed the rest left because of the xp penalty and a few other things.

I have one coming back this week and 3 others that will come back for a few months to check it out.

Maybe its just my small circle of the world but thats 3 more DDO players that want to play now.
I'm sure I will bring more when I tell them we are getting the begginings of crafting.

But it can't be just me it has to be everyone as well.
If people dont like this system and want to leave. Begging your pardon but then go ahead and leave, what else can be said to you honestly? Thats not a mean statement its just that there is no more constructive conversation that can be had with that. Your not adding to the game by leaving so there is little else to be said.
If you like this game, but dont like the new system, inpart some constructive criticism and give some ideas while also continuing to promote and market this game. Tell your friends, tell others.
"I play DDO, and you should to.."

I know many say "But the xp debt system was fine, its been working all along..." Well obviously it hasn't has it? Has it brought in new players, increased the population? No.
Has it chased away potential players? Yes
There's many other things that go along with it but lets at least eliminate one aspect of new player frustration and maybe gain new players because of it.
Then we can begin to work on other issues that are causing player loss.

Maybe we will lose people, maybe so. But if this game is to survive we have to get new players in and keep that influx greater than the departure rate. This is one step toward that.
Some people say it can't happen. Wrong.
Eve online was waining in the 25k sub range at one point and had a resurgence because they began to implement new aspects of the game. There are many examples of games rebounding and making massive comebacks in the subscription area.
But its not going to happen if people continue to constantly bash the game into extinction.

Fact 1 -
The xp penalty system is gone. It aint coming back. So any argument that includes "I liked the old system better.." is irrelevant. Its not coming back.
Fact2 -
This is only the first itteration of this change. It doesn't mean its set in stone.

Maybe you dont like this new system. Fine, then impart some ideas on what you would like to see. What way would be better?

Some things that can't happen.
- Bound items becoming unbound is not going to happen.
- Perm damage being eliminated without making all items bind on aquire. Eladrin put it best. Its one way or the other. You have to keep a steady flow of items in and out of the marketplace. Either their is perm damage and we have the option to bind or all things bind and there is no perm damage. Take your pick. There's no basis in "I dont like either.." because unfortunatly thats just silly to say that. Its one way or the other in this case, make a choice or turn away and leave. What else can be said?
- Any system or suggeston with XP loss is not going to happen. As I said. That mechanic is gone, never to be seen again.

I dont mean to be direct or tell people to leave but at some point what more can be said? The same way a mcdonalds can't give you the money out of their cash registers, turbine can't give away their company or destroy the game just because one partucular loyalist group wants the game to be a certain way.
Turbine has been doing this for a long time, they know what they are doing. They knew the xp penalty system represented a growing issue that had to be addressed. XP loss had to go and they needed to find a way to replace it. They did. Some people disagree with that, that is fine, but impart some wisdom as to why not start a back and forth about bringing back the old system or threatening to leave. Such arguments are sure to be ignored.