Thanks, both of those items will help. I really like the idea somoene else in this thread had about using the repair skill (probably the most underused skill in the game for non-wf) to be used to repair equipment damage while shrining the same way repair deals with wf hp.
Always wondered about that one myself.
Ok Eladrin, be honest with us here... Most of the people here who are onside with the damage on death plan think its because you want us to bind everything to fix the economy. If that is the real reason, and its not just to "find a more fun way to deal with death penalty" then please say so. It would at least allow an honest debate and would be easier to understand. I don't know if I'd agree its the best way to deal with the economy, but that I could at least understand. I don't understand how this is supposed to meet your objectives of creating a more acceptable/fun way to deal with death.