Major systems changes in Module Six: The Thirteenth Eclipse include alterations to the repair system and the effects caused by death. We’ve received overwhelming feedback related to these issues over the past two years which identify them as the systems most closely tied to negative play experiences, and we’d like to take this time to address these issues.
The changes are detailed below:
- Bound items will no longer have a chance of taking permanent damage when repaired.
- The chance for permanent damage to be inflicted on unbound items when repaired has been halved.
- Item repair costs have been reduced for all items by 25%.
- Repair costs for Dragonscale items have been dropped to 3 relics of the appropriate type.
- Items may be bound at a “Stone of Change”, which can be found in the Marketplace next to the Lordsmarch Bank or in The Twelve, at the base of their tower. Take your item and place it into the Stone of Change, and add (Minimum Level Requirement of the item ^ 2) Khyber Dragonshard Fragments into the device. (Khyber Dragonshard Fragments are commonly found in breakable objects.) An example of the process of binding an object is in my next post.
- Players no longer lose experience on death.
- At the moment of death, all non-stacking, equipped items that your character is wearing will take a percentage of item wear. Each item will take damage equal to (Character Level * ¾, round down, maximum 10)% of their original maximum durability, or:
Code:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14+ 0% 1% 2% 3% 3% 4% 5% 6% 6% 7% 8% 9% 9% 10%- As death is a traumatic experience, characters now acquire a debuff after being returned from the dead, based on the number of times the character has died since the last time they rested. The character will gain one temporary negative level and an additional -2 to saves vs. Fear effects per death since their last rest, but these are capped at ((level - 1) / 2, round down, maximum 5 temporary negative levels) so you cannot lose half your levels to temporary negative levels from death - a third level character can only be affected by one, while an eleventh or higher level character can collect all five. These penalties degrade at a rate of one stage per minute.
- First death since resting: (Level 3+)
Touched by Dolurrh
"Your recent deaths have left a mark on your soul. For the next minute you have a negative level and penalty to Will saves against Fear effects. These will degrade over time, but cannot otherwise be removed except by resting or effects that specifically remove the trauma of death."
This has a one minute duration after which it is removed.- Second death since resting: (Level 5+)
Marked by Dolurrh
"Your recent deaths have left a mark on your soul. For the next two minutes you have two negative levels and penalty to Will saves against Fear effects. These will degrade over time, but cannot otherwise be removed except by resting or effects that specifically remove the trauma of death."
This has a one minute duration, after which it turns into Touched by Dolurrh, for a total debuff of 2 minutes.- Third death since resting: (Level 7+)
Scarred by Dolurrh
"Your multiple recent deaths have left a mark on your soul. For the next three minutes you have three negative levels and penalty to Will saves against Fear effects. These will degrade over time, but cannot otherwise be removed except by resting or effects that specifically remove the trauma of death."
This has a one minute duration, after which it turns into Marked by Dolurrh, for a total debuff of 3 minutes.- Fourth death since resting: (Level 9+)
Claimed by Dolurrh
"Your repeated recent deaths have left a mark on your soul. For the next four minutes you have four negative levels and penalty to Will saves against Fear effects. These will degrade over time, but cannot otherwise be removed except by resting or effects that specifically remove the trauma of death."
This has a one minute duration, after which it turns into Scarred by Dolurrh, for a total debuff of 4 minutes.- Fifth or subsequent deaths since resting: (Level 11+)
Owned by Dolurrh:
"Your many recent deaths have left a mark on your soul. For the next five minutes you have five negative levels and penalty to Will saves against Fear effects. These will degrade over time, but cannot otherwise be removed except by resting or effects that specifically remove the trauma of death."
This has a one minute duration, after which it turns into Claimed by Dolurrh, for a total debuff of 5 minutes.- The Cleric/Paladin enhancement Unyielding Sovereignty has been modified to remove all negative levels and current death penalties (including the Black Abbot's renamed "Deathgrip of Dolurrh"), but only resting will reset your current death counter.
Note: All values, durations, and effects are still subject to change prior to the release of Module Six. Risia feedback is especially welcome!