And i am sure you are fully capable of opening your purse strings going to the potion vendor and buying a potion. Because the most devestating character i've seen is a clr in pvp. Mass hold, stunning, fear, sound burst stunning, command, blade barrier 200-400 points of damage everytime they run thru it, banishment better than your little banisher and destruction to name a few. Even thou we are gimped you still expect your enemies to not fight back for you, or you are one of those great tanks look theres 3 of us beating on 1 guy with a vorpal comeone double 20.
Ok I play a lvl 14 Cleric and Wizard and I hate to say it but it is everyone else that has gotten Lazy,
do you realize how expensive it is to heal, buff, and deal with the fact that no one helps anymore.
The point is to play as a team and when a 500hp fighter runs off as they typically do and doesn't manage their own
health a bit; assuming they are all the cleric/Wizard has to focus on.... Well anyone who has played a healer knows how painful this is!
Role out a healer and see how abused you feal!!!
I have stopped pugging with my cleric cause on a bad run I can easily drop over 100k PLAT because you dont want to drink a pot
as it would take a mere second from you fighting, or to even step out of the heat so the cleric can heal you, god for bid you lose that kill!
Or god forbid even stopping by House P for Buffs from time to time...
People want to Zerg... Go ahead, one know as a cleric we move slower do to healing defending ourselves and the rest of the party.
two if you are out of range or blocked come to the cleric, three stop playing like a stuck up Elite and have a good time with the other 5 in your
party or Heal yourself and run solo!
The whole game is built on playing as a team, and I will turn my focus to those that do... I refuse to waist on one person because they think they are god!
Clerics are no more expensive to run than you let yourselves be. I will not subsidize stupid play. I will pull out the stops for a good group if needed. You run off on your own (when it is not part of the plan) and get deaded up, will raise you when we get there. I will burn a few scrolls, but not a whole stack.
Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more
Is 35 Heal scrolls on a single tank with 500hp on a simple Prison of the Planes (Elite) run enough healing for you? That was on top of expending 1200SP first. Yep, my cleric did just that because 1) the tank couldn't figure out how to work as part of the team, 2) Tyji (my cleric) takes it personally when one of her flock dies, and 3) Tyji is very stubborn ... she won't leave even when it is in her best interests to do so. The tank eventually left and the simple PoP(E) run was a wipe.
So, should my cleric focus on you always? Or should she pay attention to the others in the party as well? What about Tyji's own health and well-being? If she dies, who's going to heal you then? Are you going to blame Tyji for not healing you when she's dead? Tyji's a good enough cleric to be willing to be the sole cleric on 12 member raids. If you are in a party with Tyji there is a good chance that you won't die (but, she makes no guarantees) and if you do, she will raise you (probably with a Resurrection scroll) even if a shrine is nearby.
She's nearly entirely self-financed; she never asks others to buy supplies (unless she gets a blind invite ... but blind invites are rude, so she asks for a lot and if they are willing to pay ... kind of keeps the blind invites down ...); she will gladly accept contributions if offered. If you are willing to make a generous, non-refundable contribution up front (say more than 100,000 gp) then she might be inclinded to pay more attention to you so that you don't have to pop a precious pot here and there.
Tyji and I have no problems with our conscience ... we walk away from each and every quest knowing we did our best.
I just realized that the OP's main is pictured on the loading screen... he's easy to recognize as he's a warforged fighter with the khopesh in his off hand and dwarven axe in his primary.
/TELL Tackilack ~ Tackalack ~ Taq ~ Heartattack ~ Scrooge
Geeze, we don't even use a cleric when our guild runs quests. When we do it is usually a friend coming along for fun. ( which means maybe 1 out of 5 runs ) If you have 50% of your hp and there is a shrine around the corner..why heal? Tough it out and move on. Or take some UMD like I did on my wiz & wand whip AFTER the fight. (Our warrior types only get healed if below 50%) If you do run with clerics alot, start dropping them some cash and/or goodies. However, the best way to prevent damage is to kill the monsters faster than they can hurt you!
what the heck ...Im bored at work....again.
Even tho I dont share the holier than thou feeling feeling when I play my cleric ......I understand were it comes from.
My cleric is the peoples cleric......I only run pugs with him......hes the one that will help u when noone else will.
So back to the holy deal.....Its not that they feel better than you.....its that:
- we clerics like all spell slingers have limited SP and the bulk of it can only be used to heal as that is the bulk of our spells
- like any spellslinger we dont like to see our sp go to waste
- so when wetry to hityouwith a spell andyou run around a corner
- continue to attack an enemy you cant hit or can barely hurt and keeptaking damage
- run thru traps
- stand around staring at us waiting to be healed 1st before anyone else
it annoys us because we could spend less sp with group heals and proper buffs and such....but all of these things have different ranges
so we start asking...and then telling you were to stand if you want the spell.
If things go badly in a group and people start dying...the cleric feels like he is to blame .....that he could have kept everyone alive ...if only x had done Y then I could have done Z and we would all still be alive.
When times get rough...we are the ones who are looked to to provide wands and scrolls and we cannot always recover the cost
Its a burden that only a few can understand........If you have ever played a WF and had to provide your own healing wands and pots
then you can somewhat understand the costs.
*on a personal note ..I built my cleric with the intent that I dont use scrolls and wands. I was successful up until 10th level...then I started to top off fighters and heal casters in whole with wands. i do mass heals and true heals in emergencies...scrolls I only use what is found or given.
Ive been told Im a good healer....but my philosiphy is not to heal....but to prevent damage..... buffs and greater command FTW.
We clerics have a private game. We like to see how low we can get that red bar without the toon dying. SO what if you die a couple times, it's more fun for us to see that red bar almost disappear.
Meh... I play my cleric when I want to be lazy. Just kick back and watch the red bars.
Of course, I'm the founder of Qwijymart, so burning heal scrolls is fun for me. It's when I start burning mana pots that I get ****y.
I'm currently leveling a 1Barb/13Rgr two weapon fighter. I'm currently guildless so I only ever PUG.
Since I also play a cleric, there are two things I do in every group:
1. Send a tell to the cleric (who I can see starting at my two weapons and no shield) "Hi I carry a lot of wands so please let me heal myself between battles and such to save your sp"
2. Pay careful attention to that wand sound. If a party is putting a strain on a cleric, I will give him or her a couple of CSW wands.
3. TIP my cleric accordingly. Money for a few wands and a sincere "Thanks!" goes an awful long way.
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
When my cleric joins a group with another cleric I take the attitude of "Great! I don't have to spend all my time healing....I can do other things for once!"
But quite often I see people about to die and have to change modes again.....
I recently made an offensive casting cleric with "battle cleric" in her last name for all to see....but for some reson I find myself spending all of my mana on healing...even when there is another cleric in the group.
All of my clerics have started to get more combative in the beginings of quests.....I swing away and cast offensive spells until I notice people are about to die.....then I reluctantly tell myself the party is over and it's time to go back to the drudging duties of a healing cleric again.....
Thankfully there has been a noticeable trend toward self sufficent toons lately....people have more pots and wands...etc.
But I've also noticed my rangers healing more than the party's clerics recently as well...
Might be an overall change in clerics way of thinking....or just new clerics appearing who haven't learn the expectations of others yet....or at least how to live up to them.