How about a feat that would let you get more skill points, or action points for enhancements?
1. more options/flexibility in designing/building characters;
2. increased diversity of charaters in game;
3. more opportunities to 'fix/repair' 'mistakes' made in making characters;
4. opportunities to compensate for changes to game mechanics that occur over time;
5. opportunites to 'change mind' about direction of characters, without starting over.
I don't have a good feel for what a feat should be good for, but will throw out a couple of numbers for the sake of facilitating discussion.
Feat to add skill points - how about 10 skill points. Or maybe 5 skill points.
***EDITED after a little more thought: 4 to 5 skill points seems about right to me. Skill focus gives 3 ranks in a skill, which is equivalent to 3 skill points if a *class* skill, and 6 skill points if a *cross-class* skill.***
Feat to add action points - how about 12 action points. That would let someone go 2-4-6 for Enhancement III in an enhancement line. Or maybe just 6 action points to get Enhancement II.
***EDITED after a little more thought: 3 to 5 AP's seems more reasonable considering balance. 2 is too few to spend a feat on, and 6 would give a in some cases Enhancement III in one fell swoop, which I feel is a little too much for a feat.***
I do think that these two feats should be limited to one time each, in the way most feats, like dodge, cannot be retaken.
I don't have strong feelings about this suggestion, so I'm not going to be replying to posts. But I do think this could add a lot of flexibility to players to make/remake characters, and increase the diversity of characters in the world.