Yes there will be lots of opinions and trashing of others opinions since do not agree, but I for one see this game just becoming more of a grind ever time they come up with something. I have not really had much fun lately playing. I am just getting close to saying bye.

Really do not care if think my opinion is wrong, but the changes to the raid for Ascension made it beatable probably although still stupid not really that much fun. Sorry when they or more worried about the challenge in raid then fact fits the game type its not a good raid. Why does everyone have to be good doing the puzzle(reality its a dex skill not puzzle no brain power needed) or have extremely good gear to stand a chance to living through the inferno. The fight on the other hand would have been fun without the inferno.

That getting off target though lets get back to you having to either buy pp to get some items or grind forever. Be real took me over 80 runs in the pre raid to get all my tome pieces with me trading and dealing. Who thinks running the same quest over 80 times is fun? This is for one character lol, if want it for all my guys its going be over 300 runs. I do play this game for fun and getting items is part of my fun. If like this style great no need to knock all those that do not. Please no comments like if not for you then just do not worry about the item. Sorry I play to improve my characters and maximize there abilities not just be social gathering.

Said it before they would be better off making servers for the difficulty you like playing, so everyone gets same product they paying for, but if they hate the grind not required to do it. I can careless about all the ones will say look I am great on the elites of the elite. Fine just let me play the moderate world. I like going back on old material screwing around doing stupid stuff that is fun to me. Grinding for gear just becomes stupid after awhile and my interest is waning bad. Today first day every seen my game-play just fall through the floor because really could not care about it anymore. (casual play server for all those only play 10 hours or less, moderate play for 10-hour player, hard for 30 hour plus, elite world for those want play 40+++)