Armor 7 bracers (rr human UMD 20)
Armor 6 bracers
Bluefire Necklace
+6 charisma cloak (rr halfling UMD 18)
+6 charisma cloak (no rr)
+6 strength belt
Full set of tome pages
Ranged Weapons
+1 shock densewood heavy repeater of disruption
+1 ghost tough composite shortbow of smiting
+1 banishing shortbow of righteousness
+5 icy burst shortbow of pure good
+2 paralyzing returning throwing axe
Melee weapons
+5 flaming dwarven axe of pure good
+5 frost heavy mace of pure good
+2 anarchic light mace of greater undead bane
+4 battle axe of greater dwarf bane
What I am looking for:
Docent of Defiance