I hope the Abbot one gives you -10 to all ability scores!
Server Sarlona / MST / Guild Enslaved / Characters Ionos, Cydekik, Xalavan, Rodessa, Hethrow, Ramsteen
Voondaa-barr, its that time of the year again!
This Festivult stuff reminds me of a song my Old Grandma Iron-bottom would sing to us rambunctious kids during past Festivult seasons.
The lyrics kind of go along with the tune from “Christmas Time Is Here” from a @harlie Browns Christmas.
So hummm yourself a few bars and be festive....
Festivult time is here
Golden cakes of cheer
Fun for all that meet the call
Our favorite coins of the year
Magic’s in the air
Dead kobolds everywhere
Olden times and ancient rhymes
Of gold and treasures to share
Sounds of battle in the air
Death and destruction everywhere
Yuletide by the fireside
With drunken dwarves everywhere
Festivult time is here
The Jesters drawing near
Oh, that we could always have
Such wondrous jelly cakes through out the year
Arrows fill the air
Firewalls burning there
Yuletide by the fireside
With Kargon’s ham filling us there
Festivult time is here
The Jesters drawing near
Oh, that we could always have
Such wondrous cookies through out the year...
Merry Festivult to you all.
Ghallanda- Steejan L-14 Paladin / Cureaid L-14 Cleric / Lowendrau L-7 Wizard
Khyber- Deadaim L-16 Ranger / Claymoore L-16 Ranger
May i just say Merry Festivult to everyone!
Looking forward to my First Festivult!
By the way great poem's everyone!
"Mistakes are normal on the way to greatness".
Pronto Surefoot,
Proud Member of THAC0
Hoping everyone has a very Happy Festvius Season!
Isn't the Beholder cookies like an Anti-Grav? lol I keep those at hand for emergency "Exit Stage Left" escapes! Although they don't always work as I think they should lol
Hogmire 20 Sorc Raigor 18 Ranger/1 Rogue/1 Monk ® Falnor 15 Centar (Reborn)® 6 Ranger Boothby 20 Bard Dakama 20 Sorc Dragnost 20 PaladinDraggie Cookies! NOM-NOM-NOM!!!Not responsible for technicial assistance given.
Happy Festivus all.
Hands you a Cupcake One of Many of the O'Rum Ferretus's
I'm sure we'll find out when the servers come back online. But, are festival coins flagged as collectables so we can put them in our velvety, red collectable bags?
Merry Festivult everyone - this is going to be fun.
Partywype - lvl 8 Cleric / Beerwench - lvl 5 Wizard
Beerkeg - lvl 14 Dwarf Barb
I can't wait to find out if all the coins I saved from last year will still work!
Yes the coins from last year work. Beholder cookies now do desinergrate.
Storm reaver cookies do ball lightning.
Abbot cookies do flesh to stone.
The cupcakes and twigs are still here.
Some of the cakes give mass buffs.
Tensor Transformation form the Shavarath cake (dont remember that 1).
Ummmmm so many cakes so little inventory. My tummmy hurts.
PS Wouldn't it be funny if some people on Khyber got nothing but coal (the Jester knows who you are!)
Would this wonderful celebration end on Dec. 25th or Jan 1 or when exactly?
Have fun everybody !!!
Enjoy the festivities in Stormreach and real life.
Try the Sublime Guild on the Thelanis server. We play die and delete rules.
We also welcome players who are entirely new to the world of DDO! Visit us at thesublimeguild.com
When is the last day i can turn in my coins?
And has anyone got one of the super rare gold coin gifts?