Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
Well, actually it's not. When are people going to learn that MMORPGs are about roleplaying? The object of the game is not building the most powerful character, as if that wasn't a completely subjective analysis anyway. If we all based our opinions of character power on the ability to sneak rather than to kill, we would all find rogues, rangers, and bards to be grossly overpowered, wouldn't we?
When are people going to learn that a MMO is about fun. How one achieves that fun is up to them. Saying that it is about roleplaying is just ignoring the whole actuality of the game. The reason we base our opinions on damage output is becaue that is how you achieve almost every quest. Outside of mastermind which you still need damage to get too adn the other puzzles in the game, There is a boss that has to be defeated. If they require you to sneak around him and he then is foiled in his nefarious plan then great, then sneak would maybe over powered. (personally think that is a horrible example)

Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
I've said it before I'll say it again. There is no trick to building anything uber. Back in the day it was simply a matter of rolling dice (or hitting "reroll" on the computer screen) until you came up with a character with stats above 14 all the way around. In DDO, it's simply a matter of picking a particular race and class, after unlocking Drow and 32-pt builds, then grinding away for loot. If you play these games long enough, however, you eventually learn that the most "powerful" (highest stats) characters are not usually the most fun. You start looking for the low stats you want as well as the high. The game of D&D (and therefore DDO) is as much about playing a character's weaknesses as it is playing their strengths.
Thats a fine plan on how to play a character but I think you are in a small minority of players who attempt to gimp themselves in order to find enjoyment. In fact I would wager to say that most people like playing powerful characters to emulate a godlike psychological fantasy. But I will not bust out with my too many years of psych classes. The older MMOs where exactly that older, this is a newer one and there fore is subject to the growing genre. I can't count the number of people I know who play just because the combat system is unique.

Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
Every class needs something to be good at, which is why I've been so critical of the changes to trapsmithing DCs that has occurred. Rogues need to be good at several roguish actions, and the screwed up DCs actually make them less good at what they do, not more specialized. Other than that, "balance" can take a flying leap out the window. It has nothing to do with the reasons I play the game.
Yes every class does need something to be good at. That is why I have advocated the benefits for pure class builds. I understand that you are having fun and balance is not an issue to you but why post to say so. Are you against balance and what super inflated spells mobs and damage? Do you want over powered items and god like stats? I think you jsut said you don't.