I have a most wonderful idea I have to share! After reading countless posts of players making demands of the devs for an uncountable number of different things (mostly new content), and seeing that Turbine is without a
Lead Content Designer for DDO (or whatever that post actually implies), a lightbulb went off.
The big thing in game development right now seems to be player created content, and why shouldn't it be? Less work for devs, a near limitless supply of content for players, and a new way for both players and developers to interact and foster a strong community. But in an MMO? Oh yes! Ryzom Ring was an expansion to Ryzom last year that allowed players to create instanced "adventures" they could invite people into. Given the design of DDO and its use of instanced "dungeons", I can't think of anything more perfect!
What I envision:
Give us, the players, your toolset. Modify it, tweak it, dumb-it-down and hand it over! Give me the ability to create my own dungeon, to set deadly traps around every corner, to create mind-wrenching puzzles that confuse those who dare enter, to script the spawn of 12 firey dragons just as the players begin to rush for the exit after a gruesome battle! Let me create a series of modules and form a campaign for my guildmates to venture through as my story unfolds for them. Let me build a shady tavern off a muddy road where I can roleplay with my friends and tell stories of my past adventures and conquests
And oh how I've dreamt of writing that beautiful golden DM text myself ^.^
What I propose:
Create a modified version of your in-house toolset, that will give us DMs (yes, we can have them even in DDO!) at least some basic functionality. Let us use the resources you've already created (terrain textures, monsters, tilesets, various placeables etc.), and let us use new resources as you release them with new content. The technical complications of allowing fully user created content (i.e. textures and models and such as is done in NWN) could be forgone by limiting resources to those Turbine created (basically, we can only build adventures with the resources you give us).
I'm trying to abstract the idea from implementation because I don't really feel its my place to tell you how anything should be done, and am just using a concept that could possibly work from this player's perspective.
In a big public area accessible by everyone like the harbor or market even, have one of those quest portal door thingies (yes, that's the technical term) that links to player created adventures. Instead of the normal mode selection window, have a window that shows all the currently running adventures and who "owns" them. If I see the module my friend created I could click "ask for invite" and it would alert the owner I would like to enter, and he/she can accept or reject (kinda like inviting someone to your group but in reverse). My client would then download the necessary files and would join the game when its finished. Once the group is all together we all set off on our merry way burning and looting things as we go, just like any other adventure. There could be a "meeting room" of sorts that you enter before the actual module where players could gather pre-game and chat, prepare spells, and wait for the download to finish, then all enter together.
Because all of this would be user created content and, for the most part, uncontrolled by Turbine, unlike regular quests, players don't gain experience or get to keep any loot they find, but they could earn something else instead. For example rather then making all toolset resources available immediately, players could earn access to use new resources by building and playing in user created adventures. Or have characters level separately when in the user created adventure dimension, so-to-speak. Regardless, there are some very cool possibilities.
User created content would bring so much to DDO. Amazing press, more subscribers, and a butload of good times! Who's with me on this? Dungeons and Dragons has always been about roleplaying and running off on some grand adventure that a buddy crafted to test your wit. Let us have it!
(My apologies if I ramble and trail in my post, I'm extremely exhausted and hardly conscious :P )