Hey folks!
If you are a laid back, real life comes first, likes to have fun kind of person, we'd love to run with you.
Check out our guild website and give us a shout. Lifetakers and Heartbreakers
We're big enough to always find people to run with, and small enough to know each other. We have alliances with other outstanding guilds, which lets us have raids fairly often. There's almost always something going on at L&H.
We accommodate everyone from the occasional player to the folks with multiple maxed toons. We are mainly on Ghallanda, with a presence on Khyber a couple of days a week.
We're always looking for kindred spirits! Check out our website and see if it feels like home! Check out the Guild Information forum for details, and post to the Meet us Online! thread for some personalized attention. We'll get an officer to run with you and see where it goes.
We're looking forward to meeting all of those folks that are Lifetakers, but just don't know it yet!