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I am not going to go hunt them down to take screen shots but I have two (or more[some day I will actually do a complete inventory]) +4 resistance cloaks, one is RR Warforged and has a higher ML than the non-rr one. These things make me chuckle as opposed to baffle me, I have already accepted the notion that the word "continuity" does not exsists in the DDO programmers guidelines for developing a MMORPG.
Do yourself a favor, try not to understand or care how the programmers do what they do or you may bust a gasket in your brain when you get two identical items with different ML or a RR item of higher level than the non-rr version.
Try to not take life too seriously, it isn't a permanent condition after all.
Sorry, but I cannot do this. What would I put on the wiki? "Oh, too hard, I give up!"?
Want me to stop editing the wiki too?
It's not easy, but does not mean I should stop.Plus, I like doing all of this, just sad that it's confusing and illogical.
I think the same, I'll check my lv 3 clr to be sure...
Last edited by Borror0; 12-09-2007 at 02:12 PM.
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