Can anybody help me?

My buddy and myself are extremely experienced and skilled in DDO and looking for a very active guild. My old guild has an avg. of 2 ppl playing at any given time.

I'm tired of my gaming experience being effected in a negative way b/c my guild doesn't have enough players to even 6 man a raid.

I currently have 2 capped characters that are pretty maxed out equipment wise and favor wise, (except for the new stuff, I quit before that came out)

My friend has 3 or 4 capped including a cleric.

Post here or send me a message if there's room in your active guild for two really good, fun players.

We don't take this too seriously and we love to cut up and have fun without putting the party at risk. (we know when to get serious and when to let it all hang out and have fun)