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  1. #1
    Community Member vasher's Avatar
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    Default Newbie Drow Fighter

    Ok heres the skinny, im fairly new here in my opinion. While i have a capped cleric and have opened up drow, honestly i havnt pushed myself to learning all the secrets, ext. ext. I mostly play for fun. That being said ive been reading around the forums and i want to try and make a Fighter. My idea was originally a sword and board dwarven fighter but more and more ive been thinking about a drow, two handed, shortsword, peircing feats type
    guy. Ive seen a couple of builds leaning twards this but ill be honest...i dont have tomes or +6 items. My Cleric is broke because i try like heck to keep my friends alive, at all cost. ....Sooooo Can someone gimmie an idea on how i sould start this char/plan to run him? Im sure i can get a tome eventully, but im not sure where to look really (im sad i know)
    Im not really a number cruncher. i just dont want to rush into a new charicter idea and totally regret the way i did something later, when i understand the game more. this even a good idea for a fighter or would the dwarf SAB be better? ( i dont have 32 point build yet, i need like 300 more favor).
    Last edited by vasher; 12-07-2007 at 02:45 PM. Reason: ugly

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by vasher View Post
    Ive seen a couple of builds leaning twards this but ill be honest...i dont have tomes or +6 items.
    Even if most builds are posted with tomes and +6 gear it doesn't mean they are unplayable without them. If you see a build that you like, just post and ask the OP how he'd tweak the stats to make it work within your means.

    Before I help you any further I'd like to know what you have in mind. You want a drow using two weapon or do you want a fighter? Because drow rogues are some serious nasty damage. Same for drow bards and drow rangers, and all three of those classes got serious advantages over fighter. Two-weapon fighters are good too, but ranger, rogue, bard and fighter each offer a different take on the achetype.

    Also, do you want to play a drow because you don't have yet access to 32 pt builds? If so, it's nothing to worry about. You can be really effective as a 28 pt. 4 pts aren't going to kill you.

    Now, if you want a fighter. There are many ways to build them. Two-weapon fighting, Two-handed fighting, Intimitank, Strategist...

    hehe, anyway. Just trying to know what you're after. Also, if you see any build interesting you a lot, just post a link to it, so we know what drags your attention., #1 source for DDO information.

  3. #3
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Even if most builds are posted with tomes and +6 gear it doesn't mean they are unplayable without them. If you see a build that you like, just post and ask the OP how he'd tweak the stats to make it work within your means.

    Before I help you any further I'd like to know what you have in mind. You want a drow using two weapon or do you want a fighter? Because drow rogues are some serious nasty damage. Same for drow bards and drow rangers, and all three of those classes got serious advantages over fighter. Two-weapon fighters are good too, but ranger, rogue, bard and fighter each offer a different take on the achetype.

    Also, do you want to play a drow because you don't have yet access to 32 pt builds? If so, it's nothing to worry about. You can be really effective as a 28 pt. 4 pts aren't going to kill you.

    Now, if you want a fighter. There are many ways to build them. Two-weapon fighting, Two-handed fighting, Intimitank, Strategist...

    hehe, anyway. Just trying to know what you're after. Also, if you see any build interesting you a lot, just post a link to it, so we know what drags your attention.
    Hmmmm... I should looked you up before I rolled my Drow Pally
    Official Muskateers Bartender
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  4. #4
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    The advice I always give regarding tomes and +6 items is that if you play enough, they'll eventually start trickling in. If you plan your build for them, you can always adjust downwards in the interim - using +5 items. If you keep the character through lvl20, we should have +6 items and +5 tomes available to us, so plan with odd tomes and even items in mind and use odd items as evener-uppers until you get the tomes and +6 items.

    Here's what I put together quickly:
    Drow Fighter 14
    Str 13 +3 levels +3 enhancement +4 item = 23 (+1 tome +6 item = 26)
    Dex 19 +2 enhancement + 4 item = 25 (+1 tome +6 item = 28)
    Con 13 +4 item = 17 (+1 tome +6 item = 20)
    Int 10
    Wis 10 (+4 item for saves = 14)
    Cha 10
    Another option is to make Int 11 and Wis 9 and figure that you'll get tomes to even those up eventually (hopefully sooner rather than later with the int)

    Feats: Weapon Finesse, TWF, WF: Piercing, Toughness, WS: Piercing, Improved TWF, Power Attack, Greater WF: Piercing, Improved Critical: Piercing, Cleave, Iron Will, Greater WS: Piercing, Great Cleave.

    For key enhancements: Fighter STR III, Elven Dex II, Fighter Armor Mastery II, Fighter Toughness IV, Drow Melee Accuracy II, Drow Melee Damage II.

    edit: if you bump the starting Str up to 15 and drop the starting Con down to 11, you can switch Weapon Finesse for Luck of Heroes to help shore up your Will Save. This will still leave you with 278hp before false life items. The other side effect of pushing Str up to 15 is that you'll be able to have a 25 str with that +4 item and no tome.
    Last edited by binnsr; 12-07-2007 at 04:47 PM.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Bekki View Post
    Hmmmm... I should looked you up before I rolled my Drow Pally
    Yeah, you didn't look to hard because I have been the leader of your guild for while before I left., #1 source for DDO information.

  6. #6
    Community Member vasher's Avatar
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    I was Thinking something along the lines of just a fighter, perhaps using shortswords or rapiers to take advantage of the enhancments for drow. Two weapon fighting, weapon spec in piercing.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by vasher View Post
    I was Thinking something along the lines of just a fighter, perhaps using shortswords or rapiers to take advantage of the enhancments for drow. Two weapon fighting, weapon spec in piercing.
    Ok, so you really want Drow? Or any race?, #1 source for DDO information.

  8. #8
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Yeah, you didn't look to hard because I have been the leader of your guild for while before I left.

    I know... *hangs head in Shame and embarrassment*

    I just sort of went for it with Maiarlee,
    and didn't really think about what kind of Build I wanted.

    But I will definitely Pay attention to this thread!

    Bows in Awe and begs forgivness...
    Official Muskateers Bartender
    Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
    "It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)

  9. #9
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vasher View Post
    ( i dont have 32 point build yet, i need like 300 more favor).
    one more point - if you're making a drow because you don't have 32-point builds, keep in mind that you're in the home stretch to 1750 there.. That last 300 is pretty easy to get if you make any effort at all -- much easier than it was a year ago

  10. #10
    Community Member vasher's Avatar
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    Well i was thinking about making a dwarf 32 with axes, but i thought the shortsword/rapier thing with drows and specing in piercing weapons could be better for dps. That being said im sure the dwarf would have more hps, better ac, it was just an idea that i thought could be effective.

  11. #11
    Community Member Jarlaxel's Avatar
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    check out riots Twf build. Uses piercing and might give you an idea of what your looking for.
    Morkai - lvl 16 human Sorcerer Enchantment*Fire*Illusion
    Razziel - lvl 14 TWF Str Slashing Elf Fighter/2 Rogue
    Its Blacklist *****

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