Hi there folks. Hope all are doing well. I've been toying around with some character concepts, and think that what I am currently missing out of my character options is a rogue type. So I figured that I should roll one up, so I have been flipping through the forums and thinking about choices. Figured I might as well run my ideas by you guys and see what you think.
I'm looking at rolling human, the Con not being modded down is a nice part of it as well as the Charisma not being modded down. I looked at the other 5 races but human seemed to fit the best. I'm not surgically attached to it, but middle of the road seemed like a good place to be.
Starting Stats that was looking at were -
Str 9
Dex 15
Con 14
Int 15
Wis 9
Cha 15
Obviously I'm planning on soaking a lot of tomes to bring those numbers up to evens.
What I have planned is 2 Paladin/12 Rogue. The feats I'm looking at are the TWF line, Quick Draw, Weapon Finesse, Improved Crit, Skill Focus UMD, and Toughness. My back burner feat ideas are for the SFs to help rogue skills if I find myself lacking as well as Nimble Fingers. Primary feats are one over allowed max, so need to cut something there.
Thoughts are appreciated and welcomed. Happy holidays to all.