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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingzero View Post
    1) Thank you for the advice.

    2) "Founders" sure to love to rub it in people's faces that they have the founder title and have been playing since head start (hey, so have I...on my first account...)

    I have a few capped characters, and I have had a steady income of plat since I started, but now that I'm supporting 2 clerics and trying to establish some coin for future endeavors, it seems daunting. I don't spend any plat buying weapons or twinking out characters (save my low level 3rd cleric), I guess you can say I run nekkid until I find something of value to me. I think it's more fun that way.

    Most of money goes the way of my clerics, pots for my tanks....scrolls and what not for my bard and helping out the fellow PUG cleric. If I was more stingy with it, I suppose I wouldn't be asking this question. It just seems like there is a lot of plat, all for the taking, if you have the right economical sense and know what to do with it.

    Thank for the advice everyone, I'll report back soon after I try it all out.
    My biggest profit center comes from collectible things, especially when they first come out. If you auction or sell these types of items off when they're still brand new, you'll get insane prices. If you don't feel like farming them again for yourself, just wait a few weeks and buy them off the auction for a fraction of what you sold them for.

    Examples: Elf/Giant/Dragon relics; Scales; Shield pieces; Tapestries; Tome pages.

    Real example: I was selling tapestries for around 8-10kpp a pop when they first came out. Within a matter of a month, Azoralq was giving them away for free, and a month later, Ruffytwo was selling them for a very reasonable price.

  2. #22
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    I don't have boatloads of plat for the length of time I've been playing, but I'm up to about 1.5 million total on my 3 primary characters. I didn't do anything special to get it, I just do not spend money on consumables. Instead of arrows, I use a returning thrown weapon. I rarely use wands or scrolls. Except for special quests (favor, running something for the first time, etc) I don't spend any more money than I expect to earn in it. It's just like real life, if you spend less than you earn you will accumulate it over time.

    My primary characters are:

    Rogue: Other than repair bills his expenses are pretty limited. I shop at Qwijy mart about 1/month for 3-4 CSW wands.

    Cleric: I do not use wands except as a last resort. Same thing with scrolls. I use Divine Healing to top people off between battles. I hate to say it because of the way it sounds, but the biggest reason I break even on him is that I run with guildies almost exclusively. They don't require much healing. About 1/month I stop by Qwijy mart and buy 2-4 CSW wands. About once every 2-3 months I need to buy another 100 heal scrolls or some rez scrolls.

    Wizard: Now that I have all of the spells, his expenses are almost non-existent.


  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inkblack View Post
    About 1/month I stop by Qwijy mart and buy 2-4 CSW wands.
    I love how Qwijymart has finally become established. It took a few months of dealing with a lot of harrassment (you have no idea... I think I was reported a couple dozen times)... but over the past month or so, I've seen Qwijymart mentioned about 25 threads.

    Thanks for the plug, Ink... you have a free CSW wand waiting for you at the shop.

  4. #24
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Most people who make decent money use a high haggle toon for selling loot and buying supplies. Then there are those who typically do not buy supplies and rely on others in a quest. Also many of the rishest people never or hardly ever run a cleric or healer in much respects. Certain classes are a lot cheaper to run than others... The cheapest and quickest character to run is by far is a sorc, then a wiz, then a pally or bard seem tied, then a fighter then a barb followed by the cleric (who depending on the party can be set back in a hole). I know a sorc who's well over 60million plat on that one toon... in comparison I ran my cleric the other day for some people running raids - only cleric in the group... I hoped on my bard spent 20k on supplies, made back 16k of the 20k I spent. I pulled a raid dex tome and allowed a roll-off on it, while someone else pulled a raid wisdom tome and they ate it immediately... not slighted by it but goes to show most people have different outlooks.

    Then comes quantity of loot... the more you loot the more you make, the orchard and quests like Trial by fire (which you can run 3 chests in bout 4 minutes) are the most lucritive. You send of all loot 30kgp+ to your best haggle toon for selling - bards excell there - GH and chant along with high skill and cha.

    Another thing, do not be a guild-leader and do not be too nice to people (To be honest with you I personally only ever had over 1 million plat once since this game was made). I would ask my friends why they make so much more than I... they told me flat out - You're too nice, I gave away items such as tomes (before they dropped regularly - maybe 20 in all back when the cap was 10)... I did things to be helpful to others as I always took the attitude that if I helped out thier builds then it made us all stronger. There is a fine line to being helpful and/or thrifty.
    Last edited by Emili; 12-09-2007 at 06:55 PM.
    A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes.
    Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour

  5. #25
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emili View Post
    Another thing, do not be a guild-leader and do not be too nice to people (To be honest with you I personally only ever had over 1 million plat once since this game was made). I would ask my friends why they make so much more than I... they told me flat out - You're too nice, I gave away items such as tomes (before they dropped regularly - maybe 20 in all back when the cap was 10)... I did things to be helpful to others as I always took the attitude that if I helped out thier builds then it made us all stronger. There is a fine line to being helpful and/or thrifty.
    There is that - I suspect many of those with more money than they know what to do with are the people auctioning off every decent item they get for as much as they can get for them, and never giving anything away for free or even setting low buyouts on their auctions.

  6. #26
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    The key secret is effective use of the Auction House. Find a top-tier item that you don't need? Sell it for a fortune to someone that needs it and has the plat. Did this with a +6 Dex ring (RR ½ling) before I'd capped any characters - 1 mil PP. Plus a Scourge Choker more recently - 750k PP.

    Best thing about having that much money on you - if someone's playing their first toon and is broke, you can give them 5-20k PP without even noticing it. Any Cleric I run with can count on a CSW wand if they need it. And if the quest is genuinely tough, I can give out 2-3 major mana pots to prevent a party wipe or quest failure.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  7. #27
    Community Member kingzero's Avatar
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    Well here goes:

    I used the AH as described by various people above and by one very helpful person in a PM (you know who you are ) ran PoP and TBF on 2 toons until I was ransacked on both of them...sending the items to my bard with his haggle (only lvl 10 bard, 42 self buffed haggle now..will change when I cap him out and becomes my haggle bot).

    10 out of 12 items I posted on the AH sold in their first day, the other two are pending. I pulled some decent stuff in my loot runs, I did not keep any of it (didn't need it) and vendor'd some of my weapons that are circumstantial weps that I do not use on a daily basis...

    grand total?

    976,898 platinum...

    Thanks everyone for the advice!
    Flying Solo for the first time since Jan '07
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  8. #28
    Community Member Sensei's Avatar
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    I was just telling guildies yesterday. You can make loot off of loot, but you have to play the market well. You have to know what people are wanting, and in return have that ready for sale/trade. In turn you can always seem to make PP off of your items via the AH or the market forums.

    Personaly I have 2 clerics. I KNOW, I'M BROKE! lol but really I just have to work hard in trading and looting to find the items that keep me in the black. Sometimes I hit rock bottom. Other times I make good proffit. It depends on how much you put into it, and in return keeping up with what people want (knowing the true value of items, and their constantly changing prices).
    Sensei Ryley
    Alts- Kungshi Ryley and Shihan Ryley

    Officer of the Sovereign Blades on the Khyber Server.

  9. #29
    Community Member theweeman's Avatar
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    muahahaha wyldechyld is the reason im so filthy rich, i dont buy plat, i send every piece of armor and wep lvl 8 or above to wylde(my hagglebard) and sell to the house k/d venders, anything good i pull gets put on ah with a very resonable buyout(what i would pay if i needed the item) dude this works.... and great, at the time i post this thread im sitting at 3 mill plat in inventory, got bout 1 mill plat on ah bidding on sweet gear, and i end up w/ all my uberloot all on 1 toons bank, every so often ill spam a busy enterance with stuff i got for sale at a respectable price
    but as it works out wylde makes me 5-15 mill gp a week.....

    ps. dont forget i play alot so lotsa loot is found.

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