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  1. #1
    Community Member kingzero's Avatar
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    Default How do you Do It?

    I can never figure out how some of you out there have million(s) of plat. How do you do it? I just did 5 solid hours of loot runs today, and netted about 40k plat after buying potions (Qwiji ftw!) and keeping some of the better items for future endeavors. This is on top of the 8 hours I did yesterday which netted me 100k plat. So for 13 hours that's 140k plat give or take. I'm not complaining, any plat is good plat...I just don't know how some of you have built up that big of an empire. (maybe my lack of faith...disturbs me?) ((get it?)) I know the AH is a good way to make some plat, provided that people want what you are putting up there...but I have a hell of a time selling anything I have on the AH. (no one wants my disruptor!!!!1!!!111one) do you plat-ionaires do it? oh, and for the record none of this was written in blue
    Flying Solo for the first time since Jan '07
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  2. #2
    Community Member Kavel_Havae's Avatar
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    Great Pulls put in the AH... for big money...
    Forum Auction / Fire Sales, take all your clutter items and take bids on them or price them for sale in a thread.
    have 1 ungodly haggle bot toon that doubles as a mule.

    Just a few ideas.
    BTW I have 1 plat capped Toon right now.

  3. #3
    Community Member InfidelofHaLL's Avatar
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    really high haggle toons and use a +10-15 haggle item on everyone even if they got crappy haggle skill it + get ghero or songs from a bard :P and then you will see a nice increase to the amount of garabage u sell to vendors

  4. #4
    Community Member deathtouch's Avatar
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    Depends on what loot runs you are doing, if you run From Beyond the grave on elite you can get some good stuff, Trial by fire, POP, maybe take a stroll in the Orchard *shudder* also the desert is a good spot for looting, If you're get +6 stat items you can get at least 3million gp's at the AH depending on what they are, Vorpals 1million+, Tombs 500,000+, or run the scale quests a full set of scales can get you around 3.5-4 million.

    Hope this helps.

    I didnt use to do loot runs, but recently the cost of scrolls for multiple toons, wands, pots, its getting to much lol...

    Show me someone who believes in something, and I will show you a fool : Kerr Avon

  5. #5
    Community Member Rog's Avatar
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    Wink Loot

    u want plat get a bard spec him for haggle loot run the highest end chest in the game and plat will come a +15 haggle item helps. but loot running the loot run of the week helps even more.
    follow the old kyber way :Get loot before the dev fix it or nerf it when good loot drops u loot run till your face turns blue then change toon and loot run some more before the chest is nerfed. happy looting and follow the old kyber way and plat will soon be yours.

  6. #6
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    Default Makin' dough!

    Quote Originally Posted by kingzero View Post
    I can never figure out how some of you out there have million(s) of plat. How do you do it? I just did 5 solid hours of loot runs today, and netted about 40k plat after buying potions (Qwiji ftw!) and keeping some of the better items for future endeavors. This is on top of the 8 hours I did yesterday which netted me 100k plat. So for 13 hours that's 140k plat give or take. I'm not complaining, any plat is good plat...I just don't know how some of you have built up that big of an empire. (maybe my lack of faith...disturbs me?) ((get it?)) I know the AH is a good way to make some plat, provided that people want what you are putting up there...but I have a hell of a time selling anything I have on the AH. (no one wants my disruptor!!!!1!!!111one) do you plat-ionaires do it? oh, and for the record none of this was written in blue
    I cycle through periods of poverty, mostly because of running a cleric as a main and my own play style of indiscriminately using scrolls. I know that some clerics refuse to use scrolls and prefer to work on mana-management, so play style will impact your need for plat in a big way.

    Anyway, proper use of the AH is an excellent method for making lots of money. Of course you can always try to score big by putting a vorpal on the AH - and many people do - but remember that there are also AH trolls like me who are searching out the vorpal that was mistakenly listed for coppers on the plat, so to speak.

    If you spend some time going through the AH you will learn the relative value of many items, and that will help in a bunch of ways. First, you will know how to properly price your own items. Second, you will be able to spot deals that you can buy and re-sell.

    Additionally, you can make it a habit to visit the armor and weapon and other market vendors, looking for items that you know are hot sellers. Many people don't like to deal with the AH at all so you can find all kinds of deals at the vendors. Yes, they charge a lot - but it is worth it if you can flip the item on the AH for even more!

    Perhaps my speaking this way will anger some people who complain about high AH prices - and I suppose that I contribute to that 'problem' in some ways - but it is just the economy! And in the economy you can be a shark or a minnow. I choose shark!

    Finally, and in this area I need to follow my own advice, don't hold onto a lot of items. The game generally does not require that you have an armor for every situation, or a weapon for every situation. Find items that have multiple points of utility - if you are playing the AH correctly you will find them! Flaming pure good/flametouched items work in lots of situations, as do holy pure good/flametouched items and transmuting or adamantine items. It is tempting to have holy greater banes for every situation - but really, does the low number of vermin and magical beasts make it worth keeping? Trust me, someone will love that weapon that you are hoarding!

    Good luck, and have fun!

    Gerkar Gates

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Default Makin' dough!

    Quote Originally Posted by kingzero View Post
    I can never figure out how some of you out there have million(s) of plat. How do you do it? I just did 5 solid hours of loot runs today, and netted about 40k plat after buying potions (Qwiji ftw!) and keeping some of the better items for future endeavors. This is on top of the 8 hours I did yesterday which netted me 100k plat. So for 13 hours that's 140k plat give or take. I'm not complaining, any plat is good plat...I just don't know how some of you have built up that big of an empire. (maybe my lack of faith...disturbs me?) ((get it?)) I know the AH is a good way to make some plat, provided that people want what you are putting up there...but I have a hell of a time selling anything I have on the AH. (no one wants my disruptor!!!!1!!!111one) do you plat-ionaires do it? oh, and for the record none of this was written in blue
    And one last thing... if there is a loot vs xp weekend there should be no question where you are spending your time! My wealth started in BtG loot runs on a +1 weekend!


  8. #8
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    From the ah .. but i'll bet you dollars to donuts that some of the cash entering the economy via ah sales was bought and paid for. So you see how plat farmers ruin things.
    Server Sarlona / MST / Guild Enslaved / Characters Ionos, Cydekik, Xalavan, Rodessa, Hethrow, Ramsteen

  9. #9
    Founder Chelsa's Avatar
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    Some of us have been playing since headstart.

  10. #10
    Community Member Rog's Avatar
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    Default hey

    when i sell to house d house k or market i hope that noobs that cant afford the ah will buy those goods really does **** me off when that shiit winds up for 5 miilion to 10 million plat that some dam plat farmer or greedy player decides he can make a buck off of they put that in so new players that dont have might get at lest some sort of weopon or amor without being forced to buy from those dam plat farmers there crappy shiit its never the best but its not 5 million k itmes ether sorry for all the new players trying to get a start off of others people wares this is the reall reassion we got plat farmers i think i pug group i dont care if your a ranger rog new player if your able to do the quest then i take you with me i believe it helps them and proves i can lead any party to success when you do this to them really hurts my game play i work though the noobs with crappy weopons and amor taking a beating they should not have to face but it takes longer to complete the quest so TY FOR SCREWING THE NOOBS who need to shop in house d k and the market to get there gear

  11. #11
    Community Member muffinlad's Avatar
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    Tempest Spine has 7-10 decent chests for looting all prior to the Marut (1 more) and Sor'Jak (2 more). If you are looking for quick cash runs, that can help.

    Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.

    AKA, Cb,Cg,Cj,Cl,Co,Cp,Cq,Cr,Cs,Ct,Cw,Cx,Cz and...Edvard. All the other C's were taken.

  12. #12
    Founder KaKa's Avatar
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    Fact: People buy Plat
    Second Fact: people who buy plat are stupid.

    Stupid people think just because its expensive means it is hard to get. Sell some nice stuff for large amounts of money on the AH and see it get bought. Ta-Da your rich.
    Tassandra - The Bard Seth - ♠♣The Rogue♥♦Tassander - The Cleric ♀ Calysto - The Wizard ♀
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  13. #13
    Founder Osharan_Tregarth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingzero View Post
    I can never figure out how some of you out there have million(s) of plat. How do you do it? I just did 5 solid hours of loot runs today, and netted about 40k plat after buying potions (Qwiji ftw!) and keeping some of the better items for future endeavors. This is on top of the 8 hours I did yesterday which netted me 100k plat. So for 13 hours that's 140k plat give or take. I'm not complaining, any plat is good plat...I just don't know how some of you have built up that big of an empire. (maybe my lack of faith...disturbs me?) ((get it?)) I know the AH is a good way to make some plat, provided that people want what you are putting up there...but I have a hell of a time selling anything I have on the AH. (no one wants my disruptor!!!!1!!!111one) do you plat-ionaires do it? oh, and for the record none of this was written in blue
    Pretty much the way you just did... You just have to dedicate some time to earning money.

    So far, you said you'd run two days(fairly heavily) and made about 140k platt. Dedicate your in-game time to running loot for another two weeks, and you'll have your first million plat. (Boring as hell... I've never bothered. But I've done it for a day or three when I wanted to buy something especially tasty from someone. Just ran strictly loot runs until I'd built up 500k plat to turn over to someone else).

    I'm sure some of the head start people can remember(like me) the times when all of your characters were capped, you had your account maxed out, and there was nothing/no place to go to do anything. So the bulk of the quests were just trying to find the fastest/easiest loot runs. Back then(at least in the guild I was in) almost every member had a capped cleric, melee, and caster, so you could run a quest to ransack and then switch over to another needed class to do it all over again.

    It also helps if you have capped, established characters. It took me about six months after the gianthold came out to get all of my high level melee characters vorpals, disrupters, etc... But once I finally got them geared up, everything else I pulled was EXTRA. I could keep it, or sell it for money, or give it to a guildie.

    Generally, these days, I keep stuff or trade/give it to guildies. I've got enough extra toons coming up that I'll put just about anything to use eventually. If I start running low on funds, I'll pull out a vorpal or disruptor or something that I've got in the bank, and sell it off on the auction house.
    Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
    I've taken the craft disturbing mental image feat... You have been warned!
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  14. #14
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    Default screwing the noobs??

    Quote Originally Posted by Rog View Post
    when i sell to house d house k or market i hope that noobs that cant afford the ah will buy those goods really does **** me off when that shiit winds up for 5 miilion to 10 million plat that some dam plat farmer or greedy player decides he can make a buck off of they put that in so new players that dont have might get at lest some sort of weopon or amor without being forced to buy from those dam plat farmers there crappy shiit its never the best but its not 5 million k itmes ether sorry for all the new players trying to get a start off of others people wares this is the reall reassion we got plat farmers i think i pug group i dont care if your a ranger rog new player if your able to do the quest then i take you with me i believe it helps them and proves i can lead any party to success when you do this to them really hurts my game play i work though the noobs with crappy weopons and amor taking a beating they should not have to face but it takes longer to complete the quest so TY FOR SCREWING THE NOOBS who need to shop in house d k and the market to get there gear
    Wow, Lunarsong, I really disagree with you here. Your assumption that everything on the AH being plat-farm related is not on target.

    If there is an economy within this game, and since the AH is a sanctioned method for buying and selling of items, how is it 'greedy' to play the economy of this game? To me, it is PART of the game!

    Any MMORPG does not have plat farmers because of an in-game AH. Plat farmers exist because people are willing to purchase plat OUTSIDE of the game. Of course I agree that buying and selling virtual gear for real life money is horrible for the game; but I see no foul at all in 'playing' with the virtual market with virtual commodoties.

    There are ample opportunities for players, new or old, to purchase good items both from vendors OR from the AH. I don't see it as negatively as you seem to see it.


  15. #15
    Founder Vardak's Avatar
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    Default Economics 101

    Buy low... sell high. Supply/Demand marketing aka "Never give a sucker an even break"...

  16. #16
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    I figure a lot of them had capped (level 10) characters within a month after release, and have been doing loot runs ever since

  17. #17
    Community Member kingzero's Avatar
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    1) Thank you for the advice.

    2) "Founders" sure to love to rub it in people's faces that they have the founder title and have been playing since head start (hey, so have I...on my first account...)

    I have a few capped characters, and I have had a steady income of plat since I started, but now that I'm supporting 2 clerics and trying to establish some coin for future endeavors, it seems daunting. I don't spend any plat buying weapons or twinking out characters (save my low level 3rd cleric), I guess you can say I run nekkid until I find something of value to me. I think it's more fun that way.

    Most of money goes the way of my clerics, pots for my tanks....scrolls and what not for my bard and helping out the fellow PUG cleric. If I was more stingy with it, I suppose I wouldn't be asking this question. It just seems like there is a lot of plat, all for the taking, if you have the right economical sense and know what to do with it.

    Thank for the advice everyone, I'll report back soon after I try it all out.
    Flying Solo for the first time since Jan '07
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  18. #18
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingzero View Post
    2) "Founders" sure to love to rub it in people's faces that they have the founder title and have been playing since head start (hey, so have I...on my first account...)
    Hey, now - not all founders have capped characters and their own personal dragons' hoards. I just assume most of them do (not me, of course. My highest is 12 & I still cringe at the thought of paying 100,000gp for anything at the AH, even if I know it's worth it)

    Oh, and one other thing - if you want to make the most out of your loot runs, have a hagglebard sell your stuff for you (the stuff that's going on brokers or general vendors). Even a low level one with under 20 haggle can make a noticeable difference.
    Last edited by Arianrhod; 12-07-2007 at 09:31 AM.

  19. #19
    Community Member kingzero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arianrhod View Post
    Oh, and one other thing - if you want to make the most out of your loot runs, have a hagglebard sell your stuff for you (the stuff that's going on brokers or general vendors). Even a low level one with under 20 haggle can make a noticeable difference.
    Ah, I didn't know that haggle worked the other way too. That's good news! Thanks.
    Flying Solo for the first time since Jan '07
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  20. #20
    Community Member Fura's Avatar
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    Default My way...

    I play only 2 main and ransack PoP every week since GH go lives.
    Time and loot run. There's no other secrets. Gl.
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