I have read many of the other posts recently discussing Total Respecs, and have given a good deal of thought to this idea. After talking with a Guildmate of mine, I think we came up with a solution that will solve most of the issues discussed in the other threads. I am not espousing the Pro vs. Con of the Total Respec (but personally, I think it should be available as a Premium Service, for say $10-$20 per Respec)
The "Fair" way to complete a DDO Respec.
#1) The Total Respec should be a DDO Premium Service. $10 or $20 USD to purchase.
#2) The Total Respec should have a 3-month timer per character.
#3) The Total Respec will allow conversion of a 28-point character to a 32-point character.
#4) The Total Respec will NOT allow changing of Name, Race or Appearance.
#5) The Total Respec will leave Favor, Items, and XP Intact.
Total Respec Process
1) The Player logs into the DDO Premium Services Website, and orders a "Total Repec" for their specific character.
2) Within 24-hours, the character is delivered a "Total Respec Token", which goes into his inventory, as a Bound Item.
3) If this item is in your inventory, you can type /FullRespec to initiate the Respec System.
4) Your character is logged out, and the game examines your character, and strips all eaten Tomes off, and recreates each of these Tomes, as Bound Tomes, in that Character's Inventory.
4a) OPTIONAL: +1 Tomes are set with NO ML. +2 Tomes are set with ML9, +3 Tomes are set with ML12
5) You are taken to the Class & Alignment Selection Page, then the Stat Point Page of the CharGen for your character, with 32-points available for all non-Drow
6) You set your Stats, Skill Points, then Feats. Click Finish
7) You appear, where you logged out, with your previously eaten Tome back in your inventory (as Bound Tomes) and a Level 1, but with all of your previous XP.
8) You eat your tomes, and run off to your trainers to level back up to wherever you were.
* The Optional 4a is an attempt to balance the fact that +2 Tomes are almost always Bound Raid Loot, and +3 Tomes are always Bound Raid Loot. This will further "Balance" Tome re-application. ML9 is usually a minimum for running the Dragon and the Titan, and ML12 for Stormreaver and Abbot. But this can be left out.
The key to this method is the "Tome Stripping" We know that Turbine tracks Tomes (Inherent Bonus), at the very least to the highest-level Tome you have eaten. By "Stripping" your Tomes, and recreating them in your inventory, you prevent any Tome usage from affecting Character Generation and initial Feats & Skills, helping to preserve the balance of the characters. Recreating them as Bound Tomes in your inventory will allow you to keep the benefit of all your Tomes, but not to sell or trade them. Keeping your XP, Items, and Favor, means you have to take a few minutes to run around and re-level up to whatever level you were previously, but does not impose any unnecessary penalty on the character (Consider the Penalty that it is ONLY available as a Premium Service, and you had to pay $$$ for that).
Now, if Turbine does have a way to track what Tomes you ate and at what level, then simply set a ML on each Tome to the Level the Tome was previously eaten at. This may be a problem if you ate a +1 and a +2 Tome in the same stat... but if they can track it, then you get both a +1 and a +2. Otherwise, you get a +2.
One item of contention may be 4a - Setting the Tomes to have a ML. This is an attempt to prevent +2 or +3 Tomes from unfairly adding to INT for skill points (As rolling an Odd INT and taking a Tome @ 1 to get more skill points is a common practice, we don't want to lock that out), or qualifying for feats too early. I chose L9 & L12 because +2 Tomes start appearing as Raid Loot in the Dragon (L10 quest) and the Titan (L12 Quest), but most players start running the Dragon around Level 9, and the Marilith & Stormreaver around Level 12. Yes, I know many do it earlier, or later, but I think that is a "Fair" middle-ground level selection. It is also chosen as L9 & L12 are the "Standard Feat" levels, and this would prevent gaining access to Feats that you would not have been able to access normally. Additionally, +2 Tomes are obtained through 1750 Favor with is usually obtained WELL after Level 9, so I think that helps to offset this.
A 3-month timer will keep the Respeccing to a "Sane" amount, and setting it as a Premium Service will make Turbine a little $$, and make sure that players who Respec do so with greater care.