Before I start this, a little disclaimer:
There are several threads out there complaining about the relative power of certain classes/races, and asking for them to be nerfed to make them more "equal".
I have no problem with the expansions and enhancements that have been given to other classes. I simply feel that, on its own merit, the Rogue class has been underpowered and continues to become less and less viable.
Right off the bat, two things Rogues are renowned for - climbing surfaces and stealing - don't exist in DDO. Beyond that, things are still getting worse. Skill enhancements have been reduced. The difficulty to find and disarm traps has increased. Stealth has been altered to make any actions taken break it, and simply sneaking around still has issues.
The argument has been made that traps are going to be more powerful in future MODs, but I doubt that would change the (all too familiar) tactic of "buff the tank and let them run through and set it off". Honestly, how powerful can you make a trap that can't be overcome by a bunch of buffs nowadays?
To give Rogues some love (come on, Devs, show us you care!), I'd like to suggest the following:
1. Rethink some of these dungeons (please hold your groans) and start adding the potential to complete them using stealth and smarts rather than brute force. In theory, a Rogue with high enough skills should be able to make it through many dungeons without killing a thing (at least, this is possible in PnP, and YES, I know this isn't the same). This simply isn't possible in DDO's dungeons as they are currently created, where you have to kill a creature or a mob to open a door or a chest, or to retrieve an item. As it stands, the Harbor quest to retrieve the Eye of Khyber (honestly, the ONLY low-level quest there was that could be done totally by stealth) was ruined with the MOD that made any action you take break stealth. The Marketplace quest to retrieve the stolen signet is a wash because there's a kill requirement, instead of simply being able to recover the object. "Thinking" one's way through a dungeon pretty much amounts to "What's the fastest way to kill everything?". This needs to change. You could take this even further, perhaps adding a "guile" bonus to an adventure for using sneaky means to accomplish certain goals (this is
NOT the same as the "no kill" bonus).
2. Increase skill bonuses: Combat classes get the big fighting bonuses. Casters get their SP and metaspell bonuses. Give Rogues back their higher skill bonuses, or at least make them multiskill bonuses again instead of individual. Skills are the Rogue's stock-in-trade, and a wide range of high skills is what helps a Rogue shine. Considering what other classes are capable of in their own rights, this definitely wouldn't be an unbalancing change.
3. Fix Stealth: I agree that attacking should break stealth for everybody. No issue whatsoever with that. Still, sneaking is a Rogue's bread and butter, and they're second to none at it (sorry, rangers). There are many actions Rogues should be able perform (open doors/chests, operate switches) without breaking stealth because THAT'S WHAT THEY DO. They sneak. They skulk. They steal.
The argument was made way back when that monsters would react to things being opened that shouldn't be. The obvious answer is that Rogues would close things behind them. A Rogue opens a door, he closes it behind him. He opens a chest to loot it, he shuts the lid afterwards. Even a pulled switch can be explained. A roaming guard would be unlikely to notice it since they're more concerned with looking for intruders. Little details like these are things Rogues use to their favor. Let them do it.
4. Trap setting: Just as Rogues can disarm traps, they should be able to reset them to hurt monsters (possible in PnP if you're skilled enough) instead of the party. Also, Rogues should be able to build and set their own traps. This could lead to a whole new shop chain, with rogues purchasing traps or trap components with various effects and levels of damage. If the crafting system ever gets implemented, it shouldn't be difficult to allow rogues to make their own. You could even create a whole new prestige enhancement: Trapsetter.
5. Distractions: Along with stealth, Rogues should have the ability to redirect a monster's attention elsewhere. This could be done using a consumable item which a Rogue would throw in a particular direction to draw a wandering monster away from his goal. Aiming could be accomplished with mouse look, much as ranged attackers do to shoot at something beyond sight range.
(cough - Beholders in Invaders - cough)
6. Climbing: Ladders are nice, but a good Rogue can climb almost any wall or other surface, given a chance. Granting rogues the ability to climb walls or cliffs to reach higher vantage points opens up the potential for new options; sniping enemies, finding hidden items, or even discovering new quests (think of the value a Rogue would have if the only way to reach a quest entrance involved a high Climb skill). Once at the top, a rogue could lower a rope or somesuch for the other members of the party.
7. Picking pockets: Stealing from PCs would create a lot of headaches, but how about lifting a few coins (or low level items) off the vendors? Plenty of adventures involve needing a key or object a certain creature is holding, why not sneak up and steal it? (If the tanks want to kill the creature afterwards, that's their business.) At higher levels, this could open new tactics in combat, as a highly skilled Rogue could potentially steal a creature's weapons before the fight begins.
8. Scavenging: Beyond all else, Rogues know how to look for items of value. I don't mean your standard "spot/search" checks, anyone can do those. A rogue knows to look for the stuff anyone else would miss, and can determine value better than almost anyone. Giving them a chance to find an extra item on a dead body or enhance the value of recovered loot by examining it and discovering a hidden quality would certainly improve a Rogue's value in a party. This could also be improved with prestige enhancements.
9. Booby Traps: Specifically, trapped chests. Not the kind we have now, where you can find a box outside the chest, linked to a trap that goes off when the lid is opened. I mean trap the chest itself. If the chest is opened without being disarmed, "BOOM!!!" Take your standard fire/acid/lightning damage, and THE LOOT IN THE CHEST IS DESTROYED!!! I'm not suggesting a possibility that EVERY chest is like this; certainly the end loot chests in quests should be left alone. But allowing a small percentage that any OTHER chest in the dungeon could pop off would definitely allow a Rogue to improve his worth.
(Note: A lot of these suggestions would also be great for Bards and Rangers to one degree or another.)
Anyhow, that's my 2 coppers' worth.
Anyone else got any suggestions?