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  1. #21

    Default I'm not an RP type but I like to have a reason for each character.

    I figure out a theme, sometimes a story but often a theme or even just a name, and then try to realize it as a DDO character.

    I have one impossible theme that I keep resurrecting but unsatisfactorily: the confluence of existing names and DDO prudery filters make it really hard to create Faster Pussycat Kill Kill. I've tried various alternate spellings but they are all lame and end up in the delete bin.

    Another tough theme to encharacterize (? what kind of word is that ?) for completely different reasons are ones that require melee and caster. They mix awesomely in PnP but not so much in DDO. So we won't be seeing "Ardent Sparksmore, Adventurer/Technician" anytime soon. Closest I have come to a decent fighter/magic-user so far is a wizard/monk, she is up to level 12 and is a kick to play, but I worry about her in the end game.

    On the other hand, I've had great success with the theme "Halfling Commando". I have one perfect Halfling Commando and two others that I think will work well when I redo them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post

    The Dathenor sisters ... The Pyxy's ... All those girls are elves ^_^

    My non elves ... dwarven lass ... ... pure cleric Human ...
    Kalari we have just got to get you set up with a Halfling. You really have no idea what you are missing
    Last edited by geoffhanna; 04-28-2009 at 11:57 AM.

  2. #22

  3. #23
    Community Member Mr_Ed7's Avatar
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    Default idea

    My Drow Fighter-Wizard is based on the Drow of advanced. Like others elves they take advantage of the dual-class system. The Drow were reknowned for their two-weapon fighting, so I embrace that as well.
    I like to make claim that I am the One True Fighter-Wizard.
    This build is a blast to play!
    The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC

  4. #24
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Hehe im thinking of remaking Washuu ^_^ she was my halfling wizard based off the character from Tenchi, its just to bad I cant copy her wicked hairstyle I got her to level 4 before I rerolled her
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  5. #25
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Sadly, any char I have created with a theme/or role playing aspect to them, seems to turn out to NOT be a good DDO char. Several have been deleted or made into Mules.

    Drkpriestess AlmostEvliBattleClr is CN and refuses to use any "good" Bless for instance. She prefers Bane. She does use wands for things like Remove Curse etc. But chooses to memorise Bestow Curse instead. She meorises all the Inflict wounds spells and Unholy Blight as well.
    She wears Armor with skull design on it (a green version of the BloodPlate Armor graphic) And Shield with a Skull design, and several clubs that look like they are toped with a skull. She has in her bio: "/beg and /kneel: that's how you get me to heal."

    My Female WF Brb only wears a Pink Docent around town....but can't find a good Pink one to wear in a dungeon.

    My CC Enchanter specced Sorc Khanari has only two spells that actually cause damage. And for the longest time, I refrained from actually killing anything in a dungeon. She considers killing something beneath her and only fit for crude low-brow melee types. Occasionally the party runs off without killing one of her held/stone baddies and she turns her back on the monster and casts a Firewall on him with a flick over her shoulder as she slowly walks away from the monster, as if he is no concern to her.

    Blackfeather is a Ftr Archer build. He's an Elf with a huge scar on his face and a Mowhawk haircut. He's CN and was designed to be a steriotypical Native American Elf warrior. Even prefered handaxes as a melee weapon at lower lvls. He also uses shields with an Arrowhead design on them.

    Halfling Thrower Build named Tomahawk who prefers hand/throwing axes. He also wears glasses and his bio says something about him being a near-sighted marksman.

    WF Rgr who wears a Helmet that looks like a Samurai helmet and used to use a Sword that looks like a Katana.

    Blackmace got deleted but he was a bludgeoned specced fighter.

    Professorwiz Warforge Doctor is a dragon marked human wiz who is designed as a WF healer(repairer)....and old bald man who also uses the Iron Companion enhancements and jokes about needing to fix that oil leak....he also carrys hirling contracts (all WF of course) (My very own Terminator!

    I'm sure I have more.....but unfortunately none of these turned out to be very good DDO chars...
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  6. #26
    Community Member Mr_Ed7's Avatar
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    Thumbs up I like

    Quote Originally Posted by Talon Moonshadow View Post
    Sadly, any char I have created with a theme/or role playing aspect to them, seems to turn out to NOT be a good DDO char. Several have been deleted or made into Mules.

    Drkpriestess AlmostEvliBattleClr is CN and refuses to use any "good" Bless for instance. She prefers Bane. She does use wands for things like Remove Curse etc. But chooses to memorise Bestow Curse instead. She meorises all the Inflict wounds spells and Unholy Blight as well.
    She wears Armor with skull design on it (a green version of the BloodPlate Armor graphic) And Shield with a Skull design, and several clubs that look like they are toped with a skull. She has in her bio: "/beg and /kneel: that's how you get me to heal."

    My Female WF Brb only wears a Pink Docent around town....but can't find a good Pink one to wear in a dungeon.

    My CC Enchanter specced Sorc Khanari has only two spells that actually cause damage. And for the longest time, I refrained from actually killing anything in a dungeon. She considers killing something beneath her and only fit for crude low-brow melee types. Occasionally the party runs off without killing one of her held/stone baddies and she turns her back on the monster and casts a Firewall on him with a flick over her shoulder as she slowly walks away from the monster, as if he is no concern to her.

    Blackfeather is a Ftr Archer build. He's an Elf with a huge scar on his face and a Mowhawk haircut. He's CN and was designed to be a steriotypical Native American Elf warrior. Even prefered handaxes as a melee weapon at lower lvls. He also uses shields with an Arrowhead design on them.

    Halfling Thrower Build named Tomahawk who prefers hand/throwing axes. He also wears glasses and his bio says something about him being a near-sighted marksman.

    WF Rgr who wears a Helmet that looks like a Samurai helmet and used to use a Sword that looks like a Katana.

    Blackmace got deleted but he was a bludgeoned specced fighter.

    Professorwiz Warforge Doctor is a dragon marked human wiz who is designed as a WF healer(repairer)....and old bald man who also uses the Iron Companion enhancements and jokes about needing to fix that oil leak....he also carrys hirling contracts (all WF of course) (My very own Terminator!

    I'm sure I have more.....but unfortunately none of these turned out to be very good DDO chars...
    I love that your builds are conceptual. I love my 8Fighter/8Wizard, and my 5Fighter/5Cleric. The Dwarven Fighter-Cleric is a TRUE BATTLE-CLERIC, and thusfar my spells are mostly attack, and or "debuffing" spells. Great characters both really.
    Thanks for sharing.

    btw Sicarii Darkhour the Fighter-Wizard has a cool horned helm, purple skull-armor, duel wields with one weapon being the Chaosblade.

    Morlock Sixfinger has a shaved head, handle-bar moustache and an eyepatch. He wears spiked armor.

    again, good-job
    The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC

  7. #27
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    I'm gonna keep my new barb in Hide armor since his AC sucks anyway and no shield. Because you just look so freakin bad-ass with an Owlbear head on your chest and bearclaw fuzzy slippers. I will at least try to find the skin on a +5 Hide.
    I have a set on my Great Crossbow Ftr. Talonkhan The Hunter. He's got a Mongolian look to him and I imagine him as a big game hunter...using his medievel elephant gun.

    I also had a lowbie Brb who wore a +1 version of that armor. He later got deleted though.
    Bamn Bamn Pebbles Banger was a max Str Halfling Brb who used a great club.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  8. #28
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr_Ed7 View Post
    I love that your builds are conceptual. I love my 8Fighter/8Wizard, and my 5Fighter/5Cleric. The Dwarven Fighter-Cleric is a TRUE BATTLE-CLERIC, and thusfar my spells are mostly attack, and or "debuffing" spells. Great characters both really.
    Thanks for sharing.

    btw Sicarii Darkhour the Fighter-Wizard has a cool horned helm, purple skull-armor, duel wields with one weapon being the Chaosblade.

    Morlock Sixfinger has a shaved head, handle-bar moustache and an eyepatch. He wears spiked armor.

    again, good-job
    Not all of my chars are like that.....I've created chars on everyserver and two accounts...lots of room to experiment.
    And like I said, most of the themed ones didn't really turn out that well.

    Though in hindsight.....
    Blackfeather and Khanari are capped. Drkpriestess made it to 14.
    Blackfeather is a one trick pony, but he's the best archer I've seen in DDO.
    Still he's a master of a gimped fighting style and the Rgr cap has made me strongly consider hid permenet retirement...

    Khanari is actually a very good char as well......but her lack of damage spells and nuking ability make her weak against red names.....and no one really cares how easy they got through the trash mobs, if they don't have the firepower to take down the end boss. Still she makes many quests a cakewalk, as she can neuter an army in seconds.

    The more I read this thread the more I realise I've made even more themed chars than I thought.

    Metaphysical Knight of the Magi is a WF Battle Wizard. 18Str, PA, and buffs up to whack things with a Qstaff. His name was a play on words for his more physical applications of magic.

    Talonkhan the Hunter has a mongolian look to him, uses a great crossbow, has some minor stealth skills and wears hide armor that looks like a gryphon skin over his shoulder.

    Bamn Bamn Pebbles Banger was a max Str halfling Brb who used a great club and had that same hide armor design.

    Tornadokhan was designed from day one to use whirlwind attack as soon as possible.

    Mekt Ranzz is a lightning specced sorc based on Lighting Lord from the Legion of Super Heroes comics.

    Had a dragon marked halfling cleric named Doogiehowser MD. (deleted of of fear for vilolating naming rules...and a general bordom with healing clerics)

    Phantomheart is a WF rogue who has in his bio the words from the Wizard of Oz song, If I only had a heart."

    Shieldknight(two versions) was a shieldbashing specced char. First draft is a mule now, but second version has some promise as an intimitank....although his Dex and Cha aren't high enough to max AC or Intimidate.

    Hmmm.....might be all.
    Most didn't get past lvl 5 or so.....but a few have made it higher. (two got capped)

    My WF Rgr I mentioned in an earlier post looks awesome in his Samarai helmet. Kinda like a golem I saw in some old horror movie. His face actually looks like Japanese armor as well.

    Edit: just thought of one
    Docwhite The Seventh Husband
    A Dwarf Cleric with white beard and glasses. His bio tells how he and his brothers were suduced by a young princess and forced to toil away in the mines, while she sat at home all day singing and playing with furry animals. He came to Stormreach to fight a never-ending battle against evil and cute little gold-diggers everywhere.
    Last edited by Talon Moonshadow; 04-29-2009 at 11:16 AM.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  9. #29
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Talon... you rule...
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

  10. #30
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    Talon... you rule...
    (hope that was a compliment)

    I just get bored easily. While othes are checking their Shroud timers, I'm off fidling around with a lowbie somewhere. I like the Raids...esp like the Shroud loot.
    But been there, done that, got the greensteel.

    I log onto my main everyday (when I'm not at sea anyway. )
    And see if there is any interesting groups for him....Visons Elite?!...nope....nothing I haven't done with him yet.......hmmm....what to do, what to do?

    I consider Thelanis my home, and don't usually experiment there...char slots are too valuable there. Transfered several from there after the merger.

    But we got a whole bunch of other servers, and I got a second account so my daughter could play with me.....lots of room to play around.

    But like I said, I don't consider any of those my main, and many get deleted if they don't turn out to be fun to play.
    Most aren't good DDO builds, but it's fun to do something different for awhile.

    Sadly it's those odd-ball char that have the most "style" and the best bios...
    Feel sad about the ones I deleted.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  11. #31
    Community Member ~Bandage's Avatar
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    Twigman: Capped halfling barbarian who uses combat expertise and only uses quarterstaves (aside from vorpal and wounding).

    Twig started out after I collected staffs for the soon-to-be-released monk class. I ended up with so many cool staffs, and no good date for monk release, that I made Twig so I could get some use out of them. I went with barbarian because I didn't have one, halfling because I didn't have one, and combat expertise because trip sounded like fun.

    At cap, Twig can self-buff to 50+ AC, or go full-out DPS mode with 30-ish AC. He's got 24-26 in Str, Con, Dex, and Int. I've had him intimi-tank the dogs in hound, tank the reaver, take the devil/orthon/cat in shroud, etc. The improved trip can take down pretty much anything on 2 legs without a red name, and a great deal of the 4-legged foes as well. Still trying to land a trip on a spider, though

    The build doesn't make any sense at all... people give some strange reactions when the barb takes the int rune in subterraen... but he's a blast to play, and an effective combatent in end-game. That even surprised me.
    Guild Leader ~ Twelve Moons ~ Sarlona

    AKA: Bandage (C20), Questionable (F20-15), Durkonn (P20-12), Supreme (W20), Shhh (Rog19/F1), Twigman (Brb20), Xykon (Rgr 20), Mightytool (F20), Shazbotte (S20)

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