With the power word spells having an increased hitpoint range to make them somewhat useful in DDO, I think it's also time for the Devs to take a look at Dismissal and Banishment. Compared to other instant death spells, they're severely underpowered. Let's compare Dismissal to PK and FoD against a high level elemental.
Let's assume a casting stat of 30.
Dismissal has a save of:
10(base)+7(Heighten)+10(casting stat)+14(character level)=41
In comparison, PK and FoD have a save of 27. If all three spells are cast at a 25 HD elder air elemental with a will save of +10(which would most likely be typical in endgame content) here's the results:
Dismissal has a 41 save, minus 25 for the elementals hit dice for a save DC of...16. With a +10 will save, the elemental succeeds on a 6 or better(70% of the time).
Finger of Death has a save DC of 27. An elder air elemental(according to the SRD) has a fort save of +12. To save against a FoD, the air elemental has to roll 15 or higher. For a 25% chance of succeeding.
PK without heighten has a save of 24 will/24 fort. Against our elemental(with saves of +10 will/+12 fort), we get the following success rates:
First save 14 or higher(30% chance to save).
Second save 12 or higher(40% chance to save).
Which, if I've done the math right(big if), works out to a 58% chance to fail both saves(or a 42% chance to succeed). Still much better than a dismissal's meagre 30%.
In summary, even a unheightened PK has a better chance of taking out an elder elemental than a heightened dismissal. Which is the problem. Dismissal is a spell that's designed to kill a very specific type of enemy. It's completely useless on anything other than outsiders. PK and FoD will kill anything living, including almost all outsiders. And they do it significantly better than dismissal.
So a proposed fix. Instead of using caster level, have both dismissal and banishment use caster level*2. This would leave to the following:
10 47 22
12 51 26
14 55 30
16 59 34
The first column is caster level, the second is the DC(if heightened) and the third is the modified DC for a 25HD enemy. That would leave us with a DC 30 dismissal from a level 14 caster against a 25HD enemy. Which seems about right. After all, Finger of Death with the same stats is DC27 and is much more useful. Dismissal and Banishment should be better than any other instant death spell against their specific targets. As it stands now, you're much better using FoD or PK than Dismissal or Banishment(Banishment would only equal FoD if there were 3 or more targets!).
Please change these spells to make them usefull.