Looking to get sheild piece 3 for my shield piece 4 may even add 1 or 2 of the following items to the trade depedning on which ones:
+4 cursespewing hand axe of tendon slice 2% (wf dc22)
+1 cursespweing dwarven axe of pure good
+2 true chaos dwarven axe of dragon bane
+1 thundering dwarven axe of greater abberation bane
+5 shock dwarven axe of backstab +1
+3 flaming burst dwarven axe of pure good
+5 seeker +2 adamatine greatsword of pure good
+3 flaming burst rapier of enfeebling
+3 flaming burst falchoin of deception
Other melee:
+4 icey burst great club wieghted 1%
+1 paralyzing club of rightousness
+4 flaming burst heavy mace of shattermantle
+3 anarchic warhammer of undead bane (dwarf rr, dc 18)
+1 shocking burst greatze of enfeebling
+2 seeker +2 heavy crossbow of smiting
+2 true law compostie shortbow of dragon bane
+2 frost composite shortbow of draogn bane
+1 keen longbow of greater orc bane
+1 anarchic cold iron retruning throwing hammer of greater giant bane
+3 weaking returning shuriken
+5 heavy adamantine sheild of stability
+4 mithral tower sheild
+2 mithral deathblock fullplate
+4 fearsome studded leather of light fortification
+5 adamanitine chainmail
Silver ingot arcanum
Copper ingot arcanum
Fragment of the silver flame
Silver longbow
Greataxe of the chained soldier
Helm of freewill
Ac+6 bracers
11 tapestry pieces
Large collectible bag
Will add more when i check my other toon/do some looting...