I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who attended my little PvP tourney. It looks like everyone had a good time and conducted themselves well. (Except for me, I was cursing at Maui the whole time he was beating me. I just had mic turned off so he couldn't hear me.)I also wanted to thank the honorary judges that helped judge the matches as I couldnt be in two places at once. Also, much thanks to Mulligan for letting me steal his rules and everyone else for helping to refine some of our own. Good showing and good times!
Well, its about that time again. I am putting together a large PvP tourny with cash and maybe a few other nice items as rewards. I am taking some cues from the folks over on Khyber seeing as they have put together some pretty nice rules for their event. The rules and info are as follows:
When - Saturday 12/15/07 at 3PM EST
Structure - Each match will be 1 vs 1. There will be a melee competition and a caster competition. Each match will take place in an arena instance with myself or another Transgression officer judging the match. (Melee= Fighter, Ranger, Pally, Barb, Bard, Rogue. Caster= Sorc, Wiz, Cleric)
Where - The melee's will fight in the center platform on top. Jumping/falling off of the platform once is allowed. If you do it twice the match is over and you lose. Casters have the run of the entire arena and may cast all their spells. Even dispel
Rules - No wands, scrolls, or dispeling will be allowed in melee competition.
Banned Weapons - Sever aka Limbchopper is the only banned weapon
Fee - There will be a 25k Plat buy in for those that wish to compete
Cheating/Unsportsman like conduct - If someone breaks any of the above stated rules they will lose the match they are in and will be unable to advance any further. In addition the plat they had paid is forfeit. Any childish behavior or unsportsman like conduct will be deal with in the exact same fashion. This is suppose to be a competitive but FUN time. No fuddy duddies allowed....Sorry.
The fewest deaths in 10 minutes determines the winner. In the event of a tie there will be a final show down fight in the bottom middle of the lobster pit so everyone can watch. If it gets out of hand or anyone interferes, the match will be taken back to the arena without the spectators.
Prizes - Plat will be paid out to top 3 contestants in both the caster and melee competition. 1st=60% 2nd=30% 3rd 10%
Also in an effort to get some of the people who do not have extensive pvp experience we will have several random drawings for several epic weapons and items ie. vorps, smiters, banishers, disruptors, grtr banes etc. ONLY FOR THOSE SIGNED UP TO FIGHT!
(If anyone would like to donate any items to the pot (and it would be greatly appreciated) send me a pm or get a hold of me in game.)
The Combatants
Archtype OR Maleus
Archaik OR Advookate