32pt Human 7 Fighter/ 3 Paladin/ 4 Rogue
str: 14 (+1 tome +6 item +2 ftr-enh +1 hum-enh +1/8L): 25 (+1 more at 16th to 26)
dex: 14 (+1 tome +1 rog-enh +6 item): 22
con: 10 (+1 tome +6 item +1 hum-enh): 18
int: 16 (+1 tome +1/4L + 6 item): 24
wis: 10
cha: 14 (+1 pal-enh, +2 tome, +6 item +1/12L): 24
1: Rogue - [Nimble Fingers], [Toughness]
SP: 48: DD:4, Search: 4, UMD: 4, Intim: 4, OL: 4, Bal: 4, Tumble: 4, Jump: 4, Spot: 4, Haggle: 4, Hide: 4, MS: 4
2: Fighter1 - [Dodge]
SP: 6 Intim (+1): 5, DD (+1): 5, Seach (+1): 5, UMD (+.5): 4.5
3: Paladin1 - [Combat Expertise]
SP: 6 DD (+1): 6, Search (+1): 6, OL (+.5): 4.5, UMD (+1.0): 5.5
4: Paladin2 [+1 int, + 1 int tome] (Divine Grace, Lay On Hands)
SP: 7 DD (+1): 7, Search (+1): 7, OL (+0): 4.0, UMD (+1.5): 7
5: Paladin3 (Aura of Courage, Divine Health, Fear Immunity)
SP: 7 DD (+1): 8, Search (+1): 8, UMD (+1): 6.5
6: Fighter2 -[Quickdraw], [Skill Focus: UMD]
SP: 7 Intim (+5): 9, DD (+0): 8, UMD: (+1): 9, Search (+0): 8, Spot (+1): 5
7: Fighter3
SP: 7 Intim (+1): 10, DD (+1): 9, UMD (+1): 10, Search (+1): 9
8: Fighter4 - [+1 str], [Weapon Focus: Blunt]
SP: 7 Intim (+1): 11, DD (+1): 10, UMD (+1): 11, Search (+1): 10
9: Rogue2 - (Evasion), [Improved Crit: Blunt]
SP:13 Intim (+1); 12, DD (+2): 12, UMD (+1): 12, Search (+2): 12, OL (+2): 6, Spot (+3): 8, Balance (+2): 6
10: Fighter5
SP: 7 Intim (+1): 13, DD (+1): 13, UMD (+1): 13, Search (+1): 13
11: Fighter6 [Stunning Blow]
SP: 7 Intim (+1): 14, DD (+1): 14, UMD (+1): 14, Search (+1): 14
12: Rogue3 (Sneak Attack 2), [Weapon Specialization: Blunt]
SP: 13 Intim (+0): 14, DD (+1): 15, UMD (+1): 15, Search (+1): 15, OL (+6): 12, Spot (+4): 12
13: Fighter7
SP: 7 Intim (+2): 16, Search (+1): 16, UMD (+1): 16, Jump (+1)
14: Rogue4
SP: 13 Intim (+1): 17 DD (+2): 17, UMD (+1): 17, Search (+1): 17, OL (+4): 16, Spot (+4): 16
__Ending Skills__
Intim: 17, DD: 17, UMD: 17, Search: 17, OL: 16, Spot:16, Bal: 6, Tumble: 4, Jump: 5, Haggle: 4, Hide: 4, MS: 4
+1/+4/+1 Base 4 levels of Rogue
+3/+1/+1 Base 3 levels of Paladin
+5/+2/+2 Base 7 levels of Fighter
+4/+4/+4 (+4 resist item)
+2/+2/+2 paladin aura (+1 enh bumped)
+7/+7/+7 divine grace with 24 cha
+4/+6/+0 attr
+4/+4/+4 Greater Hero
+5/+5/+5 HV IV Save Boost
+0/+4/+0 Uncanny Dodge
35/39/26 20 seconds of crazyness (reflex save in the litany force trap while gathering stones)
10 Base
15 +5 Mithril Breastplate- 15% ASF for wiz spells (lose 1 ac and 10% asf if you go with +5 mith c-shirt)
1 armor mastery I
1 dodge feat
2 self paly aura
5 +5 prot item
6 +4 Large Shield (Skyvault/Fanion - 0% ASF for wiz spells)
2 chaosguardes (or 1 if ethereal bracers)
3 +3 Ac bark potion or seal of earth
5 combat expertise
Stacking AC Boosts available
+2 Full Ranger Barkskin
+2 Full Paladin Aura
+5 HV AC boost
+4 Uncanny Dodge boost
+1 Haste
+2 Recitation
+3 more for Titan Raid Chattering Ring
(If you're really Ted, what number am I thinking of)
6 Fighter Strength II
2 Human Charisma I
2 Paladin Charisma I
2 Rogue Dexterity I
2 Paladin Extra Lay On Hands
1 Paladin Extra Smite Evil I
4 Paladin Resistance/Bulwark of Good I
6 Critical Accuracy III
3 Fighter Strategy Stunning Blow II
2 Human Improved Recovery I
10 HV IV
1 Item Defense I
2 Rogue Skill: +1 DD/Search
6 Fighter Toughness I-III
7 To play with (more skills or armor master...)
Updated with AC info