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Thread: Batman build

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Exclamation Batman build


    I have a lvl 7 ( 5 fighter/2 paladin ) i was wondering if anyone could link or tell me the batman build. I know that it is fighter/paladin/rogue
    What i dont know are the levels you put into each class, and the attributes you buy with your action points.


    thankyou, if you wish to contact me ingame my user is Azrath~Tharashk

    yes i was in Tharashk server when it was merged XD

  2. #2


    I don't know if Grenfell ever respec'ed the Batman build after the 3.3 Human Versatility Nerf.

    At Level 12 Gren's Batman was human 4 rogue, 2 paly, 6 fighter. Note that the build was very sensitive to attributes and rogue HAS TO BE the first class taken due to the *4 skills received at level 1.

    My Batmanish build has gone 4 rogue, 3 paly, 7 fighter at the 14 update. I still find the class combining rogue skills, intimidate tanking, full UMD - and with mine blunt/stunning blow spec to be pretty useful and fun. Though with AC mattering less these days, its tougher to intimidate and take it. I would guess a current version would be better suited focusing on HP over AC (without excluding AC).

    I figure with the cap going up in order to get the BAB 15 5th attack, I'll be adding 2 fighter levels... maybe 1 paly and 1 fighter for the 4th level paly spells... probably depends on whether they change current enhancement lines.
    Casual DDOaholic

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Yeah, at this point you'd be pretty hard pressed to make anything resembling a "batman" in the traditional sense considering you missed rogue at lvl 1 and all those skill points. At this point the best you could do would be to pick up evasion and invest heavily in a couple of skills (perhaps UMD, perhaps Spot). There is no way at this point you could pick up enough ranks in Search, Disable, UMD, Intimidate, Spot, etc to fulfill the traditional "batman" role.

  4. #4
    Community Member aaronyee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    the good thing is that you are only a level 7 toon at this time. depending on the groups you get with, you can restart a new toon and get back there in short order... less than a week if it is your main. You can also go for a full out pally/fighter and depending on race, enhancements and equipment, you can make a really good tank to play till you get your 32 pt. build.
    it has taken me less than two weeks to get my fighter pally from 0 to level 10, my batmanish from 0 to level 5 and my main from the beginning of 13 to capped 14.4. Mostly running with guildies that know the game and where the xp is at. So basically if you find several good people to run with you can make up lost time real quick, which is nothing compared to a toon that you don't like and don't really enjoy as much

  5. #5


    I think most of the batman builds got nuked in the great forumn rollback. If not, search for it using the search features.

    Generaly it is no longer a popular build but there are many "batman" characters out there.

    It is probably too late for you to turn your character into one. You really need to start as a rogue and you have to make an investment in inteligence to make it work.

    Basicaly the Batman build is a verry defensive fighter (intimidate tank style) combined with full rogue skills. These days it is easiest to do as a drow, but the original build was human. It is not as popular as it was because high AC is no longer as guaranteed a defense agaisnt late game content and batman didn't have lots of hit points or damage output to fall back on.
    Former Host of DDOcast
    Member of The Madborn of Thelanis
    Streaming sometimes on twitch as SigTrent

  6. #6
    Community Member Jeannie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default solo-able character


    I am working on a character that I can solo pretty reliably at through at least mid-level. I have seen various builds of fgt/rog mixed with pally or ranger and am wondering if anyone can provide any input. A lot of the batman builds I have seen are dependent upon specific equipment that I may or may not have access to. I doubt this girl is going to solo any high level content, but I am hoping to be able to get through most mid level quests.

    I am level 2 so far, level 1 is rogue, level 2 is fighter.
    If I go Pally, LOH won't be anything great. On the other hand, improving my saves would be nice.
    If I go ranger, I can get bow strength and TWF, although I am still undecided on TWF vs sword and board.

    My starting stats are
    Str 15
    Dex 16
    Con 12
    Int 14
    Wis 12
    Cha 10

    I haven't done too much with enhancements yet other than rogue skill boost.

    The only item I am using so far is +1 str bracers. (I also have access to +4 and +5 tools as I have a capped rogue.)

    I don't have a lot of plat so can't rely on buying tomes. I am not certain I would want to invest tomes in this type of character anyway because I think she might be too much a generalist to be very effective at anything at high levels.

    Any thoughts on where I should go with level 3 and beyond? Or if I need to change any stats before I invest too much more time?


  7. #7


    The stats on the original Batman build were pretty much spread across all the attributes with wisdom ending as the "dump" stat. The strong attribute requirements are int (to keep rogue skills upped during non-rogue levels), charisma (for the paly save bonus and umd base), and strength (for all things melee and intimidate).

    The key capabilities of the build are: Trap skills equal to an average rogue (mid 50's skills at 14 using HV boost and buffs), high saves and survivability (boostable to 40's if you need from HV/uncanny dodge for 20s), UMD (35, 40 with HV), Intimidate (40's, when boosted grabs the stormreaver when he wanders into the casters), AC 50's+ with CE (55 with HV AC boost). My build went stunning blow plus blunt spec.

    I believe a drow version of the build, would actually have 2 more attribute points (to push into con).

    I refeat speced a number of Grenfell's original suggestions in order to pickup toughness and more fighting skills. I believe the changes are as encapsulated below:
    __Feat Differences from Original Batman__
    stunning blow over improved trip
    quickdraw over skill Focus: intimidate
    Weapon Specialization: Blunt over bullheaded
    Toughness over Skill Focus: Disable
    For levels 15, 16 I'll probably go two more fighter levels to get BAB 15, and pickup the feats Force of Personality (+7 will save) and probably Improved Trip.

    I'll post my current massive-twinked Batman that still mostly functions... but is insanely gear dependent:

    32pt Human 7 Fighter/ 3 Paladin/ 4 Rogue
    str: 14 (+1 tome +6 item +2 ftr-enh  +1 hum-enh +1/8L): 25  (+1 more at 16th to 26)
    dex: 14 (+1 tome +1 rog-enh +6 item): 22
    con: 10 (+1 tome +6 item +1 hum-enh): 18
    int: 16 (+1 tome +1/4L + 6 item): 24
    wis: 10
    cha: 14 (+1 pal-enh, +2 tome, +6 item +1/12L): 24
    1: Rogue - [Nimble Fingers], [Toughness]
    SP: 48: DD:4, Search: 4, UMD: 4, Intim: 4, OL: 4, Bal: 4, Tumble: 4, Jump: 4, Spot: 4, Haggle: 4, Hide: 4, MS: 4
    2: Fighter1 - [Dodge]
    SP: 6 Intim (+1): 5, DD (+1): 5, Seach (+1): 5, UMD (+.5): 4.5
    3: Paladin1 - [Combat Expertise]
    SP: 6 DD (+1): 6, Search (+1): 6, OL (+.5): 4.5, UMD (+1.0): 5.5
    4: Paladin2 [+1 int, + 1 int tome] (Divine Grace, Lay On Hands)
    SP: 7 DD (+1): 7, Search (+1): 7, OL (+0): 4.0, UMD (+1.5): 7
    5: Paladin3 (Aura of Courage, Divine Health, Fear Immunity)
    SP: 7 DD (+1): 8, Search (+1): 8, UMD (+1): 6.5
    6: Fighter2 -[Quickdraw], [Skill Focus: UMD]
    SP: 7 Intim (+5): 9, DD (+0): 8, UMD: (+1): 9, Search (+0): 8, Spot (+1): 5
    7: Fighter3
    SP: 7 Intim (+1): 10, DD (+1): 9, UMD (+1): 10, Search (+1): 9
    8: Fighter4 - [+1 str], [Weapon Focus: Blunt]
    SP: 7 Intim (+1): 11, DD (+1): 10, UMD (+1): 11, Search (+1): 10
    9: Rogue2 - (Evasion), [Improved Crit: Blunt]
    SP:13 Intim (+1); 12, DD (+2): 12, UMD (+1): 12, Search (+2): 12, OL (+2): 6, Spot (+3): 8, Balance (+2): 6
    10: Fighter5
    SP: 7 Intim (+1): 13, DD (+1): 13, UMD (+1): 13, Search (+1): 13
    11: Fighter6 [Stunning Blow]
    SP: 7 Intim (+1): 14, DD (+1): 14, UMD (+1): 14, Search (+1): 14
    12: Rogue3 (Sneak Attack 2), [Weapon Specialization: Blunt]
    SP: 13 Intim (+0): 14, DD (+1): 15, UMD (+1): 15, Search (+1): 15, OL (+6): 12, Spot (+4): 12
    13: Fighter7
    SP: 7 Intim (+2): 16, Search (+1): 16, UMD (+1): 16, Jump (+1)
    14: Rogue4
    SP: 13 Intim (+1): 17  DD (+2): 17, UMD (+1): 17, Search (+1): 17, OL (+4): 16, Spot (+4): 16
    __Ending Skills__
    Intim: 17, DD: 17, UMD: 17, Search: 17, OL: 16, Spot:16, Bal: 6, Tumble: 4, Jump: 5, Haggle: 4, Hide: 4, MS: 4
    +1/+4/+1 Base 4 levels of Rogue
    +3/+1/+1 Base 3 levels of Paladin
    +5/+2/+2 Base 7 levels of Fighter
    +4/+4/+4 (+4 resist item)
    +2/+2/+2 paladin aura (+1 enh bumped)
    +7/+7/+7 divine grace with 24 cha
    +4/+6/+0 attr
    +4/+4/+4 Greater Hero
    +5/+5/+5 HV IV Save Boost
    +0/+4/+0 Uncanny Dodge
    35/39/26 20 seconds of crazyness (reflex save in the litany force trap while gathering stones)
    10 Base
    15 +5 Mithril Breastplate- 15% ASF for wiz spells (lose 1 ac and 10% asf if you go with +5 mith c-shirt)
     1 armor mastery I
     1 dodge feat
     2 self paly aura
     5 +5 prot item
     6 +4 Large Shield (Skyvault/Fanion - 0% ASF for wiz spells)
     2 chaosguardes (or 1 if ethereal bracers)
     3 +3 Ac bark potion or seal of earth 
     5 combat expertise
    Stacking AC Boosts available
    +2 Full Ranger Barkskin
    +2 Full Paladin Aura 
    +5 HV AC boost
    +4 Uncanny Dodge boost
    +1 Haste
    +2 Recitation
    +3 more for Titan Raid Chattering Ring
    (If you're really Ted, what number am I thinking of)
     6 Fighter Strength II 
     2 Human Charisma I   
     2 Paladin Charisma I
     2 Rogue Dexterity I
     2 Paladin Extra Lay On Hands
     1 Paladin Extra Smite Evil I
     4 Paladin Resistance/Bulwark of Good I
     6 Critical Accuracy III
     3 Fighter Strategy Stunning Blow II
     2 Human Improved Recovery I
    10 HV IV
     1 Item Defense I
     2 Rogue Skill: +1 DD/Search
     6 Fighter Toughness I-III
     7 To play with (more skills or armor master...)
    Updated with AC info
    Last edited by Gratch; 12-18-2007 at 06:06 PM.
    Casual DDOaholic

  8. #8


    As to the perceived survivability failing of Batman.

    I've probably tanked the StormReaver (elite) 6 or so times - usually there's a more dwarven 400 hp candidate. 286 hp (unbuffed) plus madstone boots + 2 LoH (which work while madstoned) = reaver tank survivability.

    Though yes, the 10 initial con hurts.

    As a question... I know a number of others went pretty similiar off the Batman build... did you ditch it or how did you respec?
    Last edited by Gratch; 12-17-2007 at 06:57 PM.
    Casual DDOaholic

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