Have to give you some background about my life in DDO.
Im so confused! In this game...in general. I have a Happiness problem in this game. I have 3 14 clerics...a 14 fighter and a 13 rogue. Out of all of them I only like 1 of them. My cleric, and to be honest if i had to do it again I would take off that 1 pally. He is to geared now and to much work to do that. My other 2 clerics was a 28 point build and a drow i just jacked up. *points into heal* that kinda stuff. My fighter I lived in 5 days Rl time to 14. When i got to 14 I just hated him. I don't know why it took me to 14 to dislike him. He is TWF and well..I didn't know that barbs are the king of TWF...I never looked into them and when I found that out...my drive to play him faded. Thats just kinda the person I am sadly. I've remade characters way to much. Wasted to much money in tomes and newbie gear...its getting out of hand. My rogue is pure and I love the trap/search/open lock portion of a rogue but hate getting destroyed *when i made him a long time ago...dex and int was the way to go..and he started with 10 con* I know you can get your ac decent and what not..but even sword and board..I feel useless meleeing with him becuase he gets put down fast and hard.
Now with all that said. I have only truely stuck with 1 character and thats my cleric. I always come back to him. My cleric when i made him the final time..i took the pally becuase I felt i could heal and melee a little. Well..thats changed..I dont melee at all...even thou on him I can. I just dont thou..love healing and controlling and destruction. I honestly know just think i hate melee. Everytime I try it I end up quiting or just forgetting my character can do it.
My problem. I raid everyday...way to much. My guild is relentless in raiding and my wife along with them heh. They have 4-8 characters apiece..and theres only 7 of us. I am the only one with 1 character. In every other MMO i've always enjoyed having one character and always playing him and only him. Made it better for me. This game just inst built that way. I can either make another character or just do something with my guild every 3 days. I NEED another character. I know i could log on the ones i have...but I just dread it when I do that. Not how i wanna play.
So i've been thinking about bard lately. I never thought i could play one becuase I am the type that doesnt like hybrids. Not being the best at something always makes me think i'm never good enough. One reason I am thinking of it is due to the healing. I can't stand not being able to heal myself. 90% percent of the reasons I always give up or restart characters is becuase some horrible cleric/healer in a PUG just doesn't do there job and we die becuase they rather run in with a sword then heal the 3 other tanks we have to do that job. SO i always revert back to my cleric becuase atleast I know my group will be safe. But in general a bard has everything I like in this game. Healing/Control spells/Buffs. Im not a huge fan of damage spells except finger of death type. i honestly rather look at the parties health and target players then have to chase around mobs all mission long.
So my plan
I am either going to make a drow pure bard...probably 20 cha 14 con and rest into dex and make a pure group supporting bard and controller or
remake another cleric lol. And run 2 clerics all the time with my guild. 1 huge problem with this thou. Its the samething all over again. Same gear..same job...(which I love)..and same experiences. Which leads me to believe that I will probably quit this game much easier if I don't find something that changes things up for me. But I fear that I will make a bard..level him up and give it up again and be back at this spot. I wish you guys could understand how many times I've grinded on chars. I probably if had the slots and could combine levels...would have over 25 characters level 14 by now if I never quit them. (sad..sad).
SO if someone could please who has played a bard for a long time or just really knows there stuff. Help me with a build for a bard that might fit my purpose. I don't want to melee..only thing I am not open too.
Sorry about the typo's...its 3 a.m. here almost...and have been reading the boards and just thinking of what I have to do to get over this hump of finding a second character that I will be happy with.
Thanks in advance