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  1. #1
    Community Member Brutous's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default Looking for a solid group-

    I'm looking for a solid group not a guild but a crew of guys and/or gals who I can regularly run with. I would also like to state that I will freelance for guilds as well however I rather not join but if you need someone who can fill a spot I'm your guy- In addition I have notice it is really getting sparse on free lancers- Is everyone joining these 40 to 50 player guilds?

    I know its not a requirement, however I would really like to know if there is a shift in the way people are allowed to level? Is joining a guild really the only way to level? I know the answers to these questions, but I would like to start the conversation and maybe come to a mutual consensus as what is really out there for us Free Lancers and small guilds.
    He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
    Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Pugging (Or freelance as you seem to put it) is quite an acceptable way to level. I've had characters level 90% from pugs for the must part. Personally I like being in a guild though. You get more parties forming than just in the LFM panel, your groups are predictably better for the most part, people tend to be more generous, and even if everyone is in a different party you can still chat while waiting for your group to fill up.

    Now if you are off peak (08:00-18:00 Eastern time), then of course groups are harder to find. During peak though, theres usually tons of groups looking for players of all kinds.

    If you are also lvl 7-9, then you are in the current twighlight zone of midlevel-tastic dread. Even in guilds it can be hard to get a full group going at these levels. Just suck it up, get some exp from soloing the tangleroot and desert explorer zones while looking for a party, and get yourself over the hump.

    One last tip, is dont sit LFG, and then wait. Actively look at the LFM panel, because for some reason we argonessenians seem to have forgotten where the LFG people are listed, and they tend to be ignored even if there are 12 groups actively begging for a character of that class and level. Its weird, but its like that.

    Ok one really REALLY last tip. Make your own group if you dont see one on the LFM panel you like. That way you get to pick your quest. Just don't make a group for lvl 9-12s if you are lvl 7. I HATE people that do that. Its obvious they want to be walked through something and not contribute. And pick something of your level or lower, expecially if you don't know the quest well. Otherwise you may have a tougher time getting a party together.

    Ok ok ok, one REALLY REALLY super absolutely last tip. You don't need 6 to do a quest. 4 is enough. 3 is often enough if you are carefull. 2 is decent if the quest is well known. 1 is ok if you don't mind dying lots
    Star Firefall
    20 Rogue Assasin
    Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)

  3. #3
    Community Member Quietstorm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Guild or not

    Run with us freelance and see the difference in game play....Imphyy, Akyraa, Mooglii.
    With a guild that plays alot (peak hours) we just run 2 man til we fill....we usually dont even pug.

  4. #4
    Community Member twix's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    Im somewhat of a guild ***** being in several different guilds but i also like to keep my toons unguilded some of em.Pugging is gret meet a lot of people.Once people know who you are its pretty easy to have a steady group of people to play.Just keep pugging it. Maybe ill see ya around

  5. #5
    Community Member Brutous's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default Greetings

    Cool- thanks for the offer guys-

    This week I'm mostly going to be going back and fourth with my lowbies- trying to get them ready for some stuff-
    He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
    Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil

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